Immigration From Ireland The Catholic Irish 1845 1921 Travel over to the US Chain Migration Anchor Immigrant o Chain Migration An individual family cannot afford to send 1 person over so the entire village has to sell all their things to send this 1 person over Costs only about 50 o Anchor Immigrant then sends money back to village so that they can send another person over moves to new country works their ass off and Usually a young man They have an Irish wake to say goodbye because they know they will not see this person again Huge drinking party Trans Atlantic Crossing o Takes about a month and a half o Does not have money for food goes into debt with ship captain and debt is sold to local debt collector Steerage Class Tickets in the boat where there is no cabin just storage o Like in the titanic dancing scene o Not allowed to come upstairs of the ship so they don t spread diseases to the rich passengers o Let out on top of ship when close to harbor get sea sick and they throw up a lot Coffin Ships o Ship Fever tuberculosis caught in air cough up blood until you die o 15 25 Death rate Immigrants Factors of Success o Money Common Immigrant Poor unskilled single o Numbers Chain Migration Anchor Immigrants 260 million back to Ireland 1 5 Million during the Famine 1 Million more with chain 2 5 million from 1845 1921 Location Only ended up in 2 places where the boat went because they could not afford to go anywhere else o New York o Boston Ethnic Enclave o 1 Five Points Not nice New York City o 2 Southie o WASP s hate it they do not assimilate lose power South Boston Mass Location Housing Ghettos Lien Toos Tenements o 80 of all Irish infants died The America the Catholic Irish Immigrated to Nativist Movement o Gatekeepers of America Culture o What is an American Temperance Movement Evangelicalism Protestantism o Second Great Awakening Anti Irish Sterotypes 1 Religon o Catholic Communion o Transubstantiation o Cannibals o Baby Killers o Blood Drinkers o Brainwashed by Papacy 2 Inferior Race o Black Irish o Simian low browed and brutish o Ape like lazy immoral uneducated 3 Violent o Bar Knuckle Boxing o New York Draft Riots 1863 Conscription Laws o Organized Crime Gangs of New York Dead Rabbits The Irish Mob Prohibition 4 Drunks o Irish Pub Culture Popular Stereotypes of the Irish Irish Americans in Media Anti Irish Sentiment Nativists Political Cartoons Paddy and Bridget Discrimination No Irish Need Apply Irish Wage Jobs Lowest paid Jobs for the Irish Men o day Laborers Factories Mills Mines Boxing etc Trans Continental Railroad o Irishman buried with every tie Women o Factory and domestics Prostitution Resistance 1 Acculturation o Institutional Catholic Church o Irish Culture Irish American Different Roles Parochial Schools Voting Blocks St Patrick s Day Pub culture Music Wakes 2 Voting Blocks 3 Westward Expansion o Railroads o Oklahoma land rush o Industrialization Steel Mills Chicago Pittsburg Detriot 4 Labor Unions o Strikes Irish Americans move up hierarchy How o 1960 Presidential Election of John F Kennedy Irish Americans Today White 36 million today o 12 of population Location o NE cities o Chicago o Southern Cities Savannah Immigration from China 19th Century China Advanced Nation o Old nation vs New nation Divisions within china o Naturally and culturally Guandong or Canton Providence City o Toishan Taishan Life in 19th Century China Differences Family o Patriarchy o Clans o Eldest mate o Surname Why did Chinese leave China 1 Governement 2 Overpopulation 3 Imperialism o Opium wars o Did better in US than in China 4 Weather o Tsunami 5 War and Rebellion Why did the Chinese come to the US 1 Gold Gum Saan gold mountain 2 Work Coming to America Sojourner Return Migration US Chinese into Typical Chinese Immigrant o Bachelor Society Women 2 of population Money o Send individual over to get money o Have enough to get over o 300 000 by 1882 men alone without any family o 1 10 of CA total population Numbers Location o Ethnic Enclave o Chinatown San Francisco CA Ghetto away from WASP s Family Bachelor Society no family The Six Companies Kongsi Most of the Chinese come over with this Eldest male choses Whatever company is chosen becomes your family You make a family out of nothing no blood relation Make allegiance I will take care of your family member and if he dies here I will bring him back to China Created and divided china town into Turfs Find you a job if you lose it and introduce you to your family o Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Society 1880 Leave California and move to other parts of USA o Tongs Organized Crime 5 Develop because they cannot join 6 companies Usually because they have no family in china o Orphan disinherited No link back to China allegiance only in USA Live in China town Pisses the Kongsi off Work Coolies Hard Labor Sell tongs off to WASP s to focus hate say they are bringing over drugs or are involved in crime when they are not o Name given to the Chinese meaning anyone who is willing to do anything for a little amount of money o Everyone hated them because they brought the overall wages down o o 1 Gold Miners Foreign Miners Tax 1852 Law passed saying they cannot own land must mine on others land for min wage Start stealing gold when they sell it they get the Yellow Gold price for it o Yellow Price 50 less then White price Law passed for foreign miners tax Chinese need to pay tax to have this job o 3 out of 6 a month paid for tax o 2 Domestics Feminine Jobs cook clean wash clothes etc take away restaurants opened up as jobs o 3 Fishermen o 4 Transcontinental Railroad Lighters People who do controlled explosions inside mountains to make trails through them paid before they light the fuse make a lot of money if they live and go back to China West side o 5 Migrant Farm Work they want to o 6 Women Prostitution Work at many different farms Paid in cash under the table incase they are here illegally People are not committed to stay can go home for a year if 2 of population that are forced against will and brought over No family orphan wrong place at wrong time Kidnapped by Kongsi Forced to take opiates until they are addicted Service all of the young men without wives WASP Reaction STEROTYPES Inferior Race Un assimilate able o Perpetual Foreigner Never ever going to be able to fit in Chinese keep going back and forth All settle in a place that looks like china Speaking Chinese Social scientists putting racisms into categories o Scientific Racism o Inferior
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