A B not all the same because of different legal statuses complex group a First group not immigrants to United States absorbed a Myth of Illegal two groups hate each other 1 C Mexicans in america rst group A Spanish colonization a created in 1521 1 B Spanish colonization vs English a went all the way up to Oregon 1 3 of the US and current Mexico 2 3 Spanish colonization is about incorporating the groups 1 Spain sends over single men and have them marry into the current population Mixed Children Creates Hierarchy A B C D E Spanish White Mestizo Mexicans largest group means mixture Mulatto mix of spanish white and African Natives Africans C Mestizos a b c never at the top not happy about it want to be 1 leave where the whites are go to the The Borderlands 1 Now they are at the top want land rst son gets everything they don t have a chance to get anything Texas Arizona New Mexico California Area D Mexico to america 1810 1845 a When Spain leaves Mexico Mestizos stay where they moved to because thats where they made their home America wants land for cotton plantations tip toe over out west American Expansion 1830s rly good land in texas Mexicans ght back against this america not a big deal at the time Americas take Texas d e b c d 2 Mexican American War 1845 1848 A treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo 1848 1 president says you keep ghting us we will take all the land america from sea to sea a b c d we call them Mexicans treaty takes land and all the people p we give them citizenship 80 000 Mexicans living in this ares 2 000 of them stay 1 we didn t cross the line you moved it these people are called Mexican Americans are as much as people just moving in 3 Mexicans in the U S A land we take it a way even though its been in their family for hundreds of years a written in spanish signed by a Mexican of cial we say it is null and void signed by Mexico not america legally and illegally 1 legally show us your mortgage A 2 illegally A Extra Legal Organizations a like the KKK not the kkk 1 scare tactics threaten to burn their homes rape the women B C D Miners and Railroads a lot die Migrant farm workers They were Upper Class force them into labor a Before the Mexican AmericaWar Mexicans 1 3 were farm owners and 1 3 skilled by 1900 2 3 unskilled 1 reminiscent of what the english did to the Irish 4 from 1900 1960 this situation the stays same E Mexican Immigration to the United States A what made them leave a Mexican revolution 1910 1930 1 Mexico is led by Por rio Diaz considers himself Spanish he is actually mixed A differing opinions a upper class likes him lower class doesn t 2 Upper Class A he wants to start building factory things have been agricultural for a long time who pays push for industrialization a b c Foreign Development a U S helps we want to own those factories B b c d all the money and pro ts go back to America 1 Diaz thinks that this deal can get Mexico started eventually he will get the money back the Mexicans Upper class loves this they will be managers and partners lower class not happy they will be working for nothing 1 the poor get even poorer C Peons Mexican Workers a people who do peonage forcing people to work for almost nothing in factories and on farms 1 can t said kids to school they need money kids have to work Rurales Extralegal organizations that make sure Peons never rise up and complain 90 illiteracy rate Population so poor one village can t afford to send one person to the U S b c d B C D 1 5 Million Number that come over to U S a location SW States along the border Why Do they come a b its close because of the Chinese Exclusion Act and quoata acts 1 2 cut out cheap labor The can come because they are and exceptions from them Quota Acts E Stereotypes a Inferior Race 1 dirty lthy greasy Brown Skin pigment not white A Mexican RaceP even though they are not a race Un assimilate able Southeast blacks Southwest Mexicans A mexican is the new african american 2 3 the Brown Scare take over 1 2 b c lthy greasy A Lazy 1 Siesta A based on a cultural belief in movies shown as these put brown face B C D Spanish tradition a nap in the hottest part of the day then latter go back to work when it is cooler works where they are from because it is hot we see this as Lazy Unintelligent stupid 1 90 illiterate because of dias A WASPs give them I Q test a test written in english d e Crime Oriented violent 1 2 comes form long line of hatred in beginning Mexican american young men wanted to keep their culture Pachuco boys dresseda certain way dress to mock WASPs A WASPs fear them in groups A Leads to street gangs A fear they are gangs raping white women hand out together after work 3 4 5 make money a b boy get involved in gangs loosely organized Assume everyone is involved All involved in the Drug Cartel 6 7 Illegal Mexican 1 f myth of the Illegal A B all Mexicans are here illegally all hispanics are Mexicans illegal a Haitians Jamaicans etc everyone south of U S 2 3 when things are good we like them bring up this myth whenever we are in an economic downturn A Media A shows undocumented workers even when trying to portray them well 5 6 Love hate relationship with Mexicans Robbins Love em Screw em theory of economics and immigration for Mexicans 1920 1940s A when were are doing economically well we want Mexicans when we are doing poorly we don t like them 1920s B want people o work for low wages C a Roaring Twenties 1 2 low unemployment Mexicans wanted A 1930 s a b c depression 25 unemployment Border Patrol 1 2 3 D 1940s a b c exclusion and deportation of Illegals the border is being patroled extralegal organization sweeping areas that are known for employing mexicans Wartime Economy good making money off the war NEED WORKERS Bracero Program 1 2 we pick Mexican workers up on busses Guest Workers A allowed to come over as guest for a couple of years B 5 million workers come Immigrations 1942 1964 3 1965 E d Immigration and Nationality act makes Mexicans like everyone else can t come in only 20 thousand people a year a b Undocumented people start breaking the law 1 people are hiring them so keep coming 7 1965 today types of immigrants A only 20 000 allowed per year Legal Of cial Visa a b Commuters a B …
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