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1 2 3 4 forced migration long history in America 1619 most different from wasps archeology oral history books by outsiders West African Kingdoms A ex Timbuktu BIG Main Sources of info A B C Ghana Mali timbuktu Songhai A West African Urban Areas Cities A B all trade C trade a b trans saharan trade 1 goes to Silk Road Islam Jewish Christain 2 Gender roles 1 2 3 women have some control men are the traders so women take control A B 5 Agricultural Areas A feed themselves and urban areas farming a like eurs farming communities more traditional not actively involved in trading Gender a B C D E cosmopolitan know about the world modern sophisticated most like europeans a social political and economic systems 1 social class based A upper class middle and lower mobile classes move up and down 1 belief in personal property capitalism money rules 2 3 Political Kingdoms kings and queens Economic system trade still the home and child bearing women sell the goods the men bring home control the money women control the home important so local control of what the society does women primarily are farmers extension on the home b 6 Euro discovery of Africa A looking for Route to the east Trading with Africans looking for gold don t understand how big Africa is Africa has things they want to Ivory Gold 15th cent Portuguese traders a b c d e 16th cent change a b discovery of the new world agricultural workers needed 1 crops europeans had never seen before 1 natives don t work africans ex sugar c B Slavery in West Africa 1 2 3 Slavery already existent in West Africa Trans Saharan trade types of african slaves A 4 B C Class based vs Racial based slavery A B class Temporary slaves still have human rights if miss treated can sue a Predominantly male because they are traders Prisoners of war sold into trans saharan trade for money a Criminals judicial system but not jail slavery Debtors The African Slave Trade Who Helped the Europeans 1 Myth of Pan Africanism A belief that all is one happy country of peace a Hundreds of countries FIGHT a selling others to Eur 2 Trading West Africans A slave traders a b Eurs buy however was already being sold run out 3 Kidnapping West Africans A B C D some west africans help in kidnapping coastal eurs in Africa hated by those in interior of Africa constant ghting want coastal properties Kings Queens of coastal areas a take care of themselves and there people A give Eurs the right to slave send them to kidnap their enemies slave fort Eurs pay export tax to civilizations on the coast Making money 1 B C Give them guides A B high paying job help kidnap How did it go from trading to enslaving 1 Pre Conceived Stereotypes about Africans A from a b c society church media travels Africans speaking about other nations believe what they ve heard what they see focus on differences a b c d Blackness Evil Bad Devil like biblical Satin Grim Reaper Savagery Uncivilized wild barbaric primitive King in jewelry wrong Sexuality naked all the time want sex all the time immoral don t have religion bigger body parts animal like justi es rape 1 Dual Sex Principle for every position a man holds of power a women holds an equal power Eurs don t like see men a emasculated don t respect 2 Heathenism no religion animals no soul because they can t understand god Eurs say slaves have no soul 1 2 Islam Christianity Judaism Monothesism A Polytheism Eurs focus hear A African Traditional Religions B Naturalistic Androgynous Head God C e Animality not every Eur believed English and americas do 1 africans animals humans 2 3 Eurs believed africans were missing link between ape and human animals put on earth to serve africans animals animals serve A religious context A Stereotypes make eurs feel btr Atlantic Slave Trade Triangle Trade Eur nished goods Africa slaves Americas raw goods Eur 1 All on same ships 1492 1880 March to the Coast A Slaving Party a b 10 eurs and an African guide ask for about 75 take more because some die kidnap one person at a time B C c African Guides Shackles a b as soon as subdued shackled then handcuffed to other 1 about 9 other people all from diff groups once quota 2 start march to boats 2 Barracoons HoldingTanks or Slave Forts A Barracoons make shift a people dying from heat stroke water hard to come by B Slave Forts a b c d people in jail sells one door in one out not being fed another 20 die c d e death rate of 30 disease suicide exhaustion March by the end of the slave trade the march takes months death go to big cities rst once you go throw door dead C kept in dark so when people come out they are practically blind e beginning of slave trade more die waiting for boats Later less day because more boats coming many try to escape here 3 Slave Canoes A at this point they are payed for so people don t want them to kill themselves not shackled on the canoes B The Middle Passage took about 3 months at beginning 1 month by end most have never been on a boat sea sick and already in bad shape good for eurs because don t ght back average 25 death rate Tight vs Loose Packers A Tight pack more slaves knowing some will die a b c no room for supplies 10 15 eurs on boat nvr enough food or water 1 1 Ship Conditions A B C dehydration Dysentery loose all liquid in body and die shit to death atrophy make sure they move a bring 100 people up to deck splashed with salt water forced at gun point to dance B C Loose Packers a Tight at beginning loose at end Less people more supplies to keep more people alive 1 Slave Auction A Make slaves look good a b c washed off with salt water then covered in oil dye gray hairs with coal Naked on auction block 1 2 shown as animals see whose healthy B C usually auctioned individually sometimes inn groups Prices of slaves a Factors 1 2 3 adult 18 26 worth most under18 child over 26 elderly Health Gender males worth more Age A B C The Market scarcity price goes up abundance price down Skilled A B C africans rumor that if your skilled you will be treated better medicine cooking black smiths builders teach other slaves the same skill 4 5 b Prices 1 2 3 4 expensive most people not buying adult male good condition 200 2 000 today female adult male good condition 100 1 Seasoning process of making someone a slave A Seasoner job to break someones will teach them to be slaves a b understand speak yes master teach them the lang of wear they are 1 2 teach to do what …

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