1 2 De nitions of Key terms A B C Race assumptions of differences based on real or imagined physical characteristics Racism take physical characteristics and someone becomes inferior or superior because of those characteristics Ethnicity a community of people who have things in common not where you are from Nationality where you are from you can move Nativism racism because of ethnicity People should get to choose D E what does gov do with info A B C the other anyone other then your group once differentiate yourself from people you treat them diff The gov choses what people are Hierarchies a b White Men Black women v A People most like the people in power more your included c The Hierarchy changes how we know them who i will sleep with 1 up and down 3 History of Immigration A Three movements waves of immigration create what the country is starts1607 jamestown 1607 1830 english formative movement form america A B C D First Wave cuz rst people didn t consider themselves immigrants A 1830 1880 a b c rst time we consider it an immigration prob Irish Chinese Germans 1 2 3 B Second Wave A 1880 1920 biggest B a b c Eastern and Southern Europe japanese jews russia germany spain A Stops with Quota Acts 1921 a b rst immigration laws not allow people in 4 Why do Immigrants leave 1 2 Don t want America rst They know we aren t nice to them Most immigrants have to leave don t want to A B Reasons for leaving natural disaster a b religious persecution c gov war d e economic probs f etc Reasons for coming a b c d e f Opportunity religious freedom clean water democracy etc Freedoms america lets immigrants come a some time when americans were one of the few countries allowing people in like jews 5 How do immigrants t in A Today a Assimilation 1 b a Acculturation 1 giving up former culture completely to t in to the new culture white angelo saxon culture what america wants do enough to t in but keep culture like speaking another lang at home In public assimilate in private not 2 a America doesn t want B The Process a Quick 1 2 3 4 5 move where no other people like you come young come from a similar place look the same how educated you are money Marriage 6 7 Slow 1 2 3 4 Un Assimilate able her word 1 ethnic enclave poor with family look different b c Color of skin country doesn t accept 6 What the US wants from its immigrants A Anglo Conformity 1609 19609 was an actual policy a b white historically english complete assimilation A Todays Cultural Pluralism celebrate peoples differences 1980 present c 1 2 leads to 1 2 nativism not acting dislike of people not from this country xenophobia fear of people not from this country a acting upon your fear a ex roach story b c ignorant crazies
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