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Who were the immigrants of the Second wave New vs Old immigrants o New From all over the world Southern Europe Eastern Europe Russia Asia What major movements were happening in America that affected the Second Wave Immigrants America s Industrial Revolution takes place in the 1870 s 1880 s which draws the mass numbers of immigrants here to the U S Gilded Age factory work like iron o Industries became mechanized so we need cheap labor for o Gilded Think veneer of gold covering up a lesser substance o The wealth of this age covered up the rest of the country s o Financial titans control things such as Rockefeller problems Carnegie o Working conditions in the factories unsanitary meat process Immigrants live in unsafe tenements Political bosses are among the social problems Progressive Era o The Progressives emerge They are the ones trying to rectify all of the previous abuses in social life o The Progressives are reformers Two famous include Teddy Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson Upper middle class WASP s lawyers doctors and administrators o They were against monopolistic companies and urban political machines o Believed in representing the people People white middle class o The progressive s saw the second wave immigrants as part of the problem of the gilded age o They helped the political bosses made factory conditions worse and the financial titans grew because of it o Progressives try to correct the problems and go to experts However the experts tend to be racist and prejudiced Scientific Racism o Attempts to use science to support or justify racist beliefs o Craniometry Measurement of a cranium to determine ones intelligence or character Large rounded skulls Good moral character Intelligence The Germ Theory o Pastor comes up with the theory that people get sick due to tiny organisms called germs o Relate germs with immigrants coming into the country thinking they re dirty sickly o Venereal Diseases STD s were thought to be transmitted by using the same towel as someone IQ Tests o Immigration Act of 1903 o Targeted anarchists Because the President was assassinated by an anarchist Literacy tests as part of the Jim Crow South 1890 s 1910 s o No matter how perfectly you read interpreted the part of the Constitution they gave you it was up to the instructor s discretion whether or not you would pass Immigration Act of 1917 o Literacy test in order to enter the country o Banned men and women from entering who were Idiots imbeciles epileptics alcoholics poor criminals beggars any person suffering attacks on insanity In 1919 Prohibition added to the U S Constitution 18th Amendment o Drive against the new immigrants who love their alcohol 1921 and 1924 Quota Acts o The 1921 Act established a quota for how many individuals of a particular immigrant group could enter the country annually Quota 3 of group s population in the U S as of the 1910 census o The 1924 Act established a harsher annual quota New Quota 2 of group s population in the U S as of the Barred Asian immigrants targeting immigrants from Japan 1890 census and India in particular from entering the country as had already been done to the Chinese Quotas did not apply to the immigrants from the Western Hemisphere What was the process of immigration Ellis Island 12 million immigrants approx 5 000 a day Different steerage classes for travelling immigrants So you go through Ellis island based on what class you were in on the boat Steerage class immigrants would be brought to Ellis Island crowded into a room together waiting to be inspected They would then chalk your clothing separate you by defects o These immigrants would be taken off to the side stripped o If you passed the medical exam you still had to go through the checked for sores eyes prodded to look for disease etc IQ tests to see if you re mentally sound What are factors of success for immigrants according for WASPs Have money Small numbers Locate away from WASPs and not all in one group Assimilate Have good stereotypes Why did second wave immigrants leave their countries Northern Italians o No push factors o No need to come to US just came because they wanted to immigrate o Since they have money they migrated as a family o Unifications Overpopulation natural disasters disease taxes Southern Italians tithe Jews o Religious persecution have no homeland o Travel throughout areas of Western Europe but at the mercy of the dominant group in the areas o Russification Russify everyone living under the political umbrella of Russia should be Russian speak Russian practice Russian orthodox etc o Forced assimilation if not you be killed or expelled Mexicans o Upper class push for industrialization but relies on foreign development o Results in lower class being in a type of slavery Peonage enslavement system tenant farming Rurales secret police under Diaz rule that shuts down protests by Mexican workers for their fair share Diaz shuts down education because he feels that this is what Why did these second wave immigrants come to the US Northern Italians o Land and Opportunity Southern Italians Land owned by pope want their own land Opportunity in US because they are skilled workers welcome them with open arms o Job Industrial Revolution unskilled laborers Have lots of jobs for unskilled labor southern Italians are o Mainly factory jobs and other manufacturing plants o Industrial Revolution o US is the only country at the time that allows legal Jewish immigration Jews Mexicans o Very close many walked over o Chinese Exclusion Act excludes coolies low paid workers so the US needs low paid workers Mexicans take these jobs Who were the typical immigrants in each group Northern Italians o Skilled Educated o Known to Assimilate o Protestant and light skinned o Had money Southern Italians o Illiteracy 85 o Unskilled o Family matters most Trust No One o Males make decisions and have power o Non Institutional Catholics Jews o Following the Torah and Talmud to the T you are considered Orthodox o If you interpret guidelines differently you are considered to be reformed or conservative o Practice in a Synagogue in which Christian s hate because it doesn t contain a cross o Sabbath Day Friday night to Sunday morning cannot work in factories because of this Mexicans o Extra legal organizations force Mexicans out of their homes and take their land with westward expansion o Labor miners railroads and migrant farm workers o Before War 1 3 were skilled and 1 3 were farm owners but by 1900 2 3 were

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