19th century after the civil war changed society in lots of ways The Gilded Age 2 25 14 American Families o White women who lived to menopause had an average of seven children by 1900 women had an average of 3 5 Partly due to economy o As more people began to live in cities parents wanted to have fewer children wanted to prepare each child for success in the economy o Children are expensive o Americans started to marry at older ages space pregnancies out nurse children for several years as a form of birth control o Couples used contraceptive methods condoms diaphragms Deeply stigmatized o In 1873 a man named Anthony Comstock worked for the passing of a federal law that banned obscene material from the US mail specifically prohibited info On birth control Limited success on preventing the spread of contraceptives o Education success o More young children started to attend high school Daughters attended in larger numbers than their brothers o Thousands of war widows and their children in this era o Wanted their daughters to have back up skills such as working in an office and going to school before they got married o By 1900 71 of Americans between ages of 5 18 attended school 20th century government officials started to require children to attend school o YMCA young men s Christian association adapted from organizations already introduced in Britain o Really took off after civil war o Combined vigorous activities for young men with evangelical Christianity o Hoped to make young men strong and morally clean o Promoted muscular Christianity especially among white collar workers o Business relied on sports to have discipline employees Thought that playing on a team would foster a sense of pride among workers o Men wanted to play billiards and smoke at the YMCA but eventually they started to make concessions to bring more people in o Instructors at the YMCA invented the games of basketball and volleyball o Exclusive country clubs golf tennis swimming with a dining room and as winter games social events o Elite men took up more aggressive physical sports Sports and leisure o Baseball was the most popular sport Former rules began to be developed in the 1850 s Professional baseball arose after the civil war National league established more than a dozen teams Baseball teams were operated by business men By 1900 American children were collecting baseball cards American men frequently played themselves Most amateur baseball players were clerks and middle class men 1903 first world series was played Some people thought it was a waste of time Baseball provided fresh air and exercise as well as team work and Began independently and was taken up by elite men who wanted to who had extra time discipline prove their strength Managers hired a few African American players 1901 A manager hired Charlie grant a light skinned player and renamed him to be native American Charlie tockahamma A team from Toledo received a letter saying their black player would be lynched All black baseball leagues were created until WWII o Football was the most controversial Began at IB league universities in 1840 s First one was at Yale scored 4 696 points while opponents scored only double digits Incredibly violent 1908 six players died and caused a national outcry New rules protected quarter backs Supporters argued it was a sight for manly combat and men shouldn t be afraid of playing o Bicycles In 1880 s and 1890 s it became very popular Women weren t able to play sports while wearing corsets and heavy clothing so they started to change the way they dressed because they were taking part in physical activity o Charles Gibson Painted the Gibson Girl who was famous for being athletic and Conservative and National Parks taking place in tennis etc o John Nuir o Founded the sierra club which preserved national wildlife o People became more interested in outdoors and camping o Beginning of modern environmental movement in US Nineteenth century politics waving the bloody shirt o Marked became flooded with consumer items priced dropped dramatically o Companies suffered led to economic depression o Severe and fairly long lasting o Prior to the 1930 s people called this the great depression o Mark Twain coined the term the gilded age o 80 90 of people participated in voting generally at white men o Politics were corrupt o Women couldn t vote in most states nor African Americas particularly in o Prior to the Pendleton act government jobs were still awarded during the o Many men became involved in the hope of landing a job or getting a job o Republicans considered themselves the defenders of the union o Waving the bloody shirt bring up the civil war as political tactic used by the south spoils system for a friend the republicans o The terrif a tax on foreign goods democrats saw as unnecessary intervention republicans liked it o Democrats tended to be Irish southern catholic o Republicans native born north and Scandinavian immigrants Corporations robber barons o People who were supposed to be competitors they would portion out the market so everyone got their share o Blind trust everyone would be managed by each other o Two or three large business bought over 2000 of their competitors o Some business included US steel formed when eight smaller steel companies formed into one o Create rich business owners with lots of power o John Rockefeller Synonymous with wealth Oil business made deals with railroads Pursued horizontal expansion Started to try to control all of it In 1880 s his company Standard Oil control 90 of everything in oil industry in America Bitterly opposed to his workers forming unions Men like Rockefeller and Carnegie rose rags to riches o Populism was used to reform society during this time Documentary The West Fight No More Forever 2 28 14 Refers to the same tribes in Water lily the Dakota Convinced they could still live on in the West even though it had been transformed In the summer of 1874 thousands of people marched out of fort Abraham Lincoln and into the black hills where the Lakota claimed as sacred George Armstrong Custer and his soldiers They played baseball and mined gold which attracted more whites A dozens mining camps were created So many times the Indians were promised their land and yet so many times those The Freedom Trail for Whites and the Thieves Road for Indians referring to Sitting Bull was who the Indians now looked to for guidance in defending the o He sat in the midst of gunfire and smoked a
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