Race and Ethnicity Films responsible for Godfather I and II A Better Life and Scarface 1983 Also remember political cartoons posted on Blackboard for the Mexicans Also Information and Key Terms from Film Intros Questions to Consider are also included Short answer questions will only use key terms Immigration from Germany German Immigrants Model Immigrant not homologous Germans largest immigration to U S continuous migration No such thing as Germany City states don t unify until 1871 Each city state has a different prince culture religion and version of the German language Their nationality is their city state Nobody speaks German City states are territorial Immigration in all waves formative first etc Diverse group not all the same Stereotypes US Views Myth of Pennsylvania Dutch Weren t really Dutch said they Doych which means Germans they spoke German Were the first to come to America White protestant Saxon not Anglo English Can assimilate quickly Skilled Hard workers have money and the best at what they do True for all NO diverse White picket fence beer apple pies and Santa America assimilated to German 19 Century Immigration The 1st Wave Who came Largest group 6 million from 1820 1914 Diverse group Religion were 1 3 Catholic 1 3 Protestant and 1 3 Jewish Classes Some have money some do not but the majority will come with Lower Upper Single men don t need to come with money because they can easily make a living Large families with money were common What made them leave 1 Political A Revolutions of 1848 B Conscription Laws rights of mostly upper class have been taken away 2 Economic A Industrial Revolution turned piano beer craftsmen into unskilled worker at factory not getting a lot of money so decide to go to U S with skill B Potato Blight not famine inducing but causes lack of jobs for lower class C Taxes affects all classes Government is uniting 3 Religion If princes lose enemies will kick you out and want to kill you No land at Germany more land at U S Causes upper class to leave Wars needed people draft makes people leave Does affect all classes Protestant is dominant Catholicism and Judaism Anti Sedatism Why did they come LAND How did they know Scouts from the U S Gottfried Duden 1829 Best at propaganda Railroads and Land Need money He talks about the Midwest where there are no WASPs yet in his treaties Jobs are available now in Midwest for lower class Germans use railroads and sell land around railroad for almost free Duden s treaties are mainly for guiding the upper and middle class Rather hire Germans since skilled and hardworking Location settled based on religion class Upper Middle class Midwest ethnic enclaves Duden located them German Triangle Cincinnati Milwaukee and St Louis Large amount at the Midwest Lower Class Ethnic Enclave at Lower East Side N Y melting pot Little Italy China Town and 5 Points Boston Southie German American Life Upper Middle 1 Farming crops used for beer Beer Master knew how beer was manufactured Pianos Germans knew how to tune pianos before this we were listen to untuned pianos Impressed Germans Irish Italians and the U S No assimilation for upper class Lower Class Wanted to get to German Triangle 1 Factories Got promotions before other Americans 2 Social Clubs way to acculturate Many different Germans resulted in many social clubs For Ex Boston and NYC had different clubs based on nationality jobs and religion Both classes set up 1 Parochial Schools Jewish Catholic and Protestant prevents assimilation 2 Newspapers printed in German and about the news in Germany Germans the model immigrants A Were the largest group B Weren t assimilating America loves Germans C Positive stereotypes outweighed the other factors WWII 20th century End of the model World War I Germany knows from newspaper Propoganda Yellow Journalism 2 Main Sides British and German Need U S to pick a side to tip off balance so Britain tells tall tales about Germans Journalism of lies NY Post and posters allow British to make the U S hate Germans Posters include images of Germans portrayed as apes black Huns and baby eaters The U S takes Britain s side and we help them win WWI U S Reaction Thinks that Germans aren t the model immigrant anymore A Pumped up Patriotism used against German and German Americans Americans stopped drinking beer and playing the piano B Violence against Germans Americans began burning books and printing presses and being violent against writers German American Responses A Hyper assimilation change business to an American name Blue cross Blue shield and Blue Ribbon this allows them to stay 20th Century WII Germany Hitler Nazi Germany vs Britain again German Americans aid the war against Hitler propose to support anti Hitler therefore showing patriotism against Germans In U S Alien Registration Act of 1940 affected 300 000 Germans Not in WWII yet Any alien has to register Hoover was president Internment 11 000 German nationals seen as enemies not true sent to jail and forced to stay during war might be spies or rioters Dwight Eisenhower led us into war armed forces German Americans Today 58 million today 17 that admit to being German Assimilation newspaper in German about U S Acculturation ethnic enclaves in Cali Southie and German Triangle Changed last name after WWI and WWII Smith But Americans have assimilated more into German still considered model immigrants skilled and white Jews came from all parts of the world diff languages Hard to assimilate to U S and to other Jewish civilizations China Mideast Germany Main 2 groups Eastern Europe and Russia and German Jews Jewish Immigration to America Anti Semitism Homeland to international people nationality to ethnicity Jerusalem Israel Jews homeland vs Romans had to abide by Roman laws Rome sacks temple Destruction of the Temple expulsion Jewish Diaspora 70 AD Jews were kicked out they moved to other places Always been a minority to other countries Problems w Jews Judaism or stereotypes 1 Hated by Christians Anti Semitism 2 Religion Killers of Christ Smite God smites Jews for killing Jesus thought this was what the Black Plague was and smites people who accept Jews in the community Jews killed Christ w Passover still occurring and they didn t choose Jesus to release from prison Gospels Black Plague 1 3 of people died It didn t affect Jews as much because they washed hands and bathed Smite example Great Depression punished the U S Jewish faith Torah Talmud books of Moses Old Testament 10 Commandments they
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