AMH2097 Final Exam Study Guide Immigration from Germany Not Homogenous Introduction 1 Largest immigration to the US 2 No such thing a Germany or German a City state Difference Language culture and religion b Unification in 1871 Immigration in All Waves 3 4 Diverse group w many city states German Stereotypes 1 Myth of Pennsylvania Dutch 2 White 3 Protestant Saxon 4 Skilled Hard workers Everything they make is quality a True for all NO 5 Easy for them to Assimilate The First Wave 1 Germans Immigration as large families 2 Who came a Largest Group 6 Million from 1820 1914 b Diverse Group i Religions Catholic Lutheran and Jews ii Classes Money Stereotypically have money iii Singles and Families 1 Poor Males Wealthy Family 3 What made them leave a Political Upper Class i Revolutions of 1848 a Bring white picket fence beer burgers hot dogs pretzels Apple pie Santa Clause 1 Civil wars in Germany end with the death of many royal families as other royal families battle to take over land 1 Creation of draft laws makes the wealthy want to leave to avoid them ii Conscription laws b Economic Middle Class i Industrial Revolution 1 Process of turning craftsmen into unskilled work in a factory 2 Lose jobs so head to the US where industrialization has yet to begin a Leads to the creation of Pianos and Beer in America ii Potato Blight Effects lower class as well 1 People cannot eat as there are no potato s so they are starving and need work iii Taxes 1 Government uniting causing taxes to rise significantly c Religion Effects all i Catholicism and Judaism are suffering 19 th Century Immigration 1 Why did they come to the US Land a Gottfried Duden 1829 Sells America for them The Midwest in particular i Railroad land Developing takes skilled workers ii Germans ride the railroad Sell the land to them for almost nothing b Jobs i As industrialization was taking place in Germany the US had not yet started this therefore they still had a place for skilled workers c Speaking mostly to upper and middle classes 2 Location a Settled based on Religion Class b From a town based on their German towns i All move to the same areas 3 Upper Middle Class a Mid west ethnic enclaves b German Triangle Cincinnati Milwaukee St Louis 3 Points to the triangle i Create one of the largest ethnic enclaves ever 4 Lower Class a Lower east side NYC Near Chinatown 5 points etc b Boston Southie German American Life 1 Upper Middle Class a Farming b Beer and Piano Manufacturing i Beer Master Taster Maker ii Manufacturing Create a factory and Assembly Line 1 Middle class job but needs crops which are grown by the upper class iii Center of entertainment industry 1 Steinway Pianos i Stereotyped as hardworking skilled etc So Germans always got the best jobs 2 Lower Class Assimilate a Factories available ii Attempt to move to other Germans in Mid west b Social Clubs For the Germans i Divided up by German s religion location of origin 3 Both Groups set up a Parochial Schools Religious based schools i Used to maintain culture b Newspapers German i Printed in German about Germany Model Immigrants 1 Definition of Model Immigrants a Tell all immigrants that they should be just like the Germans but this is bad i Germans coming in large s and not assimilating b Germans should not be model immigrants 20 th Century WWI 1 World War I a Germany 1st involved b War stalemated so Britain and Germany attempted to persuade the US to fight c British began lying about Germans 2 Propaganda Yellow Journalism a Calling German s Black b c Call them huns and brutes Image of Apes 3 US Reaction a Pumped up patriotism i Everything is everyone in front of US Flag and being obsessed w the USA ii Leads to the US halting German Purchases b Violence against German Americans i Destroying Factories and Pianos ii Destroying Printing Plants iii Lynching and harming them c German American Response Works Well i Hyper Assimilation Assimilated rapidly 1 Changing of German names and cultures rapidly to American WWII 1 Hitler Nazi Germany a Expecting war so attempt to persuade the US how bad Hitler is b They also attempt to rid the Government of Hitler c Begin volunteering for British Armed forces d Focus Americans hatred on Adolf Hitler instead of Germany 2 The Alien Registration Act of 1940 300 000 Germans a Alien Enemy Registration Card Internment 11 000 jailed 3 4 Post war elected German president Dwight Eisenhower 5 58 Million Today 17 6 Assimilation or Acculturation 7 Ethnic Enclaves The Jews Ethnicity by US and Others German Jews and Ashkenazic Jews Immigration 1 What makes them unique a Ethnicity by religion b 1000s of years of history c Everyone despises them 2 Homeland of international people a Jerusalem Israel Capital and Religious Center Main temple i Their promised land ii Never lived autonomously On their own b Rome i Did not like arrangement and begin fighting them ii Destroy the temple and expel the Jews from Israel c Jewish Diaspora 70 AD i After destruction Jews live elsewhere in known world ii Always a minority and disliked untrusted d Over the next 1000 years they live under a Christian majority Problems with Jews Judaism or Stereotypes 1 Hated by Christians Anti Semitism Anti Jewish 2 Religion a Killers of Christ Jesus arrested by Romans because Jews said so i Gospels ii Smite 1 Decide he does not need to be crucified 2 Jews ask to crucify twice and that is why Christians believe they are the Killers of Christ 1 They believe God is punishing them for letting Jews live amongst them a The Black Plague 1 3 of all people die i Jews Prospered during the plague because they bathed but the Christians did not understand that this was why iii Jewish faith Torah Talmud iv Jewish Traditions 1 History of Jewish people Scholars interpretation of Torah 1 Dress Dressed a particular way and did not change Un assimilate able because of physical appearance 2 Eating Habits kosher a How to prep for dinner and the way they eat b How they kill what they eat and animals they eat i No meat and milk 3 Language 4 Synagogue a Spoke language of country and Hebrew b Third language Yiddish Jews Slang a No cross stained glass etc b Segregated by seating although not all of them were like this 5 Sabbath Day Sunday a Begin sundown Friday and ends Saturday Problems w Jews 1 Economics a Usury Interest Christian church did not allow i Collecting interest off of suffering b Banking Finance i Christians can t go into so Jews do ii Making money off of Christians c Taking over the world 2
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