20th Century Chinese Americans Naturalization act of 1943 doesn t continue after 1943 after this we were friends with China during ww2 o It ends Chinese exclusion act ends naturalization act of 1870 only w b can be citizens o 105 immigrants allowed in from China CHANGE Immigration after 1943 o Communism 1949 o Is going to affect Women o Refugee status group of people who we have decided should be able to immigrate here in America regardless of what immigration act says escaping something horrible Communism Chinese Americans 1980S Model minority nickname for the Chinese we are going to say to every other minority group we want you to be just like Chinese brought us Technology In media o Sandra Oh Dr Christina Yang on Greys Anatomy Maththletes from Mean girls 3 3 million 1 of total US population Immigration from Germany German Americans The model immigrant Largest immigration to United States continuous migration No such thing as Germany or a German o City states controlled by royalty Prince or king every single one has a diff language and religion o Unification in 1871 Immigration in all waves Diverse groups U S Views of Germans Stereotypes Myth of Pennsylvania Dutch not ditched actually doitch means German White Saxon Protestant Not Anglo English Assimilate easily True for all Not all Germans are going to be protestant hard workers with Skilled hard workers 19th century Immigration The First wave money Who came o Largest Group 6 million from 1820 1914 o Diverse group Religions Catholic Lutheran Protestant Jewish Classes Money all come over for diff reasons people coming over with money most no money Singles and families most come with families singles Males no money What made them leave o Political revolutions of 1848 Upper class comes series of civil wars that go on in Germany as were trying to Unification Conscription Laws German states force people to fight o Economic Industrial Revolution Middle class event that happens in Germany during unification process turn craftsmen into a skill in one job but get paid too little so come to America Potato Blight lower class anyone who is growing potato for a living has no job come to America Taxes going to affect everybody o Religion affects all groups Catholicism Why did they come to the US Land o Gottfried Duden 1829 writes a series of travel logs to enhance America in particular talks about the Midwest no wasps Railroads land Transcontinental railroad land sold around o Jobs increases jobs for people to build a town for mainly middle for almost free class Nineteenth century immigration Why come to America Essay question Asked to come Land o Germans recruiting Germans Gottfried Duden 1829 Railroads land o Jobs Location Lower class o Settled based on religion class Upper middle class o German triangle Mid west Cincinnati Milwaukee St Louis o Lower east side NYC ethnic enclave o Boston southie 19th century German American life Upper middle o Farming o Beer and pianos Lower class o Factories o Social clubs various because there s many types of Germans they hangout with just Germans meet at bar Both set up o Parochial schools religious based school stop Germans assimilating o Newspapers German newspapers all about Germany not assimilating resembles China town 19TH CENTURY Germans Model immigrants Definition of Model Immigrant 1900 20th century WW1 End of the Model Should they be World war 1 British fight against Germany evenly matched so started cording America but America loves both of them so British starts lying about Germans to make them evil Propaganda Propaganda Yellow journalism journalism in newspapers that are legitimate New york times printing lies about Germans o Germans are being displayed as black apes how Germans make baby cabob baby killers so we sway towards British s side o America wins the war for Britain Us reaction o Pumped up Patriotism everything you see is someone standing in front of a waving flag pride used against Germans stop playing pianos drinking beer o Violence against German Americans hang and burn them lynched German American Response o Hyper Assimilation changing name business beer company s stopped putting names on bottles bud light pbs beer Germans try to prove they are Americans first then Germans 20th century continued World War 2 Hitler Nazi Germany o Americans start warning people about Hitler Germans try to depose Hitler when looks like Hitler is trying to take control Germans join air force etc start reporting about what Hitler is doing The Alien Registration act of 1940 300 000 Germans have to register under this act must have an Alien registration card Internment 11 000 German Americans today 58 million today 17 Assimilation or acculturation Ethnic enclaves tend to acculturate in California and Texas today The Jews immigration to America An ethnicity based on religion Have thousands of years of history of people hating them anti Semitism Homeland to international people nationality to ethnicity Jerusalem Israel Jews homeland promise land Rome group of people who controlled most of the ancient world including Jerusalem allowed Jews to practice but had them live under romans laws Destruction of the temple Romans destroy the temple and when its destroyed they expel the Jews out of Jerusalem Jewish diaspora 70 AD The expulsion of the Jew from Israel Jews dispersed forced migration Problems with Jews Judaism or stereotypes Hated by Christians Anti Semitism anti Jewish Religion o Killers of Christ because had Jesus crucified Smite Idea that God is smiting his own people because he is punishing him for allowing Jews to live amongst the Christians ex Black plague Jews did not die because they bathed and washed their hands Ex WASPS believed they were being smited because Jews could prosper in America during the Great depression not true Gospels The Jews are mad at Jesus because Jesus is saying he s the son of God so they ask the Romans to do something about it and Romans don t like this either so they arrest Jesus and try him for this crime Pugnacious of Pilot feel he doesn t need to be crucified for this crime o Jewish Faith Torah Talmud Torah is the history of the Jewish people Talmud is the scholarly book written by Rabbis and they read the Torah and interpret it plan and how to follow G d Dress Conservative don t assimilating Eating habits Kosher is a particular way of eating killing animals and certain animals more humane separates foods aka meat and dairy different plates separates Jews Language
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