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AMH2097 Final Exam Study Guide Germans German Unification Largest immigration to the US Come in under different city states controlled by prince of king Everyone speaks different form of German have different cultural values different religion Unification was in 1871 Pennsylvania Dutch Referred to themselves as Doitch The land in Pennsylvania is open to everyone o All religions as long as White Saxon Protestant o Not Anglo o Assimilate pretty quickly because they are skilled hard workers Religion similar to Protestant 1 3 of the population who came in during the First Wave Lutheran Revolutions of 1848 Affected the upper class Conscription Laws because they re afraid to die appreciated Industrial Revolution know for all groups Men have to fight for their rights homeland but one sometimes doesn t want to do it Reasons why they came to the US their rights are being taken away and they don t feel Process of turning craftsmen paid a lot into unskilled workers in a factory Break their skill up into small little things that anyone could figure out how to do Potato Blight Potato famine due to disease Gottfried Duden 1829 Biggest propaganda Writes booklet about how fabulous America is Particularly talks about Midwest o Ohio Indiana o Land weather reminds him of German land o There are no WASPs o Need money and a railroad o Sell all the land around the railroads for free German Triangle Cincinnati Milwaukee St Louis Where upper and middle class resided Lower East Side NYC Where lower class resided Beer and Pianos Upper and middle class Beer Master person who knows how to make beer Pianos bring manufacturing and tuning USA entertainment at the time Try to grow same crops as the ones they grew in Germany Try to bring technology to America Social Clubs Lower class A way to keep their culture alive Very different variety based on class religion and original location Usually meet at bars Parochial Schools Schools set up by the Germans Same religion and just for Germans Private schools Used so that children couldn t assimilate to Americans German Newspapers About their original country NOT assimilation because they know nothing about what is going on in America In their native language Model Immigrants Tell immigrants that they are coming to America to be like the Germans Shouldn t be doing this Saying that money is excellent and so are positive stereotypes World War I and II newspaper WWI begins in 1941 Germans know about it in America because they are reading the USA is quarted by the Germans and English to tip the balance of who will win o British begin lying to us to get us to go with them Propaganda Yellow Journalism British printed lies on purpose They posted propaganda posters so that people would hate the Germans Called the Germans huns Germans depicted as Blacks Apes Called them baby killers cabbobs Slowly take side with the British and move toward being against the Germans Tips balance and British Americans win war against Germans Pumped Up Patriotism The US reaction everyone is patriotic We stopped using anything that is linked to Germans or German Americans o Stopped using piano German beer bum books burn the newspapers Spies just found out that the Germans have a newspaper Hyper Assimilation German American response Changing of name businesses putting kids in public schools becoming Protestant They do this so that they can prove that they are American first and German second Does in fact work The Alien Registration Act of 1940 300 000 people Only for Germans NOT German Americans Any alien has to register o Alien Enemy Registration Card green card Put in place before America was at war Internment 11 000 people Jail some Germans because they are seen as enemies They are forced to be interned in their own camps until war was over Jewish Americans Jerusalem Israel Religious center main temple their homeland Romans had control over all Jews God s chosen people o Allowed to practice religion o Nationality follow Roman traditions until they begin fighting with the Jews o Roman sack temple and destroy it expelling all Jews from Israel Jewish Diaspora 70 AD After Romans sacked and expelled all Jews Forced migration Jews spread throughout the world o Towards Russia China India Africa England Anti Semitism Hatred by Christians Stereotype of Killers of Christ Smite Christians believe that Jews are the killers of Christ because when the Romans arrested him they asked the Jews what they should do to him and the Jews said to crucify him Caused him to die Reason why anything bad happened to any Protestant God brought on Great Depression God is smiting own people because allowed Jews to be successful Black plague o 1 3 people in Europe died Jews only ones that didn t die Jews had to wash and bathe skin Gospels Torah Talmud Torah Talmud o History of Jewish people beginning with Genesis o Scholarly books that interpret the Torah o Guidelines of how you re supposed to practice your religion o Breaks up the 10 commandments o Questions on faith practice Kosher Synagogue Food cute by someone particular deli Separation of meat and dairy Meat and milk could never be mixed Never see a cross Men could sit but behind walls Women could stand Sabbath Day Usury Friday at sundown until Saturday They re going to want to work Sunday main reason for coming to work Making interest off of a loan Stereotype Taking Over the World Charging interest off Christian suffering Smite German Jews Very small population in Pennsylvania and New York Come as FAMILIES Middle class mostly Immigrated because of their ability to practice religion without being persecuted Bankers NYC Peddlers Settled in Midwest Travelling salesman go community to community selling their goods Small shop keepers traveling store Levi Strauss Sears Roebuck Macy s Quality goods for cheap prices maybe goes into department stores work their way up Macy s largest chain department store Reform Judaism Opposite of Orthodox Begin in Germany in early 1800 s Modernization and assimilation into dominant culture o Jewish faith Torah Talmud o Say that all traditions are extreme What they change o Dress like everyone else o Not going to practice Kosher o Language German in Germany and English in England o Equality of sexes o Change their Sabbath day to fit in o Very liked because it looks like they re trying to assimilate change Ashkenazic Jews Orthodox Judaism Very traditional do not reform Primarily Orthodox Russification Russify Forced assimilation into the

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