The Free Establish the social structure of a given area In Massachusetts Puritans Very large middle class society In Virginia Adventurers Generally wealthy individuals looking for gold other valuable items The Unfree Indentured Servants Workers signed contracts to come to America for terms of 7 or more years in re turn there voyage across the Atlantic was essentially paid for After 7 years they would receive freedom dues Convict Servants forced to migrate across the Atlantic because they have done something wrong Sometimes they served terms as long as 14 years some for life nn Slavery The English used race based slavery Why are they so late to the game The English No Money English was a tiny pip squeak island country They want to colonize but they don t have the money Protestant Reformation in England Henry VIII Breaks from the Catholic Church Wanted a male heir All the wives he had bore girls and when they did have boys they died dur Henry VIII broke from the Catholic church to become a Protestant ing childbirth 1500 s Mary I begins the Catholic Restoration Daughter of Henry VIII Started sending Protestants into exile Burned Protestants at the stake Elizabeth I Returns England to Protestantism Mary I s sister Begins to accept Protestantism again She rejected anyone that saw the Pope as the head of the church Separatists aka Puritans came to Massachusetts These were radical Protestants Anglican English was more catholic leaning Colonizing Ireland Ireland is a lot closer to England than the New World The English invaded Munster and Ulster In Ulster by 1641 there were 80 000 people in Ulster They used terror to subdue the populace They treated Irish as sub human Sir Humphrey Gilbert invaded Munster Killed anyone in his path Burned all of the crops he saw When he would negotiate with the irish he would line their path to ap proach him would severed heads Sir Francis Drake English Privateer Tried to raid Spanish ships to get Spanish Gold Drake attacked Panama Incited slave rebellions across the Spanish Empire Convinced African slaves to rebel against the Spanish Captured 20 tons of Gold and Silver had to bury it too much too hold in his ship Or he would align himself with local Native American tribes Both of the first 2 attempts to Colonize Roanoke failed Spain tried to invade England around the same time so the English could not send Roanoke The Lost Colony island off the coast of Virgina supplies to Roanoke Spain Attempts to Invade England Spanish Armada in 1588 English are able to repel the armada English and Spain have an undeclared war for about 15 years After the war ends England comes out on top They did enough damage to the Spanish and their ships so England was able to dominate the Atlantic Joint Stock Company A new economic device to fund colonization Example Virginia Company Plymouth Company Needed Queen s permission to form a company Domestic Turmoil England Population Doubles between 1550 1600 From 2 5 to 5 million people Land and the Law Entail Primogeniture Enclosure Acts Land could not be divided up had to stay the way it was All the land in a family had to go to the first born son in a family Movement in England to fence in all of the existing land If people can t farm anymore where will they go Led to rapid urbanization Vagrancy and Idleness Massachusetts Pushes and Pulls Puritans leave England over Religious Differences They don t agree with Anglicanism which was too similar to Catholicism They were being persecuted in England These were deeply religious people They Emigrate to the Netherlands in 1607 Netherlands was a safe harbor for the Protestants Left in 1620 spent 13 years there Their children were starting to be brought up Dutch Speaking Dutch language Acting like Dutchman Wanted to preserve their English heritage so they left Envision the new colony of Massachusetts as a city on a hill Massachusetts Demographics From 1630 1641 30 000 people immigrated to Massachusetts In Massachusetts immigrants arrived as family units This allows for more stable and predictable population growth They don t have to rely on new immigrants coming to the colony for their popula tion to increase By 1700 the population of New England was 90 000 Massachusetts Economy Family unit did the labor Mostly middle class Did not need indentured servants or slaves Nor could they have afforded it ciety Had a diversified economy People who came were skilled laborers so they were perfectly suited to build a so Produced timber did wheat farming fished small fur trade built ships Massachusetts Climate The first Puritans that arrive are not prepared for the harsh winters Many died because of the cold weather But they adapted quickly Built better buildings Bigger fireplaces Fewer mosquitos led to less disease In Massachusetts people could expect to live into their 80 s Virgina Pushes and Pulls Adventurers leave England because they could not inherit land Driven to immigrate to the New World by the prospect of a quick profit and fame Virginia is intended to be an extractive colony Wanted to extract all of the precious metals from the area But there aren t any Virginia Demographics People are dying in massive numbers All men They can t reproduce thus they can t increase their population Within 20 years male to female ratio was 4 1 Virgina Economy First Virginians were unsuited to colonize Did not have skilled that were suited to build a colony When precious metals are not found Tobacco saves the colony Tobacco cultivation requires back breaking unskilled labor Virginia Climate Jamestown was situated on wet boggy area Mosquitos spread diseases like Malaria Some believed that African slaves were better suited for the climate that Virgini ans The Unfree Between 1607 1776 50 000 convicts were sent to the American Colonies from Colonial America was a dumping ground for England s criminals Convict Transportation became the preferred sentence for convicts during the Convicts Significance England 18th century Richard Hakluyt Wonderful Idea Taking the soon to be executed and sending the to America to be forced la borers Benefits of Convict Transportation Forced labor will reform the convict The colonies need laborers English expel the most immoral people in their society Who is being transported and why 80 85 Men 15 20 Women Most are in their 20 s The vast majority are in their 20 s The vast majority come from the lower class 98 were sentenced for non violent theft Sentenced ranged from 7 years 14 years
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