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Final Exam Study Guide Intro to Terms Concepts o Nationality a persons nationality is where they retain citizenship o Race developed during colonial times Made slavery legit Developed for colonialization persuasion the assumption of innate differences based on real or imagined physical characteristics Emanuel Cont first to use race German philosopher Johann Blumenbach 1795 classification system of race by color o Caucasian were at the top Susan Phipps descended from a plantation owner and slave but listed as a black because 1 32 of blood was black Louisiana 1980s o Race was used to develop attitudes of people s positions in society as well as determining those positions o Ethnicity the shared categorization of people based on factors like shared cultural values nationality language religion and gender roles o Ethnicity helped classify people into their cultural traits Grouping of people 1930s by immigrant officials Gen pres Dwight D Eisenhower German ethnicity American nationality o Racial hierarchy ranking of distinct racial groups categorizing of races in a list White Spaniards determined the list of people o Ideological racism an ideology that considers groups unchangeable physical characteristics to be linked in a direct casual way to psychological or intellectual characteristics and that distinguishes superior inferior groups In 19th century called science Reasons to justify slavery Introduce Christianity to Slaves o Racialization determining place in society in the new world Ranking of people and racial groups Uses science to determine order Kant List Blumenbach Caucasian Mongolian Ethiopians Native Americans Malaysians Samuel Morton collected skulls and his assistant said that whites were more superior intellectual than others Skull size determined brain capacity Whites other races Josiah Nott whites shouldn t mix with lesser races to avoid diseases o Patterns of adaptation adoption The process how long does it take Language religion skills money number location and stereotypes play a part o Individual racism act of racism by members of one group on members of o Institutional racism racism kept in place by laws customs ex slavery o Dominate groups vs subordinate groups dominant decides where races rank for country nation Subordinate any other group under dominant these groups can fluctuate ranks under the dominant group o Key word immigration history of America ex pilgrims English who settled another segregation in Jamestown Africans were forced to the new world to become slaves The fall of the USSR has called for colonialism worldwide 3 Waves of Immigration o Formative Wave 1607 1820 Begins with the colonialization of Jamestown by the English Dominated by the English then Penn Germans then Penn Dutch then Holland African slaves Jews People who came to the new world except Africans come voluntarily until 1820 o First Wave 1820 1880 o Second Wave 1880 1920 Germans and Irish dominate Try to avoid problems in homeland so came to America Chinese last group to come to participate in Gold Rush and railroads Law passed halt Chinese immigration As immigration from China stopped Europeans began to come over Eastern Europeans Italians and Jews dominated second wave THIRD WAVE still being defined we are living it now Cubans Strict laws were passed which stopped second wave Mexicans Germans Dominating groups o Nativism a clinging to culture that is established Why Did They Come o Types of Migration Voluntary Forced Economic labor Displaced persons o Voluntary come to America because they want too ex land wealth religious o Forced best example slavery Removed from home and brought to areas freedoms unwilling to do work o Economic labor comes to America because there is work that is needed Better economic conditions and more opportunities to find work after 1820 o Displaced persons best example Cuban exiles that had to leave due to politics or hardships at home o Push pull factor pull reasons why someone goes to a place Push reasons why you leave a place ex new political regime 3 Philosophies of Race Ethnicity o Anglo Conformity o Cultural Pluralism o Melting Pot Ideal How the US deals with immigrants o Anglo Conformity each group should work to become more white WASP White Anglo Saxon Protestant o Melting Pot Ideal different ethnicities coming together and adopts traits of others and taking each other s traits and coming together o Cultural Pluralism each group should remain apart Every group should not give up adopt traits of other groups THE ENGLISH WASP S Who Are The English o WASP White Anglo Saxon Protestant o Anglo Saxon invaded England in the 15 16 century originally 2 tribes o Protestant 99 who came to England Protested against the Catholic Church because Henry VIII created a new church Anglican Church Protestant Other Colonial Ventures o French Canada o Dutch New Amsterdam o Spanish gold silver St Augustine French and Dutch surrendered to the English 3 Great Migrations Only after economic benefits o First Migration 1629 1640 o Second Migration 1641 1672 o Third Migration 1675 1725 1629 1640 1641 1672 o Focuses around founding of BOSTON involved Puritans coming to America o English who settled in VA and Chesapeake Bay region o TOBACCO o Indentured servants way to new world is paid for but must work off debt o Quakers settled in Pennsylvania and New Jersey both German once in the new world 1675 1725 and English o Scots Irish 1700s 200 000 moved to the 13 English colonies 1629 1640 o Came from Eastern England because inflation hit England s land o Came for religion land and food Protestant o Massachusetts death rate not as high as VA First Great Migration Advantages Disadvantages Unintended Consequences o Puritans based all of their lives outside the church around family They brought the population into the new world during the first migration most paid their own way over to the new world High literacy rate Believed highly in schooling public education all for the bible Wanted religious freedom Massachusetts had a religious gov t Second Great Migration o Virginia Chesapeake bay people who have lost land jobs etc want a new beginning indentured servants Anglican church ONLY Strictly Church of England Except Maryland only area in Chesapeake Bay region o Advantages great growing seasons great soil crops and economics tobacco is KING in mid 1600s Fishing Farming Choices in VA Good transportation due to inlets rivers waterways ships o Disadvantages VA is very hot in the summer Many

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