Race and Ethnicity 1 Race and Ethnicity Midterm 2 Study Guide Early Civil Rights Terms Names Themes The challenges and opportunities encountered by African Americans in the period after the Civil War Opportunities for African Americans higher and continuation of education voting privileges legally marry and keep family together men could obtain political power new jobs in urban life Challenges for African Americans stuck in agriculture by share cropping almost like slaves limited industry The strategies African Americans used to survive and thrive in the period after the Civil War Obtain Black leaders groups Great migration Talented tenth Atlanta Compromise Speech 1895 The differences of opinions among leaders in the African American community in the period after the Civil War Dubois challenge segregation talented tenth Booker T Washington promoted agriculture for Blacks Ida B Wells challenge lynching Strategies used by white supremacists to keep African Americans from gaining status and power Plessey vs Ferguson 1986 separate but equal Booker T Washington hired to give speeches to Blacks to continue agriculture and keep nose clean Disenfranchise Taking away Black voting rights literacy tests poll taxes violence Jim Crow laws Atlanta Compromise Speech 1895 delivered by Booker T Washington addressed to an audience of predominant whites to ensue social and political equality for the African American race Birth of a Nation considered most racial movie ever made black savages get out of control in reconstruction and need to be put into their place by the white Klan Buffalo Soldiers Indian fighters joined the military Negro Calvary W E B DuBois was never a slave professor in Atlanta first black to get phD Harvard challenges segregation Talented tenth give leaders of race opportunity best schools intergrade vote run for office Exodusters going to the promise land Great Migration during the start of the WW1 more blacks in cities building equipment for war chain migration to cities and factories internal chain migration solider opportunities Plessy v Ferguson separate but equal Plessy is 1 8 black legally black but looks white challenges law about segregation of train cars Ku Klux Klan took part in lynching brutal attacks wore masks and costumes Lynching burtal murders by klans NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People African American civil rights organization formed in 1909 mission to ensure the political educational social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination Reconstruction south reconstructed into the US military reconstruction act racial reconstruction black reconstruction when African Americans receive rights in the US 14 congressmen and 2 senators marriage between blacks and voting rights Sharecropping rent land from landowners most previous slave owners pay a share of crops to the landowner and general store Booker T Washington former slave sappy politically easily made friend with white men many of wealth and higher power Andrew Cardigan steel supported him Wanted to develop economic structure and maintain blacks in agriculture and not challenge segregation was asked to give speeches keep your nose clean Blacks need patience and self control Tuskegee institute focused on trades and farming Ida B Wells Barrnett against lynching 3 family friends were lynched because of the rise of their grocery store school teacher became a writer and published a print against lynching chased out of the south and her printing press was destroyed convinced whites in the North not to support the south not to spend money or tourism Postbellum Natives Terms Names Themes What strategies did Native Americans use to respond to the continued encroachment by the US into native territory Some resentment to the continued encroachment Georgia Fighting and disagreement by Native Americans towards the new laws against civil rights Native Americans preservation of traditions and cultures Pine Ridge War Lakota War 1876 1877 What were the different ways US citizens responded to the situation of natives in the West Mass massacre of Buffalo and food supplies Sent men in to peacefully relocate Indian tribes George Cluster arresting and killing of Sitting Bull chief Railroads built through the West used to kill buffalo How was the survival of the buffalo important to the survival of the Plains and Prairie tribes Buffalo was used by the Plain and Prairie tribes as a main source of food along with the use of the hides and bones What was the impact of the Indian School Run by missionaries kidnap children away from families to civilize Race and Ethnicity 3 New names new religion high rate of death lack of respect for Indian culture kill the Indian save the man Children given new names and taught new religion High rate of death The Big Kill 1871 killing of the Buffalo to starve Indians and force them to migrate 4million slaughtered in 1 year Black Elk 1863 1950 medicine man of the Sloux second cousin of Crazy horse had a vision Buffalo Bill s Wild West Show Hollywood uses Indians in shows riding horses etc western films start John Ford Wayne directors Buffalo Culture Nomadic people in the West hunter gatherers prairie women cure hides from buffalo to make teepees clothing shoes bones for tools George Custer sent by US to relocate a tribe peacefully sent his men in to destroy livestock causes Indians to panic and retreat he reports this as resisting mass murder of the Indian tribe Dawes Severalty Act ways in which land is taken away from Indian reservations split reservations into pieces and assign them to be owned by families separately remaining land gets sold off Charles Eastman writer lecturer reformer worked to improve lives of youth founded 32 Native American chapters of Young Men s Christian Foundation YMCA boy scouts first Native American author to write American history from a Native view Frontier Thesis frontier made US what we are today always were able to move into new frontier take land from Indians to obtain new frontier Geronimo Made money being a famous captive leader of Bedohkohe Apache fought Mexico for expansion into Apache tribal land Apache Wars family was killed by Mexico revenge of raids 1886 surrendered prisoner of war celebrity Ghost Dance 1889 that purifying yourself and dancing and not drinking alcohol will bring back ghost warriors that will fight the enemies mass murder of Indians Indian Schools US
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