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Study Guide Exam 3 Remember to be looking at what the groups in each category have in common but what makes them different The key to this exam is to comprehend these groups by using studying your notes Below is the most important part of the study guide Latino Groups Most of the questions on these groups because we spent the most time on Latinos so you will need to know push pull factors stereotypes discrimination assimilation acculturation resistance Mexicans Push pull factors Americans push into Mexico for more land for slavery Annexation of Texas 1845 Mexican War Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Americans took Mexican land Mexicans did not come to American but they became Americans After 1880 left Mexico because of conditions came for economic opportunities Mexican immigration is unique and diverse practice many forms family return etc Why leave Mexico Porfirio Diaz President of Mexico 1876 1911 Ruled with an iron fist Rurales Diaz army that kept order in the countryside Mexicans became new source of dirty work Zig Zag theory 1920s Mexicans wanted cheap labor 1930s Great depression exclusion of Mexicans 1940s WWII Bracero Stereotypes Race Brown skin pigment NOT white Mexican Race constructed as lazy and backwards Southeast Blacks Southwest Mexicans Brown Scare Characterized as Filthy and Greasy Inferiority cultural 1 Lazy Siesta part of Spanish culture Siesta is a nap after lunch middle of day WASPS see this as lazy 2 Unintelligent Tests written in English They speak Spanish so they get bad grades 3 Crime Oriented Comprades friends Travel in groups go back to Spanish sometimes after work WASPS think they are up to something because they are speaking in Spanish and they are traveling in groups 4 The illegal Mexican Labor Cycle Zig Zag theory Media makes it seem like all Mexicans are illegal Discrimination land whites pushed Mexicans off land in 1850 1 3 farm owners and 1 3 skilled workers were Mexicans by 1900 2 3 are unskilled labors in 50 years there is a huge drop off Wages So low that whites did not want them whites didn t even want jobs However during the depression they did Excluded from white labor unions Maquiladoras labor intensive manufacturing plants on Mexican border for hiring low wage workers These replaced the Bracero program Maquiladoras replaces the bracero Housing Whites barred Mexicans from renting or owing homes in white neighborhoodsBarrios segregated Mexican American neighborhoods in urban areas bad areas Formation of gangs Discrimination causes gangs Gangs form when they are forced together into bad areas Resistance can put this for assimilation They didn t assimilate they resisted Chicano Political movement 1960s Movement that fought great political representation and less discrimination against Mexican Americans Unions United Farm Workers UFW Cesar Chavez nonviolent protest and hunger strikes Assimilation Bilingualism Speak Spanish and English They learn English which is assimilation So they can take tests read contracts read signs Move settle throughout Midwest south and northeast US Moving makes them assimilate quicker Slowly but Surely climbing in social status Because of higher education Higher Education 2 year colleges and part time So it takes Mexicans longer to get education and get better jobs Cubans Push Pull Factors Spanish American war Cubans wanted independence from spain Fidel Castro led Cuban Revolution Stereotypes Positive Anti communist Model Latino immigrants Golden exiles came over first and made good first impression Affluence Political Conservative vote republican Negative Drug Cartels Violent Brown Race take on Mexican stereotypes Culture Catholic Santeria Afro cuban religion Takes some forms of catholic and others and combines to Santeria Church of the lukumi Babalu Aye v Hialeah 1993 Family Paternal Maternal Compadres Godparents Food Discrimination 1 Separateness elites excluded from white social clubs and groups 2 Jobs 48 professionals dropped to 13 Unskilled labor 16 to 32 3 Language names accents viewed as Mexicans Entered the US Racial Hierarchy Acculturation Enclave Little Havana Miami Miami and South Florida Keep Language culture and traditions Community Solidarity Family and Kinship networks Fractured Identity Cuban born older fee like refugees Ties to both Cuba and US Double Identity Second generation Come as babies or born in the US Embrace both Cuban and US culture only 13 said they would want to go back Puerto Ricans Push pull factors Wanted independence from Spain Spanish American War won Puerto rico in peace treaty Operation Bootstrap caused 1 in every 3 to come to US involuntary Stereotypes Take on the Stereotypes of Mexicans because of Spanish language and Hispanic names Brown race Crime oriented Illegal but they are citizen Unintelligent Discrimination Come over poor from bootstrap and live in segregated neighborhoods results in Crime Gangs Drugs Teen Pregnancy 65 high school graduation rate Assimilation Early Education English Ideals of American Democracy Migration NE cities to South Florida Tampa Orlando Miami Double identity Feel like citizens and foreigners Population divided on whether to remain a territory or become a state African and Afro Caribbean Groups New Africans These are the only people of African descent living in the US that were NOT part of the slave trade Since 1965 descendants of the trans Atlantic slave trade are migrating from the Caribbean Majority from Jamaica and Haiti Jamaicans Largest group of Afro Caribbean Haitians Duvalier dictatorship Late 1970s 1980s Boat people Largest settlement South Florida Little Haiti enclave in Miami Culture Voodoo becomes a stereotype All three groups did not want to be seen as African American 1 downward assimilation assimilate towards negative aspects of the African American community Despite wishes of parents Experience harsh realities of American Racial Hierarchy 2 Segmented Assimilation assimilate towards positive aspects of African American community Higher education higher performance rates in college than African Americans Caribbean American student groups New Eastern Groups Asians Far East fall under the umbrella of Chinese and receive their stereotypes Indians highly educated Brain Drain The best and brightest Indians come to the US for educational training and the stay here and naturalize Hinduism is main religion Arabs Middle East 50 practice Stereotypes 1 Racial Profiling after 9 11 this group faces most discrimination 3 Islamic Religion

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