Race and Ethnicity 9 2 11 What does it mean to be culturally constructive You take something that is supposed to be natural colors as in pink and blue and that thing changes Pink girls dainty delicate pretty Blue boys masculine rough As WWII comes to an end people have more money Department stores are starting to offer clothing for babies that look like adult clothing Suits for young boys clip on ties etc Baby boomers are the first to be dressed this way This is an example of cultural construction we think that dressing babies in pink and blue is a natural thing but it really only developed about 60 years ago Discussion How do you know your ethnicity and gender Beginning from infancy you are taught both your family and those around you How do you know What is racism Sexism The belief that one race or ethnicity is superior to another What is subtle or covert racism Everyday experiences that build up over time For example employees at a retail store hovering over a Latino woman because they think she might shoplift What is horizontal racism A minority harboring racism towards another minority Alternative definition of racism Racism is not the belief that one race is superior to another but it is enjoying the benefits and privileges based on your race at the expense of another race
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