Race and Ethnicity Notes Exam 2 4 Factors WASPs looked at in an immigrant group 1 MONEY WASPs liked money so if an immigrant group arrived with money then wasps were more inclined to treat them better 2 NUMBERS if an immigrant arrived in with large numbers the less likely the wasps were to like them 3 LOCATION the way to get around was location wasps did not want to be around immigrants so if an immigrant could move away from the wasps rural and far away then the wasps may like them better 4 STEREOTYPES Germans were considered hard workers and very industrious Irishmen were considered to be drunks all groups had bad and good stereotypes a Germans were considered a good immigrant group and the Irish were not Germans arrived in 2 phases Early Formative wave 16 and early 1700 s These people created the stereotypes and because of them all Germans were thought to be great o Pennsylvania Dutch Germans The Amish They settled in eastern Pennsylvania English called anyone 16 and 1700 s who was blonde hair and blue eyes Dutch A lot of the germans that fled from Germany lived in Holland before coming to America Name for German is deutche and because people couldn t pronounce it it turned to Dutch o Germany sucked in the 15 and 1600 s It was split between Protestants and catholic who hated each other Would go to war with each other and draw other European countries into it Armies would march through Germany taking food from people Also if they came into an area with something they didn t agree with they would just kill them Armies also brought disease with them Germany was a constant battleground o 30 years war 1619 1649 35 of germans died during this war A lot of people fled during this time including the Pennsylvania Dutch fled to Holland but then heard about America By 1776 there were more than 300 000 germans living in the 13 colonies a majority of them in Pennsylvania If you went to America you could own your own farm and no one is going to come take your food from you or kill you because of what you worship America sounded like true promise land However they were not told Native Americans might kill them o One thing the germans did that the WASPs really liked is that they were protestant but also they were neat and built nice farmhouses and fences Farms were always a picture of efficiency and neatness German farmers were hard working had the best crops they were industrious The only WASPs that ever really had a beef with the germans was Benjamin 19th century Germans franklin he worried that they were going to come in and Germanize America If there were too many of them Pennsylvania Dutch made no effort to become like the English they kept their language culture and business And most of the WASPs loved them for it However now WASPs think all germans are like the Pennsylvania Dutch The germans that arrived in the 1850 s added to this stereotype They began bringing things with them o Most of the Germans that came in the 1850 s were middle class business owners Soap Maker Anheuser then opened a brewery LARGEST IMMIGRANT GROUP TO COME TO AMERICA 58 million Americans today claim German ethnicity 17 of American population o 1845 1860 most germans arrive with money this is why the wasps loved them lower class germans start coming the difference between poor germans and poor Irish is that the Irish were catholic and so the lower class germans were still treated better o Revolution of 1848 o Upper class starts professional class of germans in America lawyers teachers when they come to America they are very politically active The one thing they were very passionate about is slavery They become most outspoken critics against slavery They were all about making sure the little man wasn t cheated WASPs love that they are contributing to American society o Chain Migration come over with their entire families Anchor immigrant the first people to come over they work to make money and then send money back to Germany to have more relatives come over o Location germans want to get away from the WASPs so they move to the Midwest Milwaukee St Louis Cincinnati German Triangle Germans settled by their religious affiliation Ethnic enclaves different groups living in areas of cities Most of the germans like the original Pennsylvania Dutch did not want to assimilate Schools were taught in German and business was transacted in German Kirchendeutschen German church services Parochial Schools Vereinsdeutschen German Language Newspapers Eventually become German Americans o Wasps believed germans to be model immigrants After German unification relations between Americans and germans continually improved GERMAN DAY Didn t interact much but got along 1900 WORLD WAR I German Americans made up one quarter of the population hasn t been a war in a while countries had big armies that they wanted to show off Austria and Russia were at rivalry Austrians were trying to keep Russians out of southern Europe Heir to Austrian throne franz Ferdinand was assassinated along with his wife Austria then declared war on Russia who assumed that if they were ever going to go to war it would be against both Germany and Austria so they decided to just stick with that plan even though Germany wasn t involved France had alliance with Russia and got involved also o Germany astro hungray and ottoman empire vs Britain France Russia and eventually America Hyphenated American phrase popularized by former president Theodore Roosevelt during World War I at a time the U S was neutral and had not entered the war to criticize Americans who had some loyalties to the countries of their ancestors He used it only to attack German Americans and Irish Americans never to attack British Americans who were demonstrating strong loyalties to Britain which was at war with germany and was suppressing Ireland The issue proved highly political and contoversial and hurt the Republican presidential candidate in 1916 Charles Evans Hughes Hughes lost a very close election to Woodrow Wilson when German American Republicans were suspicious that Hughes was supported by Roosevelt o Burn pianos german books newspaper printers no german beer german American change their names and company names blue ribbon to pabst Woodrow Wilson declares neutrality in America Americans are trying to help german war effort food money Germany does 2 stupid things however 1 attack france invade Belgium Expecting them to surrender during this time they begin to loot Belgium stealing food and
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