Race and Ethnicity in the U S 10 26 As a reminder o Race and gender are connected o Gender ideals change over time Maleness and Whiteness White supremacy and manhood are tied together Being a man is no longer enough one bust be a white man This connection of race and gender is the quintessential theme for today s lecture This is in order to justify power over everything else Victorian Men Dates are murky but 1840s 1880s Self made Man o These men wanted to be independent own their own business Defining feature of victioran manhood Self Control o If you are the master of yourself and can cantrol the most basic of your instinct and desires than you are able and deserve to control others Change over time Why is the Victorian rhetoric losing its luster by the 1890s 1 Economics during the Victorian era capitalism and the marketplace were highly local you grow and sell your corn to someone within 4 miles of you etc 2 out of every 3 white men are self employed by 1970 By 1970 this number drops to 1 out of every 3 There is a growth in industrialization and in factory jobs Low level jobs become the new mainstay 2 Leisure Time People have much more leisure time This idea really clashes with ideas from the Victorian era 3 Challenge to Social Authority Men who had been previously excluded from being political or social leaders are now arguing that they deserve a place as well African American men Immigrants not white protestant middle class me If these Victorian era men want to keep this stereotype or character they have to redefine manhood in order to be considered a man in 1890 Worries over Weakness Social anxiety Worries over over civilization People do not want to become too civilized or over civilized They worried they would become weak canned food things that make people lives easier Walking a thin line of whiteness of manhood sometimes they didn t might make them weaker complement each other Rough Masculinity Men are now looking for something wild violent and savange This is a way to walk the line between civilized and savage A lot of our activities and hobbies stem from this time period Eugen Sandow bodybuilder father creator of modern bodybuilding Jim Jeffries boxer New Hobbies Camping Hiking Boxing Body building Going to the gym Football especially collegiate rises in popularity The paradox of the civilized savage Civilized and wild Civilized to justify imperialism militant feminism as well as African American resistance Civilized or Civilization 1 Science people loved it begins to be a justification to go over to other countries and civilize them The most advanced civilized societies kept their women at 2 Gender home 3 Race Stages of civilzed a part of the science thing o Savagery o Barbarism philipines o Civilized o Advanced Civilized white anglo saxans They are the scientifically produced controllers of other races Jack Johnson v Jim Jeffries Jack Johnson is black but wants to become the heavy weight champion He chases Tommy Burns around the world trying to get him to fight Burns finally does it and Johnson wins
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