Race and Ethnicity Waves of immigration Formative Wave 1607 1820 Blank Slate Indians were present in the US but no government or structure with rules People were already in the US but it was a blank slate Africans were brought as slaves into early America First Wave 1820 1880 First movements of people into US immigrants coming into the US Irish Chinese Germans were the first to come US has always been concerned about immigration and worried that too many people will want to come Second Wave 1880 1920 Millions and millions came in at this time Italians Greeks Americans will want to stop this they become suspicious They started not accepting people who do not use the same alphabet US start to pass immigration laws but they were not written until 1921 20th Century Immigration No more huge waves coming in but immigration is still active today Race A Modern Construct the assumption of differences based on real or imagined physical characteristics The word race as it is used today did not appear until the 17th century Race does not appear in our DNA it is not possible to detect in your cells Race does not only mean biological differences it means thinking you know something about someone because of physical appearances It is assuming you know something about someone Racism Ideological Racism the attribution of social characteristics based on assumed biological differences Having positive and negatives thoughts about someone based on how they look is racism Individual Racism racism towards a particular group of people and not towards all of black people or Asian people Scientific Racism based on scientific facts that show that whites are better than others saying that science has proved that even though it is not possible Ethnicity A categorization of people based primarily on factors like Shared cultural values Religion Language Tradition Nationality Ethnicity is based on these cultural elements You could be of white race Cuban ethnicity and American nationality Racial and ethnic hierarchy The Others rest of the people When someone is different he is an other Eugenics scientific effort to breed a perfect race of people Hitler wanted to do this get rid of Jews blacks people with big noses The US has also done this forced sterilization Phrenology done by Hitler and the US Forced Sterilization like This was totally false It fell out of fashion after a while but it was very popular for a long time and considered very accurate scientific study of the human skull to tell you what the person was Why do people come to the US Types of migration Displaced persons Voluntary lowest percentage of immigrants because you need a lot of African slaves poor English people were taken off the streets money Forced to work their home country it is why people leave their countries Economic biggest one people who can t make a life for themselves in Refugee Status given to an entire group of people ex Cubans Haitians do not have this status and it is because they look different darker skin tone is genius and therefor valuable for an individual person ex Albert Einstein because he Asylum Status Push Pull Factors Push something that pushes an immigrant out of his home country Pull what pulls people to come to the US and not another country in the world Patterns of adaptation Assimilation assimilating the new culture language food America wants immigrants to become as American as possible but most immigrants will not do this They will acculturate Acculturation to adopt enough of the dominant culture to get by but to keep your own culture at home holidays language food The Process How long does it take Generational Differences The first generation will stay Cuban even after living in the US for a very long time and you will also be thankful to be in the US The second generation is American nationality will be more American Number 1 rule of assimilation is public schools The children will absorb the culture and will want to fit in with the others at school By the third generation people become almost fully immersed in the American culture Location smaller towns they assimilate less find if you do have money you can settle in where you want if you don t have any you go in a city and take the first job you people in cities assimilate more quickly people in the West in Money Marriage Philosophies of race and Ethnicity Anglo conformity 1607 1960 dominant philosophy White Anglo Saxon Protestants WASPs It s easier for some to blend in than others Irish vs Chinese Nativism dislike of foreigners Melting Pot Ideal Around the 60s the philosophy changes to we are all the same This is not true we don t all celebrate Christmas even though the Winter Break is to celebrate Christmas US is not a stew everything taste the same Cultural Pluralism 90s we are different but it s okay it s valuable Everyone brings something to the table and it s good US is like a salad each ingredient brings its own taste The English WASP White Anglo Saxon Protestants This is people from England not French or Italian or Irish Anglo Saxons Angles Saxons Englisc Age of Exploration 16th century People start exploring and sending ships out British are not going to do this but start by watching the others doing it They will decide which way is the best They first do a practice run and try to take over Ireland Irish are still pissed off about this English will use the Irish to work slavery Economics indentured servants will indenture or make a contract with people Why did they come who have money and who want to go to the New World They need a crew indentured servants who will sign a contract saying they will work for the rich for 5 years and then get some money and be free They are not slaves Religion Primogeniture Second and third sons will be the ones with the money and Puritans Pilgrims leave because they are looking for religious freedom and Colonial America is a place for that buying the ships They are the children of noble men in England The laws of Primogeniture say the oldest son inherits everything so the second and third sons will only have an estate or land but will not inherit anything You needed more than money to own land in England you needed a title You therefor had two options enter the monastery or the military People will come to the New World because it opened up possibilities for these people There is land Coming to America Joint Stock Company Putting together a business venture of people who will invest in sending a ship to the New
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