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AMH2097 Final Terms Complete Jews Diaspora 600 AD Jews are expelled from their homeland by the Ro man Empire and the Ottomans Anti Semitism Anti Jewish Christ Killers Christians believed that Jews killed the son of God Usury Profiting off of someone else s suffering inevitable with bank ing and finance Sephardic Jews Move to early America in the formative wave They come from Spain and Portugal and Live in Catholic societies The Spanish Inquisition Religious persecution against anyone who isn t Catholic 1478 1834 Auto de fe Act of faith prayer memorize scripture to prove your conversion to Catholicism Alhambra Decree Edict of expulsion passes March 31 1492 If you converted get out of Spain Spaniards don t trust converts New Amsterdam New York German Jews Came in the first wave 1830 s main difference from Germans was their economic class Pull factor was religious freedom Reformed Judaism Came from Germany Jews that fit into the Christian population Alternative to Orthodox Jews Peddlers Traveling salesman sell things around the U S Eastern European Jews Second wave Immigration 1880 1920 unskilled laborers can t speak English come from Eastern and Southern Europe Cannot and will not assimilate The Industrial Revolution Causes unskilled Eastern European Jewish laborers to come over to U S Ashkenazic Jews Eastern Europe Central Europe Russia Came in the Second wave They pull other Jews in U S down Lower East Side Where Ashkenazic Jews settled in the U S Pogroms Actually killing all Jews in Russian empire 1871 1917 Russification Russian empire takes over getting people to call them selves Russian Whole population not just Jews Yiddish The language Ashkenazic Jews speak New Immigrants Come in second wave 1880 1920 New doesn t necessarily mean good Sweatshops Owned by other Jews in U S so that Ashkenazic Jews can work around the holy day Saturday Tenament Houses In the city Eastern European Jews live in these 10 people in 300 sq ft Conservative Judaism Emerges in and particular to U S Balance between tradition and modern times Final Solution Hitler s solution to get living space and get rid of the Subhuman Holocaust Holocaust Up to 16 million people killed 6 million Jews 500 000 handicapped 15 000 gay people Death Camps Exterminaton through labor work shall set you free Extermination camps Concentration and Labor Camps The willful killing of forced laborers or prisoners through excessive labor malnutrition and inade quate care Extermination Through Labour working to death Work Shall Set You Free slogan of the concentration camps Extermination Camps Death Camps Gas Chambers Used to kill a lot of Jews in Death camps Systematic klling Cyanide Systematic Killing One example is the gas chambers Zyklon B pesticide used by the Nazis Sonderkommando Special unit Jewish prisoners that helped the nazis under threat of death to remove corpses and take jewelry and gold teeth Nazi Human Experimentation Medical torture on Jews and Gyp sies Josef Mengele Angel of Death doctor in Auschwitz that performed medical torture Tito and Nino Gypsy twins that were sewed together Death Marches Nazis forced prisoners to march to the death Leo Frank Jewish American only Jew to by Lynched war of racism Second KKK Hating anyone who isn t a WASP violence against Jews Henry Ford Big anti Semite had a lot of power in the U S Newspa per The Dearborn Independent The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 1920 Fake Document that says that Jews want to take over the world Written by Russians The Great Depression Belief that Jews were to Blame Racism Rosenberg Trials Only case of civilians being excecuted for espi onage in U S Husband and wife killed for supposedly giving info of the atomic bombs to USSR during the war Albert Einstein New intellectual helped create the atomic bomb in U S J Robert Oppenheimer Theoretical physicist and professor of physics Political Asylum Safe place from political persecution U S Voting Blocks Jewish Very strong very liberal They support so cial equality and protect civil rights Conservative Judaism Sabbath back on Sat Kosher Dress Syna gogues integrate The Dearborn Independent Newspaper by Henry Ford Lebensraum Living space in German Untermensch Subhuman in German Zionist Movement political movement to give the jews a homeland Israel Jewish homeland was Palestine created March 14 1948 Reverse Diaspora Jews move back to homeland Stats 90 of Jewish Americans have college degrees 55 still in NYC Laws Nativism Favoring established citizens over incoming people Xenophobia Dislike or fear of people from a different country Native American Party WASPs that wanted to vocalize their dis like of immigrants They don t get any laws passed Know Nothing Party Secret fraternal organization that becomes the American party The American Party Natural born white protestant Americans 3rd largest political party Makes concern on immigration vocal and public Scientific Racism Used by the American party to get laws passed Madison Grant Stated the passing of the great race The Passing of the Great Race Whites need to be careful be cause the immigrants are going to take over the country and the immi grants should be sterilized Ellis Island 1892 1954 where immigrants had to come through to get to U S Quota Acts Determined how many people were allowed to enter the U S Naturalization Acts Laws concerning who can become a citizen Immigration act of 1921 Restrict immigrants from Eastern and Western Europe Based on 1910 census only 3 or 357 000 which ever is less are allowed to come in Immigration act of 1924 greatest triumph of nativism 2 or 164 000 only allowed to come in Anglo Saxon Census 1890 census nicknamed this Johnson Reed Act National Origins Act Americas neighbors Mexico and Canada do not have immigration regulation Naturalization Act of 1943 When Asians were first permitted natu ralization repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act Immigration Nationality Act of 1952 McCarran Walter Act From every Asian country ot represented in the 1890 census 100 immigrants were allowed each year 2 000 total Asian immigrants al lowed each year Immigration Nationality Act of 1965 President Johnson abol ishes national origins quota system Neighbor law is exempt Mexican and Canadians are now counted Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 Stop illegal Mexican immigration by putting burden on employers Citizenship process minimum of 5 years living here Marriage loophole Written exam in every language oral part in English KI Fiancee Visa Try

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