RACE AND ETHNICITY NOTES EXAM 1 MIDTERM AAA American Anthropological Association claims that race does not exist Many ancient societies did not divide people according to physical characteristics Race has no genetic basis Most genetic variance is within groups Race is not biological but racism is real All human beings come from one common stock Traits like skin color hair color or eye color are all controlled by separate genes 1900 1910 by 1950 s African Americans would cease to exist 1900 s African Americans o Living conditions extreme poverty were share croppers did not have a lot of money o Economics and education Ideas about race change over time o A great example the American Census which is taken every 10 years 1790 free white males over 16 free white men under 16 free white females any other free people and slaves Why 16 o Eligible to be drafted Some Changes in the Census over Time 1790 1810 other free people s or slaves 1820 slaves or free colored s 1850 the color of a person white black mulatto 1950 negro appears 1990 Black African American or negro 2000 African American or black 2010 African American black or negro Modern Definitions of Ethnicity Ethnicity is cultural o Self chosen self inscribed o Religion o Culture o Food o Hobbies music dance clothing etc o Traditions o Language Gender o Sex and gender are not interchangeable o Gender is defined as how cultures understand what it means to be male or female Dress Behavior Clothing Sexual conduct etc Ideas about gender are always changing that s why society s expectations of different genders change Culturally Constructed What does culturally constructed mean o It s a phrase applied to just about everything ex Gender race ethnicity beauty even ADHD o Culturally constructed means that s what society believes is natural is man made and maintained by culture Some culturally constructed examples are o Such things as baby girls are dressed in pink and baby boys are dressed in blue There is also the idea of Shedding of the masculine which is o Rejecting what is masculine rejecting earlier or predominant culture o Conflict over expression of manlihood NEXT LESSON If there is mixed families the chances of your child looking like you lessens Racism the belief that one group is superior or inferior than another Subtle racism Covert racism ex Following some of a certain race because of a stereotype Horiztonal racism a person of a minority having a hate of someone who else is a minority Racism is not one person or group being inferior than another but a race that enjoys benefits and privileges based on your race at the expense of another race NATIVE AMERICANS NEXT LESSON Agenda Native Americans and European Contact When you think of Native American or Indian what comes to mind Discussion Question Espera Oscar de Corti Eastern Woodland Cultures Seasonal farmers as well as hunter gatherers Spoke various dialects of Algonquian Northeast region along the Atlantic Coast Almost 1 000 000 at time of contact Examples but only need to know 1 or 2 Narragansetts of Rhode Island Powhatans in the Virginia tidewaters Abenakis in northern New England European Ventures 984 A D the Vikings led by Eric the Red made settlements in both Greenland and Newfoundland 1492 Christopher Columbus saw what he called the West Indies His voyage was supported by Spain 1519 Hernan Cortez led expeditions into Mexico 1534 Jacques Cartier claimed Canada for France The Arrival of the English 1584 Sir Walter Raleigh settled what he called Virginia in honor of Queen Elizabeth o The mystery of Roanoke 1607 Jamestown VA was settled John Smith only reason colony survives Between 1619 1622 3 500 English individuals migrated to America Migration to the North American colonies was heavily English until 1700 Then the English migration generally receded to modest levels until well into the 19th century Nearly 3 million English migrated to the Us between 1820 1950 The majority came between 1880 1900 The English were the first sizable European group in what was to become the United States and continued to be an important segment of the European migration until WWI What motivated the English Economics Religion freedom of religion Adventure looking for the adventure of a lifetime Competition with the Spanish Civilized and Savage The relationship between English and other people was shaped by the idea of who was civilized and who was savage Before Indians English and the Irish Queen Elizabeth I sent British over to colonize Ireland A two tiered society developed Irish were labeled savage by the English The Irish Savage Catholicism pagan idolaters English felt the land was not being cultivated properly English believed the Irish were lazy and not deserving of the land The Indian Savage Savage brutes The English saw American land as undeveloped Religion Believed hunting to be primitive Saw Indian men as lazy as well Largely the problem was resolved for the New Englanders Disease God s providence John Winthrop Jr is an example of a quote of God s prophets Said God was making room for settlers Expansion Americans British expansion in the colonies led to greater violence between them and Native o King Phillips War 1675 1676 o Matacom aka King Phillip of the Wampanoags o More than half of all New England towns were pushed back to the coast Ultimately the English won the conflict but only barely The war of the righteous against the devil when the English won or the Indians died of disease they argue because of religions reasons God favors us over the Indians Had many fights with the Indians Ultimately the English won the conflict but barely Cotton Mather The Devil decoyed those miserable savages to New England in hopes that the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Chris would never come here to destroy Arguing in favor that British people are coming here and winning and that this is evidence of Gods promise to the British To be Indianized Proximity to wilderness Saw vigilance against Native Americans as vigilance against sin and vice To say someone was Indianized was to say that they were serving the Devil To New Englanders especially Puritans Indians personified sexuality sin laziness the loss of self control etc Other opinions Sometimes colonists would be taken captive during conflict If freed they often wrote about their stories Many of them were positive documenting the Native Americans hospitality and kindness IDENTITY NEXT LESSON Agenda Clothing identity English identity Native American
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