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Key Terms Exam 1 Race Category of human beings based upon distinctive physical characteristics such as skin color hair type and facial features Immanuel Kant German from the 1770s that was the first used the term race in the modern sense of biological differences Racial Hierarchy Classification or stratification of certain groups based on physical characteristics Group who makes hierarchy is on top The more different you are from the group the lower down you are WASPS White Angle Saxon Protestants on top Africans on bottom Johann Blumenbach German 1795 First to use word Caucasian First to develop racial hierarchy Ideological Racism The elites of the dominant white groups constructed other groups as being inferior in order to segregate and oppress Ethnicity A group distinguished primarily on the basis of cultural characteristics Language food clothing religion history Nationality The country of which you hold citizenship Prejudice Hasty judgment false generalization because one belongs to a particular group Stereotype An overgeneralization associated with a racial or ethnic category that goes beyond existing evidence Individual Racism News cast example Racially hostile acts of an individual directed at members of another group Institutional Racism Institutionalized practices that negatively affect members of a subordinate racial group Discrimination House price increase example Actions carried out by members of a dominant group that have a harmful effect on members of the subordinate group Accommodation Does not resist accepts their place as a subordinate group Assimilation Conform oneself absorb or take on the mainstream culture Leave old identity take on dominant culture Acculturation Keep one s own culture mainly in home but also adapts to new culture when necessary for jobs school survival etc Four Types of Immigration 1 Voluntary 2 Involuntary 3 Forced 4 Refugee Four Factors of Success 1 Money Need to have it 2 Location Settle away from the WASPs 3 Numbers The smaller the better 4 Stereotypes Must be positive or similar to WASPs English Americans The Basics Voluntary migrants Came as early as 1607 Jamestown but majority came during the 1700s Formative Wave Drove Native Americans off their lands Four WASP Settlements 1 Virginia Chesapeake Group of men sailors bankers workers Joint Stick Companies Economic goals Raw materials overseas trading indentured servants 2 Massachusetts New England Religion Massachusetts Bay Company Puritans completely separate religion Just want their way of life away from the church 3 Pennsylvania Quakers Pacifists Peaceful Religious Toleration Society based on work ethic 4 Backcountry Scottish Scotch Irish 1700s Settled in Appalachian mountain region Unique culture Drunken violent protestant Lot of hostility in British main why they came over Joint Stock Companies Sponsored by queen of England must pay back Indentured Servants Must work Person you work for can give you land money May give you bad land if you re a man women who can t work The Five WASP Institutions 1 Language English 2 Religion Majority are denominators of Protestantism Protestant work ethic 3 Education Private schools for WASPS Public schools established by WASPs for immigrants to learn Anglo Protestant values 4 Government Federal government shared by executive and legislature Judicial foundation is English Common Law 5 Economic Capitalism Free Market Economy Industrialism Protestant Work Ethic It is ones duty to work hard to please god Nativism The protection of native born inhabitants of a country from new immigrants who are seen as a threat 5 Steps of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade plus conditions on each step 1 March to the Coast Europeans set up forts on W African Coast Move into interior to capture Africans Conditions Shackles Resistance 25 loss 2 Slave Fort Wait for ships weeks to months 2 types of holding pens Barracoon Exposure to weather conditions dehydration food distribution good to be on outside Dungeon No air no sunlight food distribution worst place in back Very poor sanitation One way to resist tip boat over walk to shore 3 Middle Passage Canoes Packing Tight loose Conditions Disease no proper air food water Starvation Death Rate 25 tightly packed lower for loose packed Throw bodies overboard to sharks Atrophy 4 Slave Auction Caribbean Most ships come here Prepare for sale Men inspect for muscles not old Women inspect for sexual reproduction 5 Seasoning Taken to new home Master not usually there Overseer usually white good bad Slave Driver usually black Breaking will punishment work all day New Identity Name language Krumen Africans who aided in capture transport Barracoon Enclosure out in the open in which slaves were held in when waiting for the ships to arrive Tight Packing v Loose Packing Tight Take more slaves get more in the end Higher death rate Loose Take less slaves more survive Dysentery Water contamination Atrophy Muscles don t get used for a long time so they shut down An hour a day they take passengers up to the deck to dance for an hour Cotton Gin 1794 Eli Whitney Machine that took seeds out of cotton Saved time on farm Interstate Slave Trade Tobacco Slaves were sent Upper South Lower South Maryland Tennessee Virginia Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Florida Gang Labor System v Task Labor System Gang Cotton Deep South Sun up to sun down Worked all day no matter what Task Rice Low country SC and GA Had free time Worked until the job was done One Drop Rule If you had absolutely any ancestors that were even a drop black then you could be taken as a slave 11 were mulatto mixed Slave Codes Laws against blacks in the south Punished if broken whippings rapes Examples of Active Resistance v Examples of Passive Resistance Active Running away Revolt Theft Poison Arson Break Tools Suicide Slow down Fake illness Play dumb Passive Abolitionism People who want to get rid of slavery 2 of the North Emancipation Proclamation Emancipating all black slaves still engaged in rebellion against the Union January 1 1863 Civil War Amendments 13th amendment Slavery abolished 14th amendment Due process Equality for blacks 15th amendment Gives black men right to vote Freedman s Bureau Oliver Otis Howard Organization to aid in the relief resettlement of newly freed slaves Sharecropping Former slaves would return to working for their masters in exchange for a place to live and food and resources necessary for life White Home Rule White Supremacy ex Disfranchisement Disfranchisement

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