Race and Ethnicity Final RACE AND ETHNICITY TERMS Race A socially constructed group identity based on physical characteristics both real and imagined It is neither permanent nor unchanging definitions vary across cultures Racial Group Group socially defined based on real or alleged physical characteristics Racial hierarchies How the dominant group ranks races Racialization Process by which dominant white groups have defined certain groups as superior or inferior for societal placement segregation oppression Distinctively a Euro Euro Am idea Indigenous worldview encompasses all humanity e g Helped colonists Ideological racism based Pseudo Science used to explain the ranking of races Created to justify slavery based on idea that race is genetically biologically Belief that different physical characteristics differences in intelligence culture level of civilization Johann Blumenbach Est influential racial classification system 1795 Coined caucasian from Caucasus Mts he believed earliest and most beautiful humans came from here Individual racism isolated discrimination An act of racism against an Institutional racism indirect direct institutionalized Laws Customs that TYPES OF RACISM individual hate crimes negatively affect a group Plessy vs Ferguson Plessy was a black man who could pass as white but was arrested for riding in the white train Led to Separate but Equal 1890 Brown vs Board of Education Brown s black daughter had to walk 5 mi to rundown black school when a good white school was minutes from home Ethnicity Social groups w a shared history sense of identity geography and cultural roots Consciousness of shared experienced cultural patterns crucial in forming grp Race and Ethnicity Final Reversed Plessy ruling identity Nationality 4 Types of Migration Voluntary Forced Economic Labor Displaced Persons Push Factor Pull factor Assimilation Culture overridden by the dominant one Acculturation Ability to function within the dominant culture whilst retaining original culture Philosophies of Race and Ethnicity Anglo Conformity Everyone should assimilate into the dominant white culture Melting Pot Ideal all groups should mix together as a give and take Cultural Pluralism each group should stay separate and not blend cultures Ethnocentrism View of things in which one s own group is the centre of everything and all others are scaled w reference to it Positive Ethnocentrism Loyalty to values beliefs members of our group Cahokia Pre European contact it was the biggest city N of Mexico The Three Sisters Squash Beans Maize Race and Ethnicity Final Colonization Migration Forced Migration By 1806 Cherokee had given up most hunting land Supreme Court ruled in favor of natives Andrew Jackson encouraged ignoring rulings consented breaking treating NATIVE AMERICANS Congress forced to move to lands west of the Mississippi under auspices of Indian Removal Act 1830 negotiated treaties The Trail of Tears Caused by Indian Removal Act Atlantic Gulf Coast and midwestern tribes forced to move Many deaths Conditions in W hard to survive in More casualties March of thousands from East West to Oklahoma aka Indian Territory April 1889 Land run to Oklahoma for free land by U S Decree Natives living in this area since 1830s pushed out again By 1890 native pop 250 000 down from 15 mil Numbers low until 1950s more ppl claiming heritage Long Walk 1864 displacement of the Navajo by the US govnt Little Big Horn Forced to leave their reservation at gunpoint Matrilineal Women largely in charge Some Indian societies like this Ind societies more egalitarian in general equal societal political respect for men women Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA 1824 Made to protect rights of Indians but REALLY took away autonomy Race and Ethnicity Final Est to coordinate federal relations w Indians Authoritarian supervision of reserves provisions of supplies Indian leaders replaced w white Indian religion suppressed Christian missionaries Clear example of govnt defining controlling US racial ethnic groups The Sun Dance From Aztec religion Inspired Ghost Dance Dawes Act 1887 Passed by congress to divide res lands among individual fams Private ownership Development of land alien value to Indians Tore apart reservations Purpose Govnt hoped Ind societies would turn into individualistic owners Unallotted land sold to white farmers By mid 1930s 140mil acres of land 50 mil acres Ghost Dance Late 1800s Native religion 2 separate movements 1870 1890 latter more popular Christian Traditional beliefs Spurred by food shortage lack of hope Influenced by Shamanism Christianity Aztec religion sun dance Belief of consecrated clothing that protected from death Goals Population revitalization Community events did lead to relationship building Return of buffalo Demise of white man Raise dead Woodsiwob Led movement of 1870 Wovoka Paiute Shaman Led movement of 1890 Had vision from Christian God Visions of buffalo returning white man s demise Wounded Knee Wounded Knee Creek SD Race and Ethnicity Final Dec 1890 Harsh winter Food shortages transition from buffalo hunting to subsistence farming surviving on rations to get used to change Crop failure at same time By 1890 no natives lived free many epidemics alcoholism Rumours of Lakota prepping for battle bc of consecrated clothing Whites scared of crazy ghost dancers Troops assembled Lakota refused to clear out Preformed dance Massacre ensued Sitting Bull vision his own people would kill him Arrested by Lakota police so he wouldn t participate in Ghost Dance Killed by Lakota police working for US Replaced by Big Foot who died at Wounded Knee 1973 Occupation of Wounded Knee US troops come casualties on both sides Charlotte Black Elk Lakota tribe member political environmental activist and Indian land rightist N Scott Momaday Native American writer historian Indian Citizenship Act 1924 Citizenship given to all Natives Indian Claims Commission Post WWII Created to deal with numerous claims for land broken treaties Received monetary compensation but thus in turn abdicated claim on land Thank you for action in WWI WWII and apology for poor treatment in the past The Occupation of Alcatraz 1964 4 hour occupation forced to leave 1969 19 month occupation To test validity of 1868 treaty remind ppl of all the other broken treaties To create a place for natives Institution of Higher Learning Spiritual School Museum Centre of Ecology etc Powwow Festivals originally gatherings for curing ceremonies Build pride community
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