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AMH2097 Race Ethnicity Final Exam Review 1 Introduction on Immigration U S History and Race a U S Constitution 1787 i Article 1 3 5 of a person for slaves Determined population for House of Representatives Continuation of slave trade Fugitive slave provision Slaves were property returned to owners Racial subordination Inferior due to race b Immigration i Alien Sedition and Naturalization Acts Increased residency requirement for American citizenship from 5 to 14 years Authorized president to imprison or deport aliens considered dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States What Defines a Person s Race a Susie Guillory Phipps i Sued the state of Louisiana in 1980 ii Requested racial designation on birth certificate changed Colored changed to white b One Drop Rule i If at least 1 32 colored will be designated as such ii She lost her case AMH2097 Race Ethnicity Final Exam Review 2 She was 3 32 iii 1970 Louisiana Blood Law What is Race a Race i 16th 17th century race Kinship linkages family bloodline Race is based off of your last name and ancestry ii 18th century to present Perceived by a group from Europe and white that saw everyone else as different races Physical characteristics Based off of biological differences iii Today Social construct Self identifying distinctions b Racial Hierarchy i Johann Blumenbach 1795 German anatomist who classified races Caucasians Europeans Mongolians Asians Ethiopians Africans Americas Native Americans Malays Polynesian Race Scientifically Categorized a Biological racial initiatives i Northern Europeans believed this AMH2097 Race Ethnicity Final Exam Review 3 ii Race is not biological it is passed down b Is there a biological distinction to race i There is NO distinctive biological reality called race Racist Ideology a Race is a social construct b Ethnicity i Origin of word ethnic ii Greek word ethos meaning nation i Minority group or subordinate group c Ethnic Groups d Ethnocentrism i Belief that one s particular ethnic group is more important than other ethnic groups and that all other groups should be measured according to Review 1 How has the definition of race changed over time their ethnic group 16th and 17th centuries directly tied to kinship your race is last name not necessarily color 18th century through 20th century perceived by western white Europeans to classify other groups by physical appearances held false belief of racial superiority due to biological differences Today it s based on ethnicity and culture a social construct 2 What is racial hierarchy Stratification and unequal treatment due to physical differences 3 Why is a racial hierarchy important to this course It still exists today and must have attention put towards it in order to work to its extinction 4 How did Johan Blumenbach classify the races Superiority due to regions AMH2097 Race Ethnicity Final Exam Review 4 Week 1 Key Terms Transition time period moving from one country to the other Assimilation people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family Race social construct with self identifying distinctions Racial Hierarchy stratification of or inequality amongst different groups that are separated by physical characteristics Ideological Racism real or alleged physical characteristics are linked to cultural traits that dominant group deems undesirable or inferior Racialization subordination of a group for an advantage Racial Group groups defined by racial characteristics i e race color nationality including citizenship or ethnic or national origins Ethnicity Nation of a group of people Minority Group Subordinate Group Group because physical or culture characteristics singled out for differential and unequal treatment Dominant Group during subordination majority of racial group with greatest power and resources Culture values practices symbols and beliefs of a group of people Multiculturalism diversity in a region and how they interact Stereotypes overgeneralization associated with racial or ethnic category that goes beyond existing evidence English Immigration First Immigrants a Spanish arrived first b 350 000 English by early 18th century c 1820 1950 nearly 3 million English immigrants d Practice of colonized migration i Involved the subordination of indigenous societies 4 Distinct English Speaking Groups a Virginia Royalists i Settled in Virginia ii 1642 1675 iii Brought indentured servants iv The Virginia Company Joint Stock Company charged with settlement of Virginia Named after Queen Elizabeth v 1607 there was less than105 settlers Came to find gold b Puritans 1629 1640 i Settled in Massachusetts ii 20 000 came at first then 120 000 years later iii William Bradford was leader iv Divine Mission AMH2097 Race Ethnicity Final Exam Review 5 Goal to create a model Christian society to properly worship god Strict religious belief system Didn t like Anglican belief system v Left England for Religious freedom to worship god Persecuted in England believed in more strict religious beliefs vi Puritans fled to Holland in 1607 vii Radicals known as separatists Those who left because of the Church of England viii Church of England similar to Catholic Church Felt the Church of England should reform further ix Set out in 1620 to the New World on the Mayflower x Mayflower Compact Government charter by pilgrims that they made on their own that they would all agree by first one in new world Lived separate from colonies until 1691 Massachusetts Bay Community with everyone having their own trades for the benefit Colony of society c Quakers i From North Midland England and Wales No social class hierarchy ii Arrived Delaware Valley 1675 1725 Extreme radicals of English war iii George Fox 1647 was founder Inner light spirituality from within equal iv No formal sacraments ministry v Pacifism AMH2097 Race Ethnicity Final Exam Review 6 No violence within vi Actively recruited people vii Radical in England and faced persecution viii William Penn Creates the Quaker Commonwealth Pennsylvania Thought religion could be set aside in favor of the commonwealth Settled in West Jersey worked really well with the Native Americans at a larger scale d Borderland Immigrants 1718 1775 i Settled in Appalachian backcountry ii Socioeconomic status status and freedom iii Distinct differences Mainly farmers who were extremely poor and wanted new social Formed insular communities Spoke home language Not social with others Believed in natural liberty their own form

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