AMH2097 Exam 2 Study Guide Chinese Immigration Outline I Immigration by the Numbers II China in the 19th and 20th Century III Early Chinese Immigration IV Mid 20th Century Chinese Immigration V Life today comparable to other immigrant groups China in the 19th Century a Dynastic Power i Passed down through family kinships linkages ii Xia Dynasty came to power first 21 BCE iii Shang Dynasty start to see beginning of written record b Qing Dynasty 1644 1911 i Lost power due to westernization and imperialism ii Patriarchal III Industrial based c Queue i Hairstyle for men with long ponytail ii Couldn t be cut iii Treasonous for not having it showed loyalty to the ruling family of the Qing Dynasty Queue Order iv Hairstyle let them immigrate to the U S as they would still show reverence towards China Rebellion a Taiping Rebellion 1851 1864 i Civil War of China ii Hong Xiuquan fails civil service exam four times that is required for work visions of Christianity had to save Chinese people from oppression leads rebellion shaved their heads Queue appointed Yang Xiang iii Worship God Society was the name of the movement iv Attention in southern part of China where most trade occurred v Shaved their heads queue to show they don t support the Qing ruling vi Equality for men and women equal distribution of land forbid use of foot binding banning excess alcohol opium tobacco etc banning concubines vii Southern China very susceptible to change farming area low employment vii Yang Chin great military general defeated government troops in 1852 but is eventually defeated viii Qing Dynasty begins to have Western support with artillery due to them having Chinese investments F T War Major Charles Warden came to defend Shang Hai f rom these rebels which became known as the Ever Victorious Army b Boxer Rebellion 1898 1901 i Northern China ii Wanted to govern themselves iii Influenced by Taiping Rebellion iv Imperialism against the idea that colonization was taking over China government was becoming weak and relying on foreign forces v Spheres of influence Map national alliance of 8 countries brought 20 000 troops to China Qing dynasty doesn t officially support but gave money to fund the troops vi Qing dynasty ousted due to Republican Revolution vii Boxer Protocol calls for severe punishment on China due to rebellion c Republican Revolution 1911 i Wuchang Uprising workers and people uprise over governments handling of railways establishment of the Republic of China ii New Army of the Republic launches a coo against Qing military officials iii Sun Yat Sen father of the republic nationalist iv Republic of China result of nationalist uprising idea to become more democratic v Occupation vi Japanese are a problem to Chinese in China until 1945 Early Chinese Immigration a California Gold Rush 1848 1852 i Mined for gold in mass immigration to one area ii Some found no gold found other work iii Men with no plans of staying in the U S would send the money home iv Mining and building of the railroad sustained the Chinese rather than gold b Foreign Miner s Tax 1852 i Specifically aimed at the Chinese for gaining taxes at those who did not have American citizenship ii Language allowed the government to get away over taxation iii Required payment of 3 a month through taxes these men would normally make 6 a month c People V Hall 1854 i Chinese can t testify against whites in California ii Race of people which nature marked inferior Transcontinental Railroad 1862 form of nativism a Covers frontier from east to west coast cost 136 million b 30 miles completed first year 50 miles completed second year c Went to China to recruit people to work on the railroad d Workers Wages i Paid for passage with form of indentured servitude ii Wage discrimination based on danger of job iii Treated inferior to white workers e Burlingame Treaty of 1868 i Between the United States and China ii Established formal friendly relations iii Gives China rights to have counsels in the U S eminent domain over their territories and allowed for large scale Chinese immigration Review 1 How was China ruled as a country and how did that impact the people Dynasty hereditary monarchy People didn t like it s actions 2 What were the goals of the two rebellions we discussed The Taiping Rebellion Equality among classes and genders Christianity Only one spouse Removal of foot binding Caused by unemployment scarcity of food The Boxer Rebellion Nationalistic lines dealing with imperialism taking over useful parts 3 What was the initial motivation for Chinese immigration to the U S in the 19th Century California Gold Rush unsuccessful due to difficulty and had to find regular jobs supposed to be short term 4 Discuss some of the discrimination and prejudices the Chinese faced in California People V Hall Chinese couldn t testify against whites deeming them inferior taxed more paid less than white workers with more dangerous jobs Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 Increased immigration in California taking a toll Chinese Americans citizenships can bring their families over from China a Discrimination i First federal law to restrict immigration based off of race and class for 10 years renewed indefinitely in 1902 b Passed in the Senate and the House i President vetoed it ii Goes back and becomes a law c Repealed in 1943 i Barriers were removed permanently d Angel Island i West Coast Ellis Island ii Most who arrived were removed because they couldn t prove they had family here Beginning of 20th Century Immigration a Immigration Act of 1917 i Asiatic Barred Zone Act ii Large region of Asia unable to immigrate to United States iii Wilson rejected the act but congress passed it b Magnuson Act of 1943 i Repealed the initial Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 allowing immigration for all Chinese nationalists Communist China a Chinese Communist Party CCP i Founded in 1921 ii Mao Zedong eventually took over iii Idealistic for youth iv Gradually increased control of China b Nationalists i Chiang Kai Shek A New Wave of Immigration communist country a Wealthy and well educated b New Conditions i Factory Workers ii Chinatowns c People s Republic of China October 1 1949 i After WWII in battle of Nationalists and Communists it formed a San Francisco New York Chicago iii Horrendous factories that weren t monitored or maintained Sweatshops Conflict and Life Today a Gang Violence i American born Chinese ABC spoiled and privileged ii Fresh off the boat FOB lacking English skills and uneducated c
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