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The History of Immigration Race is your appearance either by society or yourself Ethnicity is not where your family came from it is culture traditions food language religion music the way we do things Nationality is where your parents came from your roots Race the assumption of differences based on real or imagined physical characteristics As soon as you are a person in power what you believe about races matters Racism taking the belief of these physical characteristics and believe that a group is inferior or superior because of those characteristics We once considered Irish black on the inside and hated them more than blacks Stereotypes are not always inferior they can be superior Ethnicity people who have something in common with one another language religion culture etc Usually someone s roots from Cuba from Mexico etc influence their ethnicity Your nationality can be American but your ethnicity can not America creates ethnicities Hispanic Jewish even though they come from all over the world and have nothing in common with each other Nativism dislike of immigrants or particular immigrants perceiving someone s ethnicity and disliking it Nationality where you were born where you are a citizen what passport you have Unlike the other two terms there is no question about what your nationality is You are born where you re born What does the United State do with this information They put you into racial and ethnic hierarchies The people in power are at the top of this hierarchies WASPs Where people are placed in the hierarchy is based entirely on appearances people most like you are on top people most different are on bottom Money throws off the system regardless of your race people will like you if you have money Regardless of your race if you have no money you will be at the bottom of the hierarchy The Other putting people at a distance and therefore making them inferior they can often imply enemy news stations The History of Immigration Who comes why they come and what happens when they come Three Movements waves of Immigration Formative Wave 1607 1830 Jamestown WASPs formed the USA and our culture Africans Italians Germans Jews but WASPs ignore None of the pilgrims or puritans considered themselves these people and form the country they desire immigrants Their families today do not consider themselves from immigrants family First Wave Second Wave Irish Germans Chinese all over the world 1830 1880 At 1880 tens of millions of people immigrate to USA 1880 1920 Greeks Italians Czechs Poles Japanese Largest wave of people to come to USA 1921 Immigration law passed that stops this wave only about 160 000 immigrants coming Now what We have the same amount of people coming into the USA now as we did in the 1880s Why Do They Come Push v Pull o What pushes you out of your country and o Push lack of food or jobs poor government o Pull jobs money freedom safety The pulls you into another religious persecution war American Dream education suffrage health care A person with push factors is not really a voluntary migrant They want to be home but can t Everyone has pull factors however Voluntary migrants are completely satisfied to be here The vast majorities of immigrants who came to America were non voluntary How They Fit In Assimilation Acculturation completely giving up your past culture and accepting a new one entirely picking and choosing must speak the native language dress like us but won t give up their country The USA wants all immigrants to assimilate The vast majority acculturate The Process o How quickly or slowly Whether you are voluntary immigrant or not whether you like the country s culture or not the public schooling system o What makes the difference If you re the only person from your country that moves into a new area you are likely to assimilate quicker and more fully Age the younger you are the more opt you are to accept a different culture Older hold onto their values because they grew up with it Marriage if you come to a country to marry them you are likely to adopt their values Money poor immigrants may sell out to the American Dream Un Assimilate able a person who may want to assimilate and tries to but can not due to their physical appearance What the United States wants from Immigrants A History of Assimilation Acculturation in America 1 Anglo Conformity o 1609 1960 o Anglo White o Nativism o Xenophobia fear of other everyone who is different Fear is stronger than dislike it leads to action 2 Melting Pot o 1960 s o Civil Rights Movements o Melting Pot all American peoples join together to become one Not true immigrants are all still individuals o 1980 s and beyond o Celebrate peoples differences instead of trying to blend them together 3 Cultural Pluralism Anglo Saxon Protestants or English Americans WASPs Formative Migration and Beyond Who are the WASPs WASP White Anglo Saxon Protestant o English called themselves white because it referred to purity godliness cleanliness holiness not because it referred to their skin color o English called themselves white because they encountered people who were not like them when they came to America o Anglo Saxon ethnic background of most of northern Europe Ironic WASPs who are so against differences are themselves a mixture Anglo and Saxon o Protestant non Catholic Christian Anglo Saxon English Who are the English Not a Homogenous Group although they may consider themselves that today o Anglos Saxons Gaelic tribes Celts o Picts Britons Normans Romans even Vikings The Immigration of the English England in 1600 because there was no direct successor o Henry the 8th had died didn t know who would secede him o Multiple wars going on o The economy was very weak o England had not explored or colonized anywhere didn t have Colonization Queen Elizabeth successor to Henry the 8th Protestant ruler Definition of Upper Middle Lower class in England Europe o trial run colonizing Ireland o Upper class you must be related to royalty landed you own land not defined by money Gentleman never used their hands to work educated royalty do not own land doctors lawyers business men somewhat educated o Middle class people with money make a living not o Lower class you don t have money work for royalty o Upper class are who beg Queen Elizabeth to colonize Second third sons Primogeniture first born sons get everything other sons don t get anything and are limited to what they can do Two choices o Your father can buy you a post to run an army he will die

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