African Immigration Why Africans Tried native Americans first they were very susceptible to diseases Already a slave trade system within Africa more humane than how it was done in America African slaves in the West Indies Africans not as susceptible to diseases easier to tell that they were a slave 1698 Royal African Company collapsed slave trade increased 4 step process of the transatlantic slave trade Came from West Africa Kings and queens gave right to slave Traded for cowrie shells and firearms Krumen Africans who worked for the Europeans captured other Africans Slave ports were set up Step 1 the march to the coast right to slave capture or even buy Krumen Africans who would capture other Africans for the Europeans to use as slaves Up to 200 mile walk up to 6 months very poor conditions poor food and water forced to carry food and water About 10 slaves shackled together 25 died Males were majority but females and children were also slaves Step 2 holding tanks Barracoons wooden or bamboo cage Slave fort factory dungeons Exposed to the elements Slaves in the perimeter were feed many in the middle died of malnutrition wouldn t let slaves out of cage very unhygienic went to the bathroom in the cages Another 25 might die in the cages Chance to escape difficulty because of different dialects still chained together Tight packing packed in extra 25 because they knew people would die laid down on shelves Loose packing only as many slaves they knew they could get over to the Americas safely Step 2 slave canoes Transportation to the ship Still changed together Step 3 Middle passage Conditions dehydration dysentery sharks atrophy tried to prevent this by what s called dancing the slaves rebellion weren t always successful either put down or could ve died due to running out of supplies before reaching land Step 4 seasoning Most slaves worked in the Caribbean first Coal dus for hair tallow for muscles cover sores Slave auction Price factors age defects sex skills beauty Seasoner sometimes another slave who was older teach him rudimentary English but was not taught no enforced punishment Caribbean Hot Box put in a box and left in the hot sun for hours
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