January 18 2012 Waves of Immigration Formative wave 1607 1820 English some Germans Dutch Sephardic Jews First Wave 1820 1880 Irish German and Chinese Second Wave 1880 1920 Eastern and Southern Europeans These were also the people who came through Ellis Island Restrictive laws were placed to control the amount of people that came to the US Third Wave 1920 present Central and South America the Caribbean India Japan Vietnam The restrictive laws were becoming less strict The first anti immigration laws were made against the Chinese The English considered themselves to be native They were threatened by new groups coming to America How did England go from Catholic to Protestant King Henry VIII wanted to end his first marriage The pope would only grant annulment for unconsummated marriages 1534 Church of England Anglican Church broke away from the Catholic Church WASP White Dominant group in America Anglo Saxon Protestant Anglican Church Virginia s Immigrants 1585 Roanoke 1607 Jamestown Disease Indentured servants New England s Immigrants 1620 Pilgrims land on Plymouth Rock Religion Many were literate and educated Some indentured servants Focused on family and religion They also had farming and crop skills Many of them were literate and educated even mothers and daughters were literate and educated Three Great Migrations First Great Migration 1 1629 1640 New England 2 1641 1672 Virginia Chesapeake Bay indentured servants tobacco 3 1675 1725 Pennsylvania New York New Jersey Delaware Quakers 1629 1640 Puritans Thought the Anglican Church needed more reform John Winthrop led the Puritans Massachusetts Bay Colony founded by John Winthrop and the Puritans More people came because of the push factor economic downfall Land in Massachusetts was cheaper than that in Virginia Cold climate led to no mosquitos 1629 City on a Hill sermon This sermon was given by John Winthrop He meant that the Puritans were supposed to be the light of the world for everyone a model society and an example Families how the puritans came over Education was very important Second Great Migration 1641 1672 Virginia and Chesapeake Bay English Civil War disrupted jobs and caused unemployment Tobacco it became a way of working 1630s and 1640s there was a smoking craze in England it saved Jamestown thus causing people to continue to come to Jamestown even with the high death rate and malaria Indentured servants their sentence could be from four to seven years Disease yellow fever and malaria ratio of men to women was 16 1 average life span was about 43 years old not enough women to go around Education was only for the rich the college of William and Mary was founded for the rich Focused on social hierarchy developed even more when there was even more of a divide between the rich and the poor Based on race no matter how poor the white laborer was he was higher on the hierarchy scale than a black laborer was Social deference Third Great Migration 1675 1725 The Middle Colonies Quakers didn t go to the Church of England and they also didn t pay their taxes to the church they didn t believe in war but in peace Good climate and soil they produced lots of grain 1664 New Amsterdam 1680 Pennsylvania founded by William Penn he was a nobleman connected to the king of England the king owned his father a debt so he agreed to give Penn the land even though he didn t like Quakers Equality for all the Quakers strongly believed in this they let their women speak in church Ethnic pluralism different ethnic groups living together in peace This didn t last because two of the groups started to hate the Quakers they called the Quakers Indian Lovers What led to social construction of the idea of white The English started to define themselves against other ethnic groups They called the Native Americans savages and not white They also considered other groups to not be white They considered only the English people to be white RECAP 4 waves of immigration Formative First Second Third WASPs the dominant group for most of US history Early settlements Virginia vs New England 3 Great Migrations
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