January 13 2012 Ghost Dance Video Questions Notes 1 Look at the big picture what does the Oklahoma Land Run 1889 have to do with the Ghost Dance 1890 They are happening about the same time as the Indian lands are being taken by the whites and it s a reaction for having their land taken away and it is a way for them to survive 2 What was the purpose of the Dawes Act provided for each head of the Indian family with grazing land and then called for surplus to be opened up for whites a way to break up the whole tribal structures of Native American tribes break up community make farmers civilize people break up tribal structures Their land was being broken up rations were greatly reduced and many drastic epidemics occurred 3 How can religion or dance be seen as a form of resistance to oppression The even seen by the settlers was described as wild and crazy It is a form of building community having a life having a culture and refusing to suffer It is refusing to be beat down 4 Why did the Ghost Dance religion take the form of a dance It was part of a message of hope to the Indian peoples The message of hope was filled with many Christian as well as Indian elements When they did Wovoka promise the whites would vanish and they would be okay again Sitting Bull remained skeptical of the powers of the danced but still allowed it anyways Sacred shirts and feathers were worn during the dance 5 Why did government officials believe that the Ghost Dance would lead to an uprising There were many tribes being brought together and forming communities because of this dance The whites thought it was a form of conspiring to form rebellion The whites were afraid that the dancing and drumming was a form of getting ready for battle 43 Lakota police were sent to get Sitting Bull and arrest him An accidental shot was fired at a Lakota policeman and Sitting Bull was shot in the head he was killed by one of his own people The 7th Cavalry misunderstood Big Foot s intentions and then went after the Indian Chief 250 men women and children were killed by the soldiers after an accidental firing of a gun For seven days the dead Lakota were left where they had fallen The frozen dead bodies were dumped into a pit by the burial party The 4 000 remaining living Ghost Dancers finally surrendered
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