January 6 2012 Race is a social construction Differences in a race are not natural but are created by society Gender masculinity and femininity are learned behaviors Johann Blumenbach Race a socially constructed group identity based on physical characteristics both real and imagined it is neither permanent nor unchanging Racial group a group socially defined based on real or alleged physical characteristics Ethnicity social Homer Plessy separate but equal Ideological racism used to explain the ranking of the races Racial hierarchy how the dominant group ranks the races Individual racism act of racism against an individual Institutional racism laws and customs that have a negative effect on a group Nationality belonging to a nation country where you hold citizenship Emigration moving away Immigration coming in Push Pull factors 1 Voluntary 2 Forced 3 Economic Labor 4 Displaced persons refuges Assimilation allowing one s original culture to be overridden by the dominant culture Acculturation acquiring the capability to function within the dominant culture while retaining ones original culture Anglo conformity belief that everyone should be assimilated into the dominant culture Melting pot ideal all of the groups should mix give and take acculturation Cultural pluralism idea that each group should stay separate and not blend cultures
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