FINAL STUDY GUIDE Southern Italians Mafia a place of refuge Only refers to southern Italians Mutual aid societies become the mafia They get involved in bootlegging selling alcohol making Yellow Press slang for newspaper in the 1920s It was a newspaper you didn t trust Fake titles Mafia Myth 1 all southern Italians are in the mafia 2 2 all crime in US is from the mafia Truth only 0 003 of southern Italians were in mafia The yellow press made it seem like they were all involved Al Capone Becomes infamous symbol of Mafia Gangster Very flashy infamous figure arrested for tax evasion Frank Sinatra southern Italian immigrant Americans enjoy his music and think he s cool despite being a southern Italian Rosie the Riveter An Italian Immigrant woman on the poster during WWII we can do it made Italians feel more American Jewish Immigration Diaspora movement of Jews out of their homeland They were kicked out of Israel Spread out all over the world Anti Semitism anti Jewish no matter where they are they are minority Countries do not like the jews Results 1 placed in jewish ghettos holocaust and know exactly where they are 2 jews can only work in certain places banking 3 not allowed to be educated 4 cannot vote Christ Killers Christians say jews killed jesus They blame the jews for all bad things But the crowd that decided to kill jesus was not purely jewish Usury sin of profiting off someone elses suffering Christians think it is a sin to do this Christians could not open banks because banks have to charge interest open to jewish populations esp bc other jobs were not available to them Sephardic Jews Spanish jews The Spanish Inquisition movement sending priests monks all over spain asking are you catholic Religious persecution in spain and Spanish colonies Supposed to keep Catholicism the official region If you lie you must convince them usually never worked If you are not you can opt to convert put into jail and learn about Catholicism and perform auto de fe If you are not and you are honest killed or prison for life Most jews did not lie and accepted consequences bc a part of their identity Auto de Fe act of faith to prove you have converted Recite bible verses Must pass Alhambra Decree edict of expulsion all Jews get out of Spain We still don t trust you This is a major movement of jews they leave to avoid persecution not because of lack of money resources Actually can t go because no countries want them They will literally be on boarders Come to America b c we were not a country yet New Amsterdam Formative Wave Immigration City in New York About 3 000 Jews come to America small Americans find this immigration useful bankers finance Middle and upper class people Facing persecution not poverty Invest money in jewelry to have more money Mostly stayed in cities build own synagogues easy for jews to travel with their money because its value was put into jewelry and other wearable items German Jews 1 3 are Jewish Came in large numbers 1820 15 000 Jews in U S 1850 30 000 Jews in US 1880 2 5 million Jews in US becomes way more conspicuous Peddlers successful sort of a traveling salesman Pitch cart to horse and sell all over country Get WASPs to do business with them 1 make a really good product 2 sell them at low prices 3 sell catalogues all over country Reformed Judaism Jews trying to blend in used to having hostile populations Synagogue may look like a church much less orthodox jews Originates from Germany Second Wave Immigration last and largest movement New Immigrants New did not mean good bad Most of these immigrants wont speak English have different religions are unskilled and from eastern southerm Europe Industrial Revoultion major pull factor for new immigrants America needed unskilled labors jobs in factories Eastern European Jews Ashkenazic Jews Eastern Europe Central Europe Russia Ruin everything for jewish population and disrupt lives Huge migration and all settle in one place Why did they leave Russia Russification elimination without killing Trying to turn other populations into Russians Make an effort to turn Jews into Christians Focus on their kids and young children by forcing boys to join 1 MILITARY When boys turn 8 must serve for 25 years No where near the town grew up in 2 FIGHTING BACK Some families do things to their kids to make them ineligible Hurt child physically to save his soul saving them 3 MARRIAGE LAWS Pass laws saying jewish women cannot marry jewish men Eliminates jewish population Pogroms 1871 1917 eastern European jews that actually murder people Over 100 000 jews killed in pogroms Tsar Alexander II assassinated march 13 1881 Son comes to power hates everyone Takes freedom away from everyone Blame The Jews almost like a campaign slogan Eastern European jews in america Second Wave Lower East Side NYC 2 million arrive here big number settle all in same exact place Don t speak English so they really stick out Do not have any money because they came from Russia and no skills Yiddish Ashkenazic jews speak this Orthodox Judaism non conforming and traditional have own dress code Religious day is Orthodox Saturday At service men sit on one side and do not sing Kept kosher Torah and Talmud reformed jews used the torah the is the jewish holy book Talmud is all about the jewish religion scholar s interpretations of torah Sweatshops ashkenazi jews worked here Lots of working and sweating in factories Women could only work with ash women Kids job is to be educated Education is the most important boys go to synagogue Tenements very small apartments shared by many living conditions buildings that were 5 stories high gross Conservative Judaism created here in the US Represents a middle ground between reform and orthodox Came up with this religion so they can all agree on it 1 no more synagogues on Sunday back to Saturday 2 for dietary conditions kosher it was all up to you Can wear what you want 3 synagogues stop looking like churches 4 language some readings in Hebrew some in English This religion was to balance tradition and modernity Eastern European jews in 20th century a lot of negative feelings about jews The 2nd KKK second of 3 a group of white supremacists who hate immigrants but mostly just jews Leo Frank jewish born in US manager at pencil factory Mary Phagen 13 was murdered and raped and everyone blamed leo He was arrested and charged During trial janitor claimes he saw Frank do it They found a bloody rag on him he was a really good liar Everyone was so mad
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