Race Ethnicity Midterm Review 1 Bayard Rustin organized what a CORE 2 CORE focused on what a Non Violent Direct Action 3 What would be examples of NVDA a Protests boycotting a CORE welcomed whites a Journey of Reconciliation go to school with the whites a Little Rock Nine 7 What does SNCC stand for greyhound and trail ways a Freedom rides 9 Who organized freedom rides 4 What s the main difference between CORE and March on Washington 5 What was a bus ride through the south saying segregation was unconstitutional 6 What s the name that refers to the black students that were escorted by the military to a The Student Non Violent Coordinating Committee 8 CORE organized what which began with eight whites and eight blacks taking 10 Who intervened when the Alabama riders continued to be arrested a CORE a JFK a CORE a 12 14 11 Who met in a church and was surrounded by a mob a Alabama Riders 12 Who organized March on Washington 13 Where was the I Have a Dream speech given a March on Washington 14 How young could women start working in factories 15 What is used as a justification of the domination of European conquests removal of 16 Joseph Graves can be called a what Indians and slavery a Race a Polygenist south a Lynching 17 What was used as a way of keeping blacks in place and white domination in the 18 In what 3 ways did blacks respond to lynching a Violence non violent protests northward migration 19 How did WEB Dubois say blacks should respond to mistreatment 20 How did Booker T Washington think blacks should respond to mistreatment a Violence a Education non violence 21 Who started legislation such as the anti lynching act a Ida B Wells 22 What did Ida B Wells start a Anti lynching act 23 What pushed blacks from the south a Sharecropping and tenant farmers 24 These laws pushed for segregation separate but equal a Jim Crow laws 25 What pulled blacks to the north a Increasing equality demand for employment educational opportunities 26 What was founded by the New Negro Movement 27 Who is associated with New Negro Movement a Liberty League a Hubert Harrison 28 What is the term for being conscious of your race and being proud of it a Race Consciousness 29 What is known as the Negro Capital of the World 30 Who s the director of Django a Harlem a Tarantino 31 What are the 3 epics in Django unchained a Django s revenge Schultz s journey Django s journey 32 Who represents Django s inner self 33 Who wanted the Civil Rights Act to be passed a Uncle Tom a JFK 34 What outlaws discrimination and segregation a Civil Rights Act 35 Who started the Black Panther Party a Stokely Carmichael 36 Who is the chairman of the Black Panther Party 37 Who is the Minister of Defense for the Black Panther Party 38 Who created the African American Council a Bobby Seale a Huey Newton a Ida B Wells 39 Yellow race is a Mongolian 40 Brown race is a Malayan 41 Black race is a Ethiopian 42 Red race is a American Indian 43 White race is a Caucasian 55 reading films can be done in two ways by the of the time and the 44 The 5 races are a Mongolian Malayan Ethiopian American Caucasian 45 People are culturally different why a Because they are physically different 46 Who is at the top of the culturally ranked race a White Europeans 47 If others are beneath you physically and culturally you ve a what a God given right to dominate 48 The justification of racism can be explained as a Social Darwinism 49 The foundation of racism is a Land labor resources 50 Generalizations about the characterizations of members of a group 51 stereotypes about white even the was white a Stereotypes a rat 52 What are some adjectives that describe how black was viewed a abomination evil godless 53 What are some adjectives that describe how white was viewed a pure good innocent 54 How do we learn about stereotypes a books media of the film a historical background function 56 In reading a film the historical background of the film is basically what 57 In reading a film the function of the film can be what two things a changes over time a moral political 58 the first thing to consider when reading a film is its a socio historical background 59 the second thing to consider when reading a film is its a status in the public 60 the third thing to consider when reading a film is the a directors larger body of work 61 when reading a film pay attention to a narrative and staging 62 narrative is basically a how the story is told 63 some examples of symbols in staging could be a story color sounds 64 race in film can be shown through a tokenism othering misrepresentation 65 black women in films are represented as what three things a mammy jezebel sapphire 66 a white man dressed up as a black man is called a 67 Who argues that races do not exist a minstrel a Joseph graves a Polygenist garden a the English 68 Who would argue that human races are of different lineages and just factors of science 69 Who saw that it was their PURPOSE to migrate to America and cultivate the Lord s 70 Who said The whole earth is the Lord s garden and he hath given it to the sons of men to increase and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it a John Winthrop 71 The first English settlement was where Jamestown Virginia a 72 Jamestown Virginia was originally home to 15 000 a Powhatans 73 The Powhatan Indians had a system a sophisticated farming 74 Who said Now was all our provision spent all help abandoned each hour expecting 75 How many English colonizers settled in Jamestown 76 The period of cannibalism when many of the settlers died is referred to as 77 Who saved the settlers during their period of starvation 78 After the settlers were saved what did they do in return to their rescuers a attacked Indians for food 79 When did the settlers order that Indians be forced to labor for colonies and to pay the fury of the savages John Smith a a 120 a the starving time a Powhatans colonies in corn and skin a 1613 a Samuel Argall 80 Who was captain of the ship that Pocahontas was captured on 81 The English were holding her captive for a year because in exchange they wanted and from Chief Powhatan a weapons and tools 82 What was cultivated in 1613 a Tobacco 83 1618 1623 is the time known as a the great migration 84 The time when Jamestown grew from 400 to 4500 and the natives tried to drive them out killing about 300 colonizers Because English blood watered the soil it belonged to the English The English waged total war on the savages …
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