Midterm 2 Study Guide 12 05 2013 Early Civil Rights era Civil War ends at 1865 67 Then Reconstuction Era 1877 Compromise of 1877 end both slavery and reconstruction The challenges and opportunities encountered by African Americans in the period after the Civil War Opportunites Vote learn to read legally marry family can stay close They can move and travel Jobs available to people are farming Atlanta and Birmingham become big cities Sharecropping Challenges Governement passes laws such as the debt peonage laws second form of slavery They do not give much support Black Codes vagrancy laws were a part of this KKK White Supremacy belief that white people are superior to other racial backgrounds Targeted Black Population Minstrel Shows Sambo coon pickaninny mammy Brutal Black Buck now known as a thug Jim Crow Laws Black Codes The strategies African Americans used to survive and thrive in the period after the Civil War Press Protests and Political Movements Organizations Went to Military tried to get jobs Paper The differences of opinions among leaders in the African American community in the period after the Civil War 1 Book T Washington believed we should not engage with civil rights and being separate is okay Economics is most important 2 W E B DuBois took issue with this and believed we should engage in the struggle for civil rights Believes voting rights are from the deep south most important Strategies used by white supremacists to keep African Americans from gaining status and power Ku Klux Klan was created Atlanta Compromise Speech 1895 Given by Booker T Washington who was the prez Of Tuskeegee Institute in Alabama be as separate as the fingers yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress Birth of a Nation Movie created in 1915 American silent film that made kkk heroes and African americans as sexually aggressive and unintelligent Buffalo Soldiers Men that went west to fight the Indian Wars and then became cowboys W E B DuBois Came from fairly wealthy family and was Washington s biggest critic Talented Tenth 10 of community are leaders etc these people need to lead the other 90 Exodusters African Americans who left the South and moved to Kansas in late 1800s Great Migration movement of African Americans to the Northern Urban Areas in the 1900s Reshape the democracy of the country New form of chain migration Plessy v Ferguson Supreme Court Case in 1896 that states Separate but equal Overturned by Brown vs Board of Education Homer Plessy was only 1 8 black octaroon Ku Klux Klan Flourished in late 1860s Lynching Mass attacks on African Americans by a mob usually criminal that is falsely accused NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Founded in 1909 by Black people Ida B Wells W E B Dubois and then white people henry moskowitz Oswald Villard mary white ovington William English walling Civil Rights organization Reconstruction Time after Civil War and the transformation of the Southern United States Sharecropping principal crop was cotton Booker T Washington Born a slave about 9 years old when Slavery had ended Had White allies he built school for black people and is prez of tuskeegee institute in Alabama chased out of the South Ida B Wells anti lynching crusader Risked her life and was eventually 12 05 2013 Postbellum Natives After the Civil War What strategies did Native Americans use to respond to the continued encroachment by the US into native territory Indian Wars What were the different ways US citizens responded to the situation of natives in the West Dawes Severalty Act Plains and Prairie tribes How was the survival of the buffalo important to the survival of the This was their main source of food clothing and shelter There were 60 million in 1492 and only 300 by 1893 What was the impact of the Indian Schools IT was a way for native Indians to assimilate by learning English going to church etc It was mandatory for them to go but they were treated unfairly The Big Kill 1871 four million buffalo slaughtered Black Elk lack Elk has been widely praised by many European authors and has been described as the greatest religious thinker yet produced by Native North America Buffalo Bill s Wild West Show opened on May 19 1883 in Nebraska Buffalo Culture The concept that the Buffalo was a major resource for the Native Americans during this time period George Custer There is Custer s Last Stand which was a victory for the native americans Also known as the Battle of Little Bighorn Dawes Severalty Act 1887 Bad for the Native Americans Divide their land into different allotments for individual families Charles Eastman Native American physician writer reformer and national lecturer Founded 32 chapters of the YMCA Young mens Christian association Also founded Boy Scouts of America Wrote from the Native Point of View Frontier Thesis By Frederick Jackson Turner in 1893 Idea that the frontier shaped American being and Characteristics Idea of Moving west Geronimo prominent leader of the Bedonkohe Apache who fought against Mexico and the U S for their expansion into Apache tribal lands for several decades during the Apache Wars Geronimo was the name given to him during a battle with Mexican soldiers Ghost Dance 1890 New Religious movement proper practice of this dance would reunite the living with the spirits of the dead and bring peace and unity throughout the region children Indian Schools Tried to assimilate by mandatory boarding schools for Lakota Wars 1876 1877 Also referred to as the Great Sioux War of 1876 Sitting Bull was a Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux holy man who led his people as a tribal chief during years of resistance to the U S Government policies Killed by an Indian agency police on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation Society of American Indians progressive group formed in Columbus Ohio in 1911 by 50 Native Americans middle class professional men and women Charles Eastman is one of the founders Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 on Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation In South Dakota Last Battle of the American Indian Wars The Ghost Dance was one cause of this Zitkala Sa Sioux writer editor musician teacher and political activist She wrote several books in English that brought traditional Native American stories to widespread white readership She also founded the national council of American Indians in 1926 to lobby for the rights of the N A to American citizenship and served as prez Until her death in 1938 12 05 2013 Turn of the Century Gilded
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