Jews Diaspora Jews living in homeland forced to leave move around the world for about 1500 years keep getting kicked out of those countries Anti Semitism intense dislike for and prejudice against Jewish people Christ Killers since Jews chose to free Barabbas which ultimately lead to Jesus being crucified they are blamed for his death Usury profiting off someone else s suffering charging interest Christians could not go into this line of business because it was seen as a sin because of this Jews became involved in banking and finance Sephardic Jews Jews that cam from Spain and Portugal will immigrate to early America in formative wave will be the most successful migration of Jews The Spanish Inquisition religious persecution against anyone who wasn t catholic 1478 1834 was the direct result of Ferdinand and Isabella becoming the heads of state and church Auto de fe act of faith something that would prove you are catholic and believe in Jesus something like prayer to show people you ve memorized scripture or studied Christianity If they came to your house you had 3 options 1 say no but you d like to convert 2 Lie about it or 3 Say you were not catholic and did not want to convert and be killed jailed or tortured Alhambra Decree edict of expulsion March 31 1492 if you are one of the people who converted get out of Spain we don t trust you etc Jewish people actually came over on Columbus boat New Amsterdam the place Jews will end up in America later will become New York German Jews will come to the United States in the First Wave migration 1830 s will come in larger numbers after this wave we will have about 2 5 million Jews in the U S Reformed Judaism originated by the German Jews allows you to fit into a population that s predominantly Christian They moved the Sabbath to Sunday and were less strict on how they dressed Synagogues looked like protestant churches Peddlers traveling salesman will be a great job for them but still tough they will sell high quality goods at low prices they will eventually set up their own shops which will lead to catalogues and catalogue shopping Macy s was built this way Eastern European Jews about 2 million will immigrate to the U S they will settle in the lower east side of NYC will come with no money will hold on to culture and tradition they speak Yiddish kind of a Hebrew Slang They will practice Orthodox Judaism and have the Torah and the Talmud religious book produced by Jewish Scholars elder s interpretation of Torah The Industrial Revolution cause a need for unskilled laborers reason why many immigrants will start coming over Ashkenazic Jews eastern European central European and Russian Jews Will come in huge numbers speaking weird languages and will al settle in the same place in the United States Lower East Side where the Jews will settle in New York City Pogroms state sponsored population elimination by killing last pogrom in 1917 Russification state sponsored population elimination by completely changing their identities Russia was moving in on eastern European countries and wanted them to consider themselves as Russians They will find this hard to do so they will try to influence the children Boys were forced to be apart of military service they would take boys from ages 5 8 and require them to serve in the military for 25 years There were also marriage laws in which Jewish girls could not marry Jewish boys Yiddish language Eastern European Jews will speak kind of like slang New Immigrants mainly applied to people who came during the Second Wave of Immigration not a good thing had a negative connotation usually were not protestant didn t speak English unskilled laborers will come eastern and southern European countries for the industrial revolution are seen as people who cannot and will not assimilate laws against immigration will be passed because of them Sweatshops American Jews will open sweatshops and employ orthodox Jews so that they can keep the Sabbath Tenement Houses usually in high rises with multiple floors had no windows or fire escapes about 10 people would live in an apartment 300 sq ft A factory usually at the bottom Conservative Judaism 3rd form of Judaism particularly in the U S only practiced by American Jews way to build ties and compromise with Jews already in the U S Holy day back on Saturday kosher no dress code synagogues stop looking like protestant churches Language will be Hebrew sexes can mix balance between tradition and modern times Final Solution Holocaust work camps death camps Holocaust state sponsored population elimination estimated that 16 million people were killed 6 million were Jews 15 000 mentally handicapped people Death Camps systematic killing of Jews people would go there to die would either be worked to death or just killed Concentration and Labor Camps places were people were worked to death and killed Extermination Through Labor The willful killing of forced laborers or prisoners through excessive heavy labor malnutrition and inadequate care Work Shall Set You Free A German phrase at the top of the gates of Auschwitz work is good ultimately you ll work till you die be free Extermination Camps Death Camps systematic killing of Jews often involved gas chambers Gas Chambers made to look like showers they were told they were just going to take a shower but were killed with gas Mass graves after the killings the bodies were thrown into mass graves and all buried or burned together most of the time Jews would dig up these mass graves themselves before they were killed Systematic Killing mass organized killings of millions of people Zyklon B type of gas used in the gas chambers Sonderkommando Special Unit made up of Jews that were forced to help with the extermination like ushering hem into showers and then dealing with the bodies afterwards looking for necklaces and gold teeth they would shave the corpses to eliminate sell of burning hair and would burn them Nazi Human Experimentation basically Medical Torture trying to create the perfect Aryan race Josef Mengele also called the Angel of Death practiced in Auschwitz was fascinated with identical twins and eye color performed sterilization and shock treatments on girls experiments with head injuries and pregnancy experiments Tito and Nino gypsy twins Josef Mengele sewed together at the back Death Marches marches in which Jews were forced to march to their death Leo Frank lynched by the KKK 12 year old girl died in his factory Second KKK hates blacks
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