Ashkenazic Jews Ashkenazic Jews Origins 2 750 000 during second wave Second Wave immigrants 1880 1920 Settled in ethnic enclaves New York City Eastern European Judaism was there way of life separation was tied by God and Jewish traditional practices religion defined their ethnicity Orthodox Yiddish language which united eastern European Jews Furthering of Jewish People Ethnicity religion worried about keeping traditions alive if they didn t unite then the Jewish culture would not survive Origins Push Factors Population Economic times were very tough Russia 1800 1 Million Russia 1890 5 Million economic stagnant in mind Anti Semitism became really big in the 1880 s keep population rising and Wanted to get rid of the Jews by convert Jews by marrying a Christian or by mandatory military service military service some mothers would mutilate their children so they could not be in scripted into the military service for 25 years mothers would mutilate there babies at a young age like cutting off toe limb etc so they wouldn t be permitted in scripted into the military b c if they were it was 25 years and it was like a death sentence Protocols of the elders of Zion book that argued that the Jews had a plan to take over the world Jews had a conspiracy to control the world Hitler read this book religiously Complete bull shit but people believed it Pogroms violent acts against Jewish communities entire towns were wiped out along with Jewish populations and communities killed All of these conditions combined caused Jews to flee to the United States Family Migration Non returning immigrants Leave with intentions of staying in America permanently Very expensive a lot of bribing involved So expensive for the trip over to the United States that by the time they get over to America they are poor Interlude 2 nd Wave Immigrant Characteristics Many though not all came from Eastern or Southern Europe Religion not protestant Christian o Catholic Language Yiddish Italian most don t speak English o Illiteracy was very high Unskilled Skilled most are unskilled farmers mostly from southern Italy mostly from peasant class SAME PULL FACTOR need for cheap labor jobs o Huge need for unskilled labor Ashkenazic Jews Location Urban Ethnic Enclaves o NYC Lower East Side o 1910 500 000 in lower east side Tenements overcrowded o Big Flat tenement in the lower east side 1 000 people living in a square acre of space example of how crowded the tenements were smell was unbearable death rate was higher than national average Germans Irish came their first o Have political control Ashkenazic Jews Economic Conditions Eastern Europe Vs America o Many Jews had some type of skilled job o Occupational skills Lower East Side really hard to find a job o Either be a street peddler very low paying Garment District most common job was making clothes o Sweat shops tenements o Sowing and cutting machines have quotas given to them by managers at their own tenement same place where there family was cooked slept cleaned etc 1900 90 of clothing was made by Ashkenazic Jews Downsides o Stress poor family life put stress on whole family o 12 a week to 7 a week because there were so many people working in the industry Ashkenazic Jews Cultural Conditions hurdles Orthodox Jews 1 Sabbath Day day of rest Saturday many refused to work Saturday because they had to obey this day and because of this it stops them from getting urban or factory jobs this sets them apart from everyone they don t have that ethnic mingling that will help them fit in like everyone else 2 Kosher Food believe that all the food you eat has to be Kosher no bloody foods Rabbi had to watch any meat processing that took place 3 Dress manner of clothing is going to make them look a little different especially with meat 4 Language Yiddish easiest one to overcome because they can speak Yiddish at home but then learn English so they can better acculturate to American society 20 th Century Jewish Success 1 Family and community Support structure Unity Life is people believe in the community supporting each other Cant have division because no one else will help you community supports one another If one Jewish business succeeds they will help others succeed Wanted there children to be better than they were Based success on how there children performed 2 Education always been important the more education you had the more respect one got Education is what led to success in America is what they believed 3 Labor Laws of the 1920 s Limited the work day to 8 hours Implemented child labor laws children had more time to go to school 5 day work week implemented no longer did the Sabbath interfere with working in factories 1911 Triangular Waste Fire working horrible safety conditions lock the doors so workers couldn t get out while fire broke out in the factory and the woman couldn t get out so about 150 woman died and were burnt to death 1930 s Jewish Immigration and Beyond Hitler Nazi Germany o comes to power wages Final Solution o round up in concentration camps and work them to death or just out right kill them o 1920 s and 1930 s persecuted and discriminated against them before killing them setting the stage through anti sematic acts Political Asylum o Albert Einstein came over as a refugee o J Robert Oppenheimer came over as a refugee Two very educated immigrants so they were allowed in as immigrants despite the restrictive immigration laws S S St Louis 1939 filled with Jewish refugees war has already begun seek refuge in the West o First goes to Cuba but Cuba denies access so they go over to US but they weren t allowed in either Canada wouldn t let them in either o Went back to Germany many died in the Holocaust because they were denied based on the Johnson Reed Act o 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust Reverse Diaspora The State of Isreal o 1948 state of Israel was created as a haven for the Jews o people left United States and went to Israel o 2 big populations of Jews Ashkenazic Change in America o Still orthodox religious intensity College and Marriage o Times goes on it becomes hard to retain the same amount of Leads to children being led astray from traditions etc Intermarriage was not right in there eyes Ashkenazic Jews marry Ashkenazic Jews Middle Eastern Immigration to the United States Martin the Armenian Jamestown 1618 1621 Two Primary Groups o Armenians 100 000 immigrants o Syrian Lebanese 200 000 immigrants Background on the Syrian Lebanese Religion o CATHOLIC and Orthodox
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