Immigration from Southern Italian City States 1880 1920 2nd wave Italy The South Rome controlled by the Pope Naples a city that still today people don t go near it but is the birthplace of 3 21 13 pizza Stereotypes o Stupid Illiterate 80 can t read or write Peasants really bad tenant farmers and don t own land or get paid but they get food and a place to live o Inferior Race Mongrel Race means a mut and a person of many backgrounds Dark in skin Backward because they are uneducated they do things differently and old fashioned o Violent o NO money Vendetta and Mafia 3 28 13 Southern Italians Life in Italy The Southern Italian Family was important and that was it and don t pay attention to government o The law is your family Only institution for the southern Italians Trust NO One Male that leads family tells you everything that you must do in your life and is your moral code tells you what is right and wrong Women don t really leave the home Honor representing entire family o Men worry daily about offending someone because it could mean 2 families hating each other if something goes bad Vendetta when you do something wrong to another person this is put out on you and is a bad reputation death wishes o Females reputation Virginity must be a virgin when she is married to have a good Married at the age of 13 and doesn t even meet a man Dynastic marriage marrying to link 2 family together and the father or grandfather finds this man The man is 18 24 years old to prove that he is worthy You have to bleed to be a virgin Sexually abused by someone in their family is a reason why they don t bleed Usually become nuns if this has happened Life in Italy Southern Italy s Religion Roman Catholic Church based in Rome the Pope is your boss Non Institutional o Very spiritual o TRUST NO ONE o Virgin Mary Mary the mother of Jesus o Saints Rosary o Pray for themselves o Shrine where you pray o Magic represents the devil and they don t feel that way ask for potions charm good luck things etc Problem with other Catholics don t even trust their own so they wont trust the Irish either Southern Italians in America Second Wave Why did they leave o Overpopulation natural disasters taxes tithe Why did they come to the US o Industrial Revolution 1880 needs millions of unskilled workers that will work for nothing Money Return Migration o Sojourners birds of flight o 5 years o 1880 70 Ellis Island 1892 1954 fairy to get off Ellis Island Immigrant Processing Center 12 million Class based The Laws Poor leave the boat first and the middle class and rich get to stay on the boat They must get accepted and if they do it gives them money and they take a Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 limited who could come in Naturalization 1870 limited citizenship only black and whites Page Act of 1875 o undesirables and prostitutes o Constantly added too with other undesirables o Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 o Chae Chan Ping V US 1889 said it was unconstitutional but that didn t matter The Quota Acts All about Origins of Immigrants where they come from 1 Immigration Act of 1921 o 357 000 o Limiting immigrants that we don t want and allowing ones we want o Limit immigrations regardless from where we come from to 357000 a year 2 Immigration Act of 1924 o aka Johnson Reed or National Origins Act o 164 000 o counting center now to see how many of each group can come in o first come first serve basis o this is until 1965 Both Acts o Skill and Exceptions o People that have some sort of skill are let in first If a doctor and a peasant come in together the doctor will be accepted regardless of where he s from o neighbors are exempt from these laws Canadians Mexicans Caribbean End of Quotas Lyndon Baines Johnson overhauled Immigration in 1965 Increased number of people to make the number of people allowed from each place equal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 o Putting everyone equal footing o Family reunification is key policy trying to get the families separated from Ellis Island can apply to get his family to come over o 290 000 limit a year no more than 20 000 per country o Questions of Illegals Hispanic Mosaic Definition of Hispanic o Region Mexico Central America South America Caribbean o Spanish influence o Mix of 3 cultures Spanish considered white Indigenous natives or Indians Africans o Religion Catholic o Language People that speak Spanish They never immigrated they were in one place and their land was taken over Mexicans Spanish Colonization Spain colonizes Mexico in 1521 Spanish colonization vs English colonization Ethnic Hierarchy o White Spanish o Mestizo o Mullato o Mexicans Natives o Africans Mestizos to the Borderlands border Mexico o TX AZ NM CA o Cant be white because they are indigenous o Children of upper class natives o What made them leave They want to be the top of the hierarchy and they have money o The Mission and the mission Catholic church that gives them food and things and in return wants you to come to church and convert to Catholicism Mexican to American 1810 1845 Mexican American War 1845 1848 Unites States kicks ass to gain Texas Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848 o Everyone that lives in the borderlands and Texas is now under American control 80 000 2000 left that live in these now conquered places If they stay here they will have citizenship Mexicans in America Land Extra legal Organizations Mestizos have huge ranches and Americans want that land and we start these organizations to make them leave by burning crops and doing bad things Labor Miners Railroads Migrant Farm workers We linch some mestizos that try to fight back 1850 Mexicans 1 3 were farm owners and 1 3 were skilled 1900 2 3 unskilled Immigration to the United States What made them leave o Mexican Revolution 1910 1930 Porfirio Diaz some people think he s great others think he s compared to Hitler o Rich people like him and the poor doesn t o Rich Push for Industrialization Foreign development o Poor Peons Mexican workers Rurales extralegal organization 90 illiteracy o 1 5 million leave Mexico for the US o Location SW states or the borderlands What made them come to the US Chinese Exclusion Act Exemptions from Quota Acts US Economy 1920s 1930s 1940s o Roaring Twenties o Low Unemployment o We want Mexicans o Depression o 25 unemployment o we don t want Mexicans o border patrol o wartime economy o need workers o bracero program guest workers 5 million Bracero Program 1942 1964 o Guest Workers Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
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