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Themes from Midterm 05 01 2014 What does it take for a group to become American Assimilation Americanization civilization Must disown previous cultural identity and assimilate into American culture o American culture white Anglo Saxon American culture Give up identity morals previous values etc Receive unity new identity inclusion etc What benefits come with a top position in the racial hierarchy Freedom in job market More opportunities overall no discrimination Better education can go anywhere How did Native Americans live before contact with Europeans Different types of dwelling o Arctic eskimos nomadic smaller population ice huts o Pacific hunters fishers farmers o Plains nomadic hunters o New Mexico area pueblos o Seminole area permanent livers over swamps farmers o Northeast woodland livers hunters and gatherers stable o Village off east coast tight knit community style Specific cultures to each area no two areas are the same The Impact of European Disease on the Natives Colombian Exchange biological exchange between natives and travellers o Aztecs all died out due to smallpox brought over by conquistadors Killed majority of Indians in the US within a few years The differences between the Spanish French and English treatment of natives How the relationship between Natives and English settlers in Massachusetts changed over time French o Used Fur Trade to form alliance with Indians o Indians traded fur while French traded materials o Hurons were French s ally o Intermarried with Indian women created Metis Spanish English o Wanted to conquer and enslave Indians o Focused on gold once Natives died brought in African slaves o Indians saved English in Jamestown and Plymouth Rock Good relationship at first John Smith kidnapped Pocahontas in order to force Indians to work What did Americans mean by civilization to American ize o get rid of Native American traditions bc thought they were savage and turn them into civilized white Americans Andrew Jackson s connection to Indian Removal he signed documents kicking Indians into reservations The Differences of Opinion among Native and White Americans regarding Indian Removal Natives believed they were civilized people o Thought they were being treated unfairly Cherokees wrote their own constitution Whites thought they were savage o Believed in Manifest Destiny wanted to expand into all of US The development of slavery Developed from POW prisoners of war in Indians o Wasn t race based initially Global Commercial Market increase for cash crops o Rice and sugar cane cash crops Dutch were the first major slave traders in Africa Congo Spanish taken over Carribbean for rice sugar plantations o Natives died out due to disease Spanish brought in Africans o Production of sugar cane grew and more slaves were brought over traders US slaves from carribbean were being brought into US from Spanish o Worked on rice and sugar plantations in US bc already used to it o Began the international slave triangle Slaves picked up from Africa taken to carribbean taken to either Europe or US middle passage carribbean area before slaves were sent to US or Europe many died on middle passage The differences between slavery in different places settings Spain used slaves in Caribbean due to natives dying out from disease o Brutal and lots of unknown disease many died US used slaves for rice tobacco cotton and sugar o Less brutal than Spanish similar numbers of slaves from both groups The conditions of slavery rural areas slave labor brutal o worked on farms and did physical labor urban areas domestic areas o cooked clean drove etc The ways slaves resisted their enslavement Suicide Escaping underground railroad o Harriet tubman famous UR conductor o Henry Box Brown shipped himself to a free state o Couple Kraft lightskinned woman pretended to be white to escape slavery with her husband Refusal to work working slowly breaking tools The rise of abolitionism William Lloyd Garrison white abolitionist with paper o Idea was to free the slaves and send them back to Africa to live peacefully alone o Founded American Anti Slavery Society 1833 Haiti Rebellion Nat Turner o slaves on plantations in Haiti rebelled and died o Started a rebellion in VA killed many whites escaped o Flees but eventually caught and killed wrote a book Harriet Beecher Stowe o Wrote Uncle Tom s Cabin Grimke Sisters quaker abolitionists Lucrecia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton Talked about women losing children in slavery emotional o Abolitionist women who travelled to London to fight for slaves o Cant even fight for their own rights become womens rights rights leaders Fredrick Douglass freed slave wrote autobiography most famous one The arguments for and against slavery including biblical ones o NOT THE FIRST For Slavery o Slaves obey your masters Paul s writings for slavery o We take care of the slaves o Slaves are happy Against Slavery o Story of Moses leading his people from slavery in Egypt o Human rights these are brothers and people too o Brutality whipping branding etc Push Pull Factors of the antebellum ethnic groups Irish Potato famine English rule and brutality starvation Germans religious political freedom civil war in Germany Chinese bubonic plagues opium dens weak central government Mexicans gold rush jobs Criticisms of the antebellum ethnic groups irish drunks catholics always in jail brutal women were more manlike o scientific racism they don t look like us they aren t like us germans radicals strange language drunkards again chinese sojourners didn t plan on staying didn t want to assimilate violent all use opium ques o tongs violent chinese crime groups Unique qualities of the antebellum ethnic groups irish mostly women coming alone at first o work in domestic areas food and home paid for by employer o coffin ships like slave ships o men worked in dangerous jobs o stayed on poor side of totem pole german protestant good brought families o educated o ready to assimilate o move west chinese o sojourners only to work make money and go back to China o single men no families worked construction railroads Mexicans vaqueros farmers ranchers Life in America for the antebellum ethnic groups particularly employment opportunities irish domestic women dangerous jobs men o quarries mines textiles german jobs out west farming chinese railroads laundries Mexicans faming manual labor in agriculture o Stoop labor Responses to the antebellum ethnic groups Nativist movement if you aren t from here white

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