Final Exam Notes 3 4 14 12 46 PM Post Exclusion Act Immigration Chinese confused now because they can t go back and forth between China and US to help family Start moving from Californing China Town to New York and Chicago in favor of jobs 1906 Earthquake Fransisco o most of those jobs pay more than the ones in California o Major fire burns down nearly all municipal buildings in San o Causes destruction of birth cirtificates now people can t claim they were us born citizens o Paper Sons were born here Falsifying paper to make people citizens by saying they Thousands of young Chinese men and women coming over claiming they were US born citizens Angel Island 1910 1940 o Processing center for anyone coming into the West Coast o Check thru center to make sure you come legally Naturalization Act of 1943 Not passed again after 1943 because Chinese helped us in WW2 Ending naturalization act of 1870 and the Chinese Exclusion act Allows 105 immigrants from China every year Change in immigration after 1943 China goes to Communism 1949 Primarily women Refugee status o group of people trying to escape a certain aspect of their country that is horrible o grants group to immigrant in as many as they want regardless of immigration law Chinese Americans 1980s Model Minority Sandra Oh Dr Christina Yang on Greys Anatomy Mathletes 3 3 million 1 of total US population Immigration from Germany Germany does not unify until xyz Largest immigration to the United States Coming in sense the beginning No such thing as German or Germany o Unification began in 1871 o Separate countries rules by different royal families First to come were mislabeled as Pennsylvania Dutch o Mishear Doich for Dutch o Brought hamburgers hot dogs applie pie santa o Stereotype of hardworking and skilled First Wave nineteenth Century immigration Largest group 6 million from 1820 1914 Diverse group o Jewish Lutheran protestant and Catholic o What made them leave Politics Revolutions of 1848 conscription law Economics industrial revolution potato blight taxes Religious reasons They came for Land 2 3 of the Germans coming over did have money Gottfried Duden o Convinced people to come over with his Pamphlet Nearly every immigrant had read it and used it for the reason to immigrate People sold land for free to get people to move outward and expand o Allowed for railroad expansion Germans are chosen first for jobs over any other immigrant Location Settled based on Religion Class Mid west was rich Upper Middle Class o Mid west ethnic enclaves o German Triangle Cincinnati Milwaukee St Louis o Largest ethnic enclave in the US Lower Class o Lower East Side NYC Largest ethnic enclave in NYC o Boston What they are going to do Upper Middle o Farming o Beer and Piano o Lower Class o Factories Working with African Americans start to assimilate o Social Clubs o Hnag with people from their own town to try to think about o Hundred set up like Social clubs in that they were for unnasimilatable topics Both set up Parachial Schools o Set by churches Newspapers particular audiances World War 1 Now Germany is united WWI began in 1914 Germans V British o US didn t get involved for a while Propoganda Yellow Journalism US Reaction Pumped up Patriotism Violence against German Americans German American Response Hyper assimilation John Schmidt to John Smith World War II Hitler Nazi Germany o He was the answer for recooperation after WWI o Just following orders Began in 1939 with the British and Germany 1940 Alien Registration Act o register immigrants who come over get an Alien Enemy o Who you are your friends what you do your job where you o Internment 11 000 Germans to be up to no good 1941 Card live 45 German Americans Today 58 million today 17 Assimilation or acculturation Ethnic enclaves 3 4 14 12 46 PM Final Begins with Paper Sons No such thing as a German The Jews German What makes Jews Unique 3 4 14 12 46 PM Jews came from nearly all corners of the world They are the only group we choose an ethnicity of Homeland to international People Nationality to Ethnicity Jeruselem Israel Rome Destruction of the Temple Jewish Diaspora 70 A D Politically under a super power always minority under majority During this time the Roman Empire was under control of them o They were good to them as long as they paid taxes Starting in 70 AD they go to war Roman crushes Jews o Temple is destroyed o Banish them Called Jewish Diaspora They scatter all across the world Dominant group in all of Europe is Christian Problems with Jews stereotypes Anti semitism Christians hate Jews anti jews from all people Killers of Christ o Smite o Gospel followers Four books written in New Testament by Jesus s Stories of Jesus s life Romans considered Jesus to be a terrorist Christians over time will feel bad for having Jews live with them o God smiting the Christians for them not killing the Jews o They blamed God punishments for the black plague jews being successful for banking great depression Jewish bankers bankrupted America purposely Jewish Text Torah and the Talmud o Torah is the beginning part of the Old Testament Jewish History o Talmud interprets the Torah Has a thousand rules about anything Eating habits o Kosher You can only eat particular animals killed certain ways cut certain ways grilled certain ways ect o Whole process has to be overseen and blessed by Rabi o Two different kitchens Sabbath Day Sun Down on Friday until Saturday 5pm in New York Economics banking finance taking over the world usury o No more loans profit off someone s suffering Jewish Immigration to the United States German Jews Frist Wave o All the same class high class o Families o About 300 000 o Settled in Cities and created good banks financiers o Settled in the Midwest Became peddlers Levi Strauss Sears Roebuck Macys Jews antempt to assimilate by modernizing their religion o Less orthodox practices o Move Sabbath to Sunday similar to Mass for Christians How to succeed in America Success factors o Money o Numbers small are good large are bad Small yields to less likelihood of loss of power more likelihood of assimilation o Location not all congregated together o Stereotypes good ones o Assimilation The Second Wave 3 4 14 12 46 PM Ashkenazic Jews Jews Come from either Southern Europe or Eastern Europe and Russian Orthodox Jews Russification political program to culturally take people over and turn people into Russians Under russification can t vote have land ect o Must become Russian to gain priviliges o
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