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Africans 04 11 2013 English main group that came during the formative wave of immigrations African slaves also came by force to the United States Trans Atlantic Slave Trade called this because it crossed the Atlantic Ocean Part of the triangle trade North Atlantic system of trade o Goods taken from Europe to Africa to trade for slaves slaves were taken to the new world U S finished goods sugar tobacco cotton taken to Europe o 1600s mid 1800s o Portugal dominated slave trade early on 1600s 1700s o English dominated early 1700s 1830s stopped the slave trade at this time 12 5 million captive Africans were taken 10 8 million actually made it to the Americas not the first slave system in history slavevoyages org Slaves in Greece and Rome Romans viewed slavery as an unfortunate accident o Allowed slaves to keep their humanity and had rights under the roman system they could marry and be given responsibilities for the family o Slavery was not based on color and could com from anywhere Chattel Slavery slaves were viewed as property not humans later on in the slave system not allowed to keep their humanity 1 7 million died during the slave trade Slavery in the New World Spanish were first to arrive and begin to enslave Indians on the islands from the Caribbean o Begin to die of disease and from being over worked o Bartolome de las Casas Spanish king began to write letters for the Indians and wanted to Spanish to stop this inhumane treatment of the Indians suggested that Africans be used in place of Indians Spanish king allowed 4000 African slaves to be imported into the new world Spanish first to begin treating the slaves like property De las Casas regretted the suggestion of Africans working as slaves in the new world Sugar Cane labor intensive high mortality rate very very profitable Largest sugar plantation was Barbados and second was Jamaica Indians died out from the hard work on the sugar plantations English try bringing over indentured servants couldn t get indentured servants to the Caribbean because of the lack of land sugar each year Africans became the labor source of English sugar planters Barbados was the sugar capital of the new world exported 15 000 tons of North America Slavery Slavery was not wide spread expands with the following cash crops Tobacco rice indigo cotton No more indentured servants Slow process o Caribbean was still receiving shipments of slaves those who weren t wanted were taken to N America o 4 percent of all slaves brought to the New World goes to North America Early to mid 18th century firmly established 1690 1700 is when slavery finally took off in North America English Perception of Africans Englishmen introduced to Africans in 1554 Described Africans as black Loaded with intense meaning Not Christian Heathenism savagery and Animality o Englishmen correlated Africans with apes intense sexuality o over sexual were savage women did not were much clothing o believed Africans were prone to rape Where did they come from West Africa bulge of Africa down to the south to what is not Angola Pan Africanism Africa is a one continent and all the people are one Modern day Africa is the complete opposite divided by ethnic groups language and political groups Slave trade in Africa before Europeans arrived Why become a slave Prioners of War Criminals Debtors Timbuktu 100 000 people controlled trade routes in Africa Had all the businesses and perks of a metropolis University and library Lost its importance because of the slave trade had no access to the coast Ashanti kingdom in western Africa o Near the coast and example of how African states changed as a result of the slave trade o Becomes major exporter of slaves in the late 1700s and early 1800s African Agency Kings and Queens o Rights to Slave sold Europeans rights to own slaves they knew they needed Europeans for their firearms so they gave the Europeans the right to enslave Africans so they wouldn t leave would give them rights to enslave in other areas not their area o Cowrie Shells Form of currency in Africa kingdoms Europeans would pay for the right to enslave with these o Slave Fort Europeans built forts called Factories that produced slaves The guns on these forts never faced inland always forced out to sea to defend against other Europeans Krumen 4 step process of the trans Atlantic slave trade IN CLASS ESSAY First step March to the Coast o Once they had built a trading station on the coast the Europeans would begin going inland to Africa and begin the process of enslaving Africans o Usually consisted of 10 Europeans o Heavily armed o Krumen would do all dirty work actually took the slaves acted as translators guides they rowed boats Basically anything the Europeans needed the Krumen were there to do o Sometimes they journeys were 250 miles inland depending how far they had to go to reach another kingdom o Then they could go within the process of taking slaves o Slaves were captured by being netted or beaten over head until unconscious and taken in or buy them from villages o Tried to get Africans when they were alone away from their villages o Once Africans are captured they were taken in groups of 10 and held together by shackles o Once they were shackled the shackles never came off until they reached the coast of Africa o The journey can take up to 2 3 months o If a slave tried to escape or misbehaved they were beaten or o If one was dead the 10 would still have to walk together even shot dead carrying the dead man o Encountered tropical diseases on the way infections hunger o Around 25 of enslaved Africans died on the way back to the o If European station was not very advanced slaves were kept o Barracoons were cages for the slaves to keep them in o Barracoons were kept in sand in hot sun o Up to 300 slaves in them no room to sit o Food was given through bars so slaves in center of cage didn t usually get the food since the ones on the outside would take it if it rained o Only time center slaves would get water in the cage would be o Went to bathroom in the cage so disease spread very quickly o DISEASE SPREAD THROUGH FECES o 25 of slaves who went into these cages ended up dying and thirst Coast Step 2 Barracoons in Barracoons o if a slave fort had been built instead of the Barracoon they were kept in there instead o the dungeon was very dark no light o disease spread very quickly o if at the front near the door you were given food if in the back you would starve o always standing o often left here for

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