Introduction Understanding Race Ethnicity and Nationality Category of human beings based upon distinctive physical characteristics What is Race o Skin color o Hair type o Facial features Race is CONSTRUCTED History of Race o Immanuel Kant German 1770s First to use the term race in the modern sense of biological differences Basically has been around since America was a country o Johann Blumenbach also German o 1795 o First to use the word Caucasian o First to develop racial hierarchy Racial Hierarchy o Classification or stratification of certain groups based on physical characteristics o Group who makes the hierarchy is on the top o The more different you are from the group the lower you rank o Dominant white group labels certain groups as Subordinate because of physical majority with the greatest power singled out and treated unequally o The elites of the dominant white group CONSTRUCTED other groups as being inferior Blumenbach s Hierarchy o LT s racial hierarchy Reese s Racialization characteristics Subordinate Dominant Ideological Racism in order to segregate and oppress o In the United States White at the top Reese s Black at the bottom Skittles o New groups Irish Chinese Mexicans Whites determine where they fit into the hierarchy based on how similar they are to them Ethnicity o How is ethnicity different from Races o A group distinguished primarily on the basis of cultural characteristics Language Food Clothing Religion History o Your family origins or where your ancestors came from o Can always be more than one What is Culture o The shared values understandings symbols and practices of a group of people o Examples Quinceanera Italian eating seafood on Christmas Eve Practicing Sabbath Nationality o The country of which you hold citizenship o What your passport says Key Terms in Understanding Race Ethnicity in the United States Prejudice a Hasty Judgment b False Generalizations c Because one belongs to a particular group i EX From West Virginia do you hooks up with your brother Stereotype a An overgeneralization associated with a racial or ethnic category that goes beyond existing evidence her white brother i EX Who owns a pit bull people would assume a black person actually Individual Racism group a Racially hostile acts of an individual or group directed at member s of another i EX Miss American comments Nina Davuluri ii EX Donald Sterling 1 Most educated of all groups is Indian American Institutional Racism a Institutionalized practices that negatively affect members of a subordinate racial group Discrimination a Actions carried out by members of a dominant group that have a harmful effect on members of the subordinate group i EX We serve whites only no Spanish and no Mexicans ii EX We want white tenants in our white community iii EX Signs in front of shops N I N A No Irish Need Apply How to Deal with Racism a Accommodate does not resist accepts their place as a subordinate group i EX It is what it is ii b Assimilation Typically first generation conform oneself absorb or take on the mainstream culture i EX Use cosmetic things to lighten skin relax hair etc ii Creates tension in the community You re trying to be white you re selling out Typically third generation iii c Acculturation culture when necessary for job school survival etc Keep ones own culture mainly in home but also adapts to new i Typically second generation Is Racism Taught a Doll Study Why is this happening b This course will answer why these issues are so deeply entrenched in our society c Look at the past and compare changes 4 Types of Migration a Voluntary b You re not suffering in your country but you just voluntarily choose to come to the United States Involuntary getting enough nutrients something in their country pushes them out taxes volcanoes hurricanes Only African Americans taken captive and brought slaves Elderly are dying shortage of food mothers having babies aren t c Forced d Refugee Escaping communism not till 20th century Government or War 4 Factors of Success a Money b Location Settle right in the middle of everything very visible If you spread out Can help you but typical immigrants come over poor not as obvious Tallahassee vs 1000 coming to Miami We fear the unknown and feel threatened d Stereotypes Positive and Negative c Numbers The larger the number the bigger the fear if 1000 Chinese came to 4 Waves of Migration a Formative Wave 1607 1820 Jamestown starts in 1607 i ii English Americans and African Americans are the only 2 groups iii 13 colonies and the American Revolution b First Wave 1820 1880 Irish and Chinese are the groups i ii Civil War c Second Wave 1880 1921 i Era of immigration ii Progression Era building of major cities structures iii Names ending in a vowel come during this time iv v WWII and Great Depression vi 1921 Immigration got shut down and not many were let in Jews Easter Europeans Italians Greeks all come Not Mexicans d Third Wave i 1965 Present Immigration is open to people all over the world English Americans The WASPS WASP White Race Anglo Saxon origin of the term is from Germanic Tribes Ethnicity Protestant Religion Specifically Anglican Church Church of England The Basics English Americans Voluntary Migrants Formative Wave Came as early as 1607 but most came during 1700s Drove Native Americans off their land 4 Major WASP Settlements 1 Virginia Chesapeake The way they settled is by the Virginia Company Went to the king of England and created a Joint Stock Company an association of individuals in a business enterprise with transferable shares of stock used to pool capital and share risks Settled in 1607 Mostly young single men Economic Goals Obtain raw materials Overseas trading post market First slaves brought by 1619 Indentured servants sign a contract saying they ll work in Virginia for 10 15 years after you reach the years on the contract your boss gives you a piece of land and you can work for yourself 2 Massachusetts New England Massachusetts Bay Company Settled in 1620 Religious Freedom Puritans Small Town Community Family Idea of pulling your own weight and helping the community Happening in Massachusetts Connecticut New England area etc 3 Pennsylvania Quakers The Quakers are Pacifists meaning they are very into Religious Toleration accepting Settled in 1675 Society based on work ethic Strongly believed in Karma Quakers don t have to fight in war because it s against their religion 4 Backcountry Scottish or Scot Irish They come between 1717 1775 Settled
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