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AMH 2097 Sec 3 Final Exam Terms List Tenements Leo Frank housing in the lower east side of NYC designed to house a lot of people in not a lot of space small rooms only front room had exposure to light and ventilation no bathrooms or showers trash was just thrown out in front of the houses Jewish manager at a pencil company Mary Phagen 13 y o found dead Leo was last to see her alive tried and found guilty sentenced to life in prison Knights of Mary Phagen lynched him included a former governor and police officers and sold postcards w pictures of Frank s dead body 1 2 of the Jews left the remaining Jews converted Orthodox Judaism Conservative Judaism Pious religion stressed tradition and rules not worried about fitting in dress dietary laws etc Willing to change less vital traditions like dress but kept most Wanted to practice their religion and still fit in with the dominant culture Yiddish Germanic language w Hebrew lettering Spoken in Easter European Jewish communities Costa George Najour 23 years old petitioned US government for citizenship came down to race Said that Najour was neither white or African American descent Court sided with Najour saying that people from Syria were white Syrians worked hard to be seen as white Economically successful First wave of immigration from the middle east in 18080s an economic migration industrialized by French in Lebanon more mulberry trees silk worm food economy was based entirely on silk peasant families became wealthy then prices fell and people were no longer accustomed to frugal living Silk Peddling People who went door to door selling household items and trinkets A line of work associated w Lebanese immigrants who did not intend to be in America forever many left and returned to Lebanon Eventually established permanent stores Immigration ended completely after 1924 1790 Naturalization Act Espionage Act 1917 First law effecting national citizenship Limited Naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character excluded Native Americans indentured servants slaves free blacks and Asians Prohibited spying interfering w military draft making statements critical of the military Newspapers and magazines were restricted Sedition Act 1918 Illegal to criticize the American government or war effort 2 000 found guilty Red Scare World War I A general sense of paranoia fueled by of radical political agitation and the alleged spread of communism and anarchism in the American labor movement Exaggerated rhetoric illegal search and seizures unwarranted arrests and detentions the deportation of several hundred suspected radicals and anarchists Born out of hyper nationalism during World War I Bolshevik Revolution in Russia only increased suspicion of those who participated in strikes and organized labor ex Boston Police Strike Emma Goldman Ku Klux Klan Russian Jewish immigrant became very involved in left wing politics Spoke in favor of birth control gay rights free love Deported for speaking against the Government Re emerged as people trying to conserve American liberty Secret ballot was brought about to prevent illiterate people from voting Passed a law in Oregon that required all children to attend public schools Great Migration Johnson Reed Act African Americans migrated North Worked instead of immigrants Limited immigration from Europe to 150 000 people per year Priority was given to those who had family in the U S already or those w special skills Sacco and Vanzetti Italian immigrants arrested after being accused of taking part in a robbery that resulted in murder Were radicals believed violence was okay There was no hard evidence to prove their guilt believed they were being persecuted Italian community raised for defense furious Executed Ella May Wiggins Textile worker Single mother worked 6 12 hr days week could only afford to live in black part of the city Walked out during strike to protest working conditions elected treasurer in Union travelled and sang to strikers organized black workers wanted them to join her union went to DC to talk to Congress Murdered in broad daylight when a strike became violent police brutality company hired armed guards 50 people watched her die 5 men accused were acquitted American Communist Party Involved themselves in supporting Civil Rights like the Scottsboro Boys trial in order to build themselves up and be seen in a more positive light Usually backfired for the group they were supporting Alfred Smith Pauli Murray Barbara Johns Recy Taylor First Catholic to run for President affected his campaign born in poverty in NYC son of Irish immigrants Supporter of social legislations child labor limits pensions Advocated the end of the Red Scare and Prohibition 3 terms as governor of NY Did well w farmers and Urban Areas but did not win Born in the South and educated in the North jailed in VA for refusing to give up seats on a bus Believed in nonviolent protests and resistance took books to Little Palace diner and read Went to Howard University all black studied law only woman Applied to Harvard denied because she was a woman went to Berkley instead Worked for both women s and African American rights Became an Episcopal Priest Encouraged classmates to strike against segregation in the 40 s Worked for school integration Kidnapped and raped by white men reported to the authorities and only the driver had to pay 250 fine no one was arrested or called to testify dismissed w in 5 minutes National Attention Still no indictments even w a confession from one of the men involved Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 The Four Freedoms Determined Native American tribes had the right to govern themselves Four fundamental freedoms that people everywhere in the world ought to enjoy as articulated by FDR in his 1941 State of the Union address before WWII Freedom of Speech Freedom of Worship Religion Freedom from Want Freedom from Fear Pearl Harbor Rosie the Riveter Double V plan First time a foreign country attacked the United States since the war of 1812 U S declared war against Japan in retaliation Germany declared war on the U S Cultural icon of the United States representing the American women who worked in factories during World War II Victory overseas and victory for Civil Rights Civil Rights leaders adopted this from a black newspaper A Phillip Randolph Issei Nisei Main Civil Rights activist during WWII threatened to March on Washington In order to prevent this FDR issued Executive Order 8802 which banned

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