Study Points Emotions AS ALWAYS BE ABLE TO APPLY ALL OF THESE CONCEPTS TO YOUR LIFE 1 What are the differences between emotion affect and mood Emotion a specific conscious evaluative reaction to some event o I am afraid of alligators Mood general disposition or state o I m in bad mood Affect valence of evaluation toward an event o I have a negative affective response to alligators 2 How does affect motivate behavior and why does it do this Everyday decisions such as where do you want to eat Affect is a feeling or emotion If someone has a bad experience with a certain stimuli that will cause an affect on one s behavior toward that stimuli 3 Are affective responses automatic or controlled and what are the implications of this Are affective responses weak or strong Automatic which causes physiological arousal Affective responses are weak because when told to control themselves they felt twinges of affect Someone who is brain damaged never learns how to anticipate loss 4 How does affect contribute to learning and decision making How does the Iowa Gambling Task study demonstrate this control group learned to avoid risky decks and stuck to the same decks overtime but the brain damaged patients never learned this and therefore didn t learn to anticipate loss punishment Even when losing money they continued to choose from the wrong pile 5 What were the different theories of emotion discussed in class How do each of them explain how we reach our emotions Which is the currently accepted theory and why James Lange Theory of Emotion Stimulus physiological arousal emotion Stimulus heart beats fast I m scared Problems heart beating could mean you re excited Cannnon Bard Theory Stimulus physiological arousal Emotion Problems they must be connected somehow Ex see boyfriend happy see boyfriend cheating mad Schactor Theory Stimulus physiological arousal Cognitive Appraisal emotion Currently approved theory Ex I m scared of snakes phys Arousal but I m at the zoo cognitive so I m not scared anymore 6 What is misattribution of arousal and what were the methods and findings of the study examples we discussed in class The problems of the schactor theory is there could be misattribution of arousal Ex Men ran in place for 15 seconds vs 120 seconds Saw a video of an attractive woman or unattractive woman they expected to meet Those whose heart was beating faster had a misattribution of arousal mistaken for heart racing because there s an attractive woman If you jog shorter thought unattractive was better looking 7 What is the domain specificity theory of emotions Effect of emotion is dependent upon specific emotion Emotion serves to motivate behavior 8 What are the specific functions of specific emotions discussed in class o Disgust Avoid disease o Sadness Seek social support o Sexual Arousal Find a romantic partner o Love Maintain Relationship 9 What were the methods and findings of the study on attention and love Think about a time you were happy vs in love How do we direct our attention Love motivates them to stay committed to relationships Showed pics of attractive opposite sex Those happy looked longer at the attractive opposite sex than in love did 10 How do we know that emotional expressions are universal and automatic Communication for survival Running into group of stranger will give us idea of their intentions Expressions are functional e g disgust anger fear 11 What factors affect how we perceive emotions What factors affect how we express emotions cross cultural facial expressions cross species expression on a dog may look angry on him but the same expression on a monkey showing teeth may look funny Factors shaping our perceptions Expectations Stereotypes males were better at categorizing people by facial expression telling if they re angry females were better at categorizing if they are happy Expectations Stereotypes Our own emotional states Our own gender Fear can influence our perceptions of anger in others Women are quicker and better able at identifying other s emotions Factors shaping our own displays Cultural differences Power differences laughing at boss s joke even though it isn t funny Gender differences boys less likely to show sadness NOTE display does not mean feel 12 What are the gender differences in emotion if there are any Women are quicker and better able at identifying other s emotions boys less likely to show sadness
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