Exam 4 Study Guide Ch 13 Stereotype Generalized cognition about members of a group o New Yorkers are rude and always in a hurry Prejudice a generalized attitude toward members of a group o Dislike members of Al Qaeda Discrimination Behaviors directed toward people on the basis of their group membership o Denying someone a job because on their race or gender Institutionalizrd discrimination informal hiring practices social interaction Modern discrimination more subtle but often just as damaging 6 steps reducing prejudice o mutual interdependence o a common goal o equal status o informal interpersonal contact o multiple contacts o social norms of equality Expierments Stereotypes o Women considered less competent and successful the men Felman summer Women downplay ability in traditionally male domains Mothers who held gender stereodypical beliefs believed that their daighters had low math ability Daughters believed they had low math ability o Stome Perry Darley Participants listened to part of a basketball game and were told to focus on a particular player Exam 4 Study Guide Half of the particpants saw a photo of a black man and half saw a photo of a white man Students who thought the player was black rated him as more althletic and playing a better game Automatic processing stereotypes controlled processing agree or ignore automatic processing effortful Illusory correlation the tendency to see relationships or correlations between events that are actually unrelated Blaming the victim the tendency to blame individuals for their victimization typically motivated by a desire to see the world as a fair place Expierment Prejudice o Clark Clark o Goldberg Black children choose to play with white dolls self esteem Women rated a scholarly article they thought was written by man more favorably o Jigsaw classroom each student is given an essential task to complete in group project This intervention takes advantage of each of the six principles of effective group contact Ch 10 Attraction anything that draws two or more people together making them want to be together and possibly to form a lasting relationship 5 causes of attraction o propinquity geographical nearness friends we make are influenced by where we live work sit in class o physical attractiveness social comparison what is attractive depends on our comparison standard Exam 4 Study Guide o similarity o social exchange and equity social exchange theory the idea that peoples feelings about a relationship depend on their perceptions of the rewards and cost of the relationship the kind of relationship they deserve their chances for having a better relationship with someone else investment model theory that people s commitment to a relationship depends on their satisfaction with the relationship reards cost comparison level for alernatives Equity theory the idea that people are happiest with relationshipds in which the rewards and costs expiereneced and the contributions made by both parties are roughly equal o liking those who like us Passionate love strong feelings of longing desire excitement towards a person Companionate love high levels of mutual understanding and caring o Less emotional o Maintain relationships Types of attachment o Anxious ambivalent want to be as close as possible complete merger with other o Avoidant uncomfortable getting close maintain distance o Secure attachment confortable balance Ducks 4 stages of breaking up o Intrapersonal o Dyadic o Social Exam 4 Study Guide o Intrapersonal SPA 2 Stress o Selye Body s physiological response to threatening events o Holmes Rahe degree to which people have to change and readjust their lives in response to an external event o Lazarus Folkman negative feelings and beliefs that occur whenever people feel unable to cop with demands from their environment Top 5 stressors for college student o Concern over meeting high standards o Being lonely o Fear of wasting time o Troubling thoughts about the future o Not getting enough sleep Types of stressors o Cataclysmic events o major life events o everyday hassles Perceived control belief that we can influence our environment in ways that determine whether we experience positive or negative outcomes Internal locus of control believe that things happen because we control them External locus of control believe that good and bad outcomes are out of our control SPA 3 Eyewitness testimony eyewitness identifications are freq inaccurate Exam 4 Study Guide Stress increased memory for the event itself but decreases memory for what preceded and followed the incident The 3 basic processes of acquisition storage and retrieval influence eyewitness memory just they influence all memory Acquisition process by which people notice and pay attention to information in the environment Weapon focus effect novelty Own race bias o People tend to keep their eye on weapons because of their danger and o This distracts their attention from the robbers o People are more accurate in identifying members of their own race o Own race decreases with experience with other groups Blacks are more accurate in identifying whites than vice versa Reconstructive memory process whereby memories of an event become distorted by info encountered after the event occurred 3 hypotheses for how post event info affects memory o over writing o forgetting o source monitoring False confessions o Leading questions o False claims o False promises the accuracy of a polygraph test is about 86 recovered memories recollections of a past event that had been forgotten or repressed false memory syndrome remember a past traumatic experience that is objectively false but nevertheless accepted as true Exam 4 Study Guide o Long interrogations Jury selection o The voir dire process allows judges and lawyers to question prospective o Preemptory challenges allow attorneys to eliminate jurors for a number of jurors reasons Hastie and Pennington s story model of jury deicision making jurors use the evidence presented in trials to create stories about the events in question Deterrence theory hypothesis that the threat of legal punishment causes people to refrain from criminal activity if punishment is o Perceived as relatively severe o Certain o Swift Procedural justice people s judgements about the fairness of the procedures used to determine outcomes guilt or innocence o Reduce crime by increasing procedural justice
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