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Groups Learning Objectives Chapter 8 BE ABLE TO APPLY ALL OF THESE CONCEPTS TO YOUR LIFE AND COME UP WITH AN EXAMPLE FOR EACH 1 What is the definition of a group lecture and book pg 266 A group is two or more people who for longer than a few moments interact with and influence one another 2 What are the factors of entativity that allow us to see a group instead of the individual members lecture The factors of Entativity are proximity similarity and shared fate The definition of Entativity is seeing a group as a single unit rather than individual members 3 What are the methods and results for the Gramzow Gaertner 2005 minimal groups study lecture What does this tell us about what we think about our group and other groups lecture Methods Ps saw a picture and asked how many items were in the picture They then were categorized as under estimators or over estimators at random The ps then read statements about positive and negative things about both groups The dependent variable looked at how did the p rate how likeable over estimators and under estimators are Results whatever random group people were assigned to they ranked the likeability of that group higher than the other group What we learn from this IN group favoritism we like people in our own group better than people in others Technique used minimal group paradigm involves creating fake groups so there are no predisposed notions or biases involved in the groups 4 What were Norman Triplet s original findings on social facilitation fishing reel study lecture and book pg 267 This is one of the oldest studies ever recorded he looked at little kids reeling in fishing reels Independent Variable was whether the kids were in a group or by themselves The dependent variable dealt with how fast they reeled in the line The results were that kids tried harder when other children were present versus when they were reeling in the line by themselves This shows how social facilitation works within groups of people 5 How does the presence of others affect performance and what does this depend on Zajonc Zajonc looked at how arousal in an environment enhances dominant and well learned responses Independent variable was people either knew how to play pool or did not they also were playing pool by themselves or in a group Dependent variable looked at how well they performed during the pool game Results were that people who have played pool before did better in a group setting where people who had never played pool before did better when they were alone The presence of others affects performance negatively when the task is new where the presence of others affects it positively when the task is well learned already 6 What is evaluation apprehension book pg 270 Evaluation apprehension is the fear that other people are going to be judging your performance We see this take place mostly in group settings where the effort is pooled When there is little or no evaluation apprehension people tend to slack off If there is a large chance people are going to be evaluated on their own people tend to try harder 7 What is the current definition of social facilitation lecture and book pg 267 268 Current meaning of social facilitation our dominant responses are aided in the presence When we perform a task that we are good at in a group setting we tend to perform better than when we are alone performing the same task 8 What does the book say about Crowding book pg 269 That it is the subjective and unpleasant feeling that there are too many people in a given of others area Crowding is a better predictor of aggression than density the number of people in a Crowding can increase aggression in undesirable environment such as psychiatric wards given area and prisons High population density however can produce positive emotions and behaviors like a football stadium or a concert hall 9 What were the methods and findings of the pool hall study lecture What does this tell us about our performance when alone versus in groups lecture How does our skill level impact this lecture People who were expert pool players performed better in a group environment versus those who were beginners at pool If we are trained in a particular task and we move that task to a group environment we tend to perform better The less skill we have the more negative effect groups have on our personal performance 10 What is social loafing and why does it happen lecture book pg 272 274 Social loafing occurs when people exert less effort when effort is pooled together in a group setting It happens because when we are in a group there is more anonymity and individual efforts are more likely to not be evaluated Since we know in groups the grade and result will not only be on us we are more likely to exert less effort 11 What does your book say are the factors that decrease social loafing book pg 275 When members of group are identified People work harder when they think others will know if they slack off Identification is the main thing to do to reduce loafing the less anonymity there is the more likely people are going to help or do what they are supposed to 12 What is deindividuation and how do large crowds and anonymity induce these feelings lecture and book pg 277 278 Large groups induce feelings of deindividuation because there is a bigger chance that people will not know who the individual members of a group are People who are in group settings and are deindividuated tend to be more violent The key to deindividuation is that others outside the group do not know who the individual members are it does not matter if the individual people in the group know each other or not 13 What was the naturalistic study done on crowd size and suicide baiting lecture and book pg 277 Researchers looked at 21 instances of suicide jumpers and the crowds that formed at each jump site When there was a larger crowd present people were more likely to bait the jumper into actually jumping this affect increased when it was dark outside versus daytime People are less likely to bait jumpers when the group is small and during the daytime 14 What were the methods and findings of the trick or treat study lecture book pg 278 279 Independent variable was kids were told to go to the house alone or in a group the children were also either asked for their name at the door or not asked The dependent variable was who took more than one piece of candy The results were the more anonymous the children were and the larger the group was the

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