SOP3004 Exam 4 Study Guide 1 What is the need to belong book pg 393 394 Need to Belong to connect with others in enduring close relationships Primarily with our ancestorys mutual attatchments used to enable group survival for heterosexual women and men the bonds of love can lead to children whose survival rates are boosted by the nurturing of two bonded parents who support eachother social attachments enhance survival Nowadays relationships consume much of life and telecommunication is a norm non stop texting calling communicating over the web for people everywhere actual and hoped for close relationships can dominate thinking and emotions falling in love we feel irrepressible joy ect When exiled imprisoned or in solitary confinement people ache for their own people and places 2 What are the 3 factors discussed in class that lead to attraction lecture and book pg 419 Propinquity nearness Similarity Attractiveness Proximity is rewarding it costs less time and effort to receive friendship s benefits from someone who lives or works close by If others have similar opinions we feel rewarded b c we presume they like us in return and those who share our views help validate them We like attractive people because we perceive that they offer other desirable traits and because we benefit by associating with them 3 What did the police trainee study demonstrate about propinquity i e nearness or proximity lecture Segal 1974 Police trainees assigned seats in alphabetical order At the end of the term Segal asked them to name their three closest friends Results almost a perfect correlation between friendship choice and seating order Demonstrated 4 What is the mere exposure effect Does is lead to liking or disliking lecture and book pg 399 402 Mere Exposure Effect The tendency for novel stimuli to be liked more or rated more positively after the rater has been repeatedly exposed to them The more times we see something are exposed to a stimulus the more likely we are to more quickly identify it as good Mere exposure has a greater effect when people receive stimulus without awareness Leads to liking 5 How does similarity relate to attraction finding a partner lecture and book pg 412 The more similar someone s attitudes are to your own the more you will like the person Similarity breeds content and proves that birds of a feather do flock together 6 How does dissimilarity breed disliking book pg 413 We have a bias a false consensus bias towards assuming that others share our attitudes Getting to know someone and discovering that the person is actually dissimilar tends to decrease liking If those dissimilar attitudes pertain to our strong moral convictions we dislike and distance ourselves from them Dissimilar attitudes depress liking more than similar attitudes enhance it What is the reward theory of attraction book pg 418 Reward Theory of Attraction The theory that we like those whose behavior is rewarding to us or whom we associate with rewarding events This is especially true if the relationship is more profitable than alternative relationships 7 What is the matching hypothesis phenomenon lecture and book pg 405 406 Matching Phenomenon The tendency for men and women to choose as partners those who are a good match in attractiveness and other traits Studies have found a strong correspondence between the rated attractiveness of husbands and wives of dating partners and even of those within particular fraternities People tend to select friends and especially marry those who are a good match not only to their level of intelligence popularity and self worth but also their level of attractiveness 8 What factors make people both men and women more attractive what do we tend to find attractive in others lecture and book pg 408 411 To be really attractive is to be perfectly average An average leg length to body ratio looks more attractive than very short or long legs Averaged looks best embody prototypes Another characteristic of attractiveness is to be perfectly symmetrical When judging males as potential marriage partners women prefer a male waist to hip ration suggesting health and vigor More muscular men are considered sexier 9 What physical features make women specifically attractive lecture Youth and an average yet slim waist to hip ratio 10 What physical features make men specifically attractive lecture Square jaw prominent chin heavier eyebrows thinner lips masculine features 11 What is the physical attractiveness stereotype book pg 406 408 Physical Attractiveness Stereotype The presumption that physically attractive people possess other socially desirable traits as well what is beautiful is good 12 What do men tend to value in a mate and what do women value in a mate lecture and book pg 403 404 Lecture says Men prioritize attractiveness women prioritize status wealth but not always Book says Men value rank attractiveness in a mate higher than women did whereas women more than men assigned importance to honesty humor kindness and dependability 13 When does the above sex difference not hold for women What were the methods and results of the study we talked about demonstrating this lecture Provost et al 2008 Ovulation study Women came in at different points in menstrual cycle Rated how attracted they felt toward point light walkers When looking at a woman s monthly cycle women preferred liked status when they were had little to no chances of conception women like status AND masculinity when they are ovulating and women like status when they are menstruating 14 Who is more likely to engage in casual sex Why What were the method and findings of the FSU casual sex study Clark Hatfield 1989 lecture FSU Casual Sex Study Clark Hatfield 1989 Randomly went up to people on FSU campus and asked Would you like to go on a date with me Would you like to come back to my place Would you like to have sex Results For both men and women about half of each gender said yes to the date When asked to have sex men were more likely to say yes to sex and no woman said yes to sex 15 What are the 3 components of love and what do they represent How does Sternberg depict different types of love through these 3 components What happens over time book pg 420 3 Components of Love Intimacy liking Decision Commitment empty love Passion infatuation Companionate love intimacy commitment Fatuous Love passion commitment Romantic love intimacy passion make up Consummate Love intimacy passion commitment Overtime these feelings can develop
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