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Section 2 Do people have free will How much of our behavior is automatic and how much is controlled Who is in charge of me The Self Chapter 3 What are the components of the self o Self knowledge self concept Set of beliefs about oneself How you feel about yourself o Interpersonal self o Agent self Image of self conveyed to others Part of self involved in control i e control over other people and self control Is self esteem or self control more important for well being and success in life How do we learn about ourselves and others o Self esteem o Self perception People observe their own behavior to infer what they are thinking and how they are feeling o Vicarious self perception People have a merged identity with close others Learn about close others learn about self o Looking glass self o Social Comparisons We draw conclusions about ourselves based on how close others behave We can evaluate our own behavior by making comparisons to other people How well do we know ourselves o Not that much o Consistency motive himself or herself o Appraisal motive What are some biases that undermine our ability to learn about ourselves Desire to get feedback that confirms what person already believes about Desire to learn truth about oneself o Self enhancement motive Desire to learn favorable or flattering things about the self o Self serving bias People claim credit for success but deny blame for failure Enhance self esteem Why do people want high self esteem o Terror management theory This is terrifying We will some day die We want to live forever Symbolic Immortality through culture Self Esteem informs us if we are adhering to culture and success at achieving meaning o Sociometer theory A gauge that tells us if we are being accepted The Self in Control Chapter 4 How can you maximize self control to achieve goals Test o TOTE Operate Test Exit o Avoid temptation o Goal setting Set specific and reachable goals Monitor progress toward goals Use willpower to maintain progress Reach your goal o Implementing plans Imagine how Not just what What limits self regulation o Extremely common When X happens I will do Y Concentrating on class Acting on road rage Playing videogames instead of studying o Major health social problems Eating behavior Drug and alcohol consumption Sexually transmitted diseases Domestic abuse How is self control like a muscle o Self control fatigues with effort o Self control can be trained with exercise What s self control good for anyway o To avoid temptation o Good relationships o Success more so than IQ o Less criminality o Better mental health How do you set goals o Set specific and reachable goals o Monitor progress toward goals o Use will power to maintain progress o Reach your goal Social Cognition Chapter 5 What are attributions and how do people make them o An explanation why we or others engaged in a certain behavior Dispositional person was responsible Situational situation was responsible How are attributions biased o Fundamental Attribution Error Tendency to make dispositional attributions for others behavior even when plausible situational explanations exist How are people irrational o Actor Observer Bias Tendency to make internal attributions for others behaviors Tendency to make external attributions for our own behaviors Describe some common heuristics and biases that we discussed in class o Self Serving Bias o Confirmation Bias o Heuristics Taking credit for successes internal attributions Blaming other people factors for failures external attributions Notice information that confirms but not that disconfirms beliefs Metal shortcuts that provide quick judgements Simply a difficult judgement o Compare sizes of cities you don t know o Compare cities on familiarity Prone to predictable types of errors Availability Heuristic Tendency to estimate the likelihood of event by how easily instances of it come to mind Fear of airplane crashes Example o Airplane vs cigarette o Airplane scarier o Cigarette kills more Simulation Heuristic Tendency to judge the frequency or likelihood of an event by the ease with which you can imagine or mentally simulate it Imagine you missed your flight to Munich by two hours o Would you be more or less upset if you missed your flight by five minutes Counterfactual thinking o Thinking about alternative possibilities Anchoring and Adjustment Tendency to be influenced by a starting point anchor when making decisions Representativeness Heuristic Tendency to judge the likelihood based on its typicality Why are people cognitive misers o The Duplex Mind Automaticity type one thought Fast intuitive subliminal Control type two thought Slow rational consciously accessible effortful People are cognitive misers The theory suggests that humans valuing their mental processing resources find different ways to save time and effort when negotiating the social world How does controlled thinking differ from intuitive thinking o What is priming and how does it work o Environment influences mind No awareness of environment on mind o Body can influence mind What is embodied cognition o Power is higher subordinate is lower o Earlier in time is left later in time is right o Mind and body inextricably linked Attitudes Beliefs and Consistency Chapter 7 What are attitudes o A favorable unfavorable indifferent or ambivalent evaluative reaction toward something or someone What are beliefs o Beliefs are whether you think it s true or not What are the two kinds of attitudes and how do scientists measure them o Explicit attitudes controlled and conscious evaluative responses Lost letter technique Most letters to medical research forwarded Most letters to friends of Nazi Party weren t Wrong number technique Man out of change at payphone Car broke down needs to call boyfriend girlfriend 86 of men helped straight man 55 helped gay man o Implicit attitudes automatic and nonconscious evaluative responses Chair distance technique The Implicit Association Test Reaction time Accuracy How do attitudes relate to behavior o Explicit predicted Verbal behavior Self reported friendliness o Implicit predicted Nonverbal behavior Others reported friendliness Where do attitudes come from o Mere exposure effect Favorability increases with greater exposure Develop peasant associations with stimulus o Developmental Source Hypothesis Implicit attitudes stem from past likely forgotten experiences during childhood Explicit attitudes stem from recent experiences How do beliefs influence behavior

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FSU SOP 3004 - The Self

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