SOP3004 Exam 2 Study Guide Study Points Emotions AS ALWAYS BE ABLE TO APPLY ALL OF THESE CONCEPTS TO YOUR LIFE 1 What are the differences between emotion affect and mood Emotion a specific conscious evaluative reaction to some event I am afraid of alligators Mood general disposition or state I m in a bad mood Affect valence of evaluation toward an event I have a negative affective response to alligators 2 How does affect motivate behavior and why does it do this It motivates behavior by spiking physiological arousal Controls how you feel about a given behavior and helps you decide whether you ll engage in that behavior or not 3 Are affective responses automatic or controlled and what are the implications of this Are affective responses weak or strong Automatic and strong 4 How does affect contribute to learning and decision making How does the Iowa Gambling Task study demonstrate rthis You don t learn how to feel about things so you repeat decisions People without the ability for affect repeat mistakes Iowa Gambling Task Control participants learn to avoid risky decks Brain damaged patients never learned Felt twinges of affect Don t learn to anticipate loss punishment 5 What were the different theories of emotion discussed in class How do each of them explain how we reach our emotions Which is the currently accepted theory and why James Lange Theory of Emotion Stimulus Physiological Arousal Emotion Wrong Cannon Bard Theory of Emotion Stimulus separately leads to Physiological Arousal Emotion Wrong Schacter Singer Theory of Emotion Stimulus separately leads to Physiological Arousal Cognitive Appraisal these two interact and lead to Emotion Currently accepted 6 What is misattribution of arousal and what were the methods and findings of the study examples we discussed in class Considering your arousal is from one thing when in reality it s from another White et al 1981 Men ran in place for 15 seconds vs 120 seconds Saw a video of an attractive woman or unattractive woman they expected to meet How attracted to the woman were they The 120 second joggers felt a significantly larger amount of arousal for the attractive woman than for the unattractive woman The amount of attraction for the attractive woman was higher than that felt by 15 second joggers and the amount of attraction they felt for the unattractive woman was lower than that felt by the 15 second joggers Your propensity for arousal increases as your physical activity increases Sometimes humans think one thing is arousing them when it s actually another 7 What is the domain specificity theory of emotions Effect of emotion is dependent upon specific emotion 8 What are the specific functions of specific emotions discussed in class Disgust Avoid disease Sadness Seek social support Sexual Arousal Find a romantic partner Love Maintain relationship 9 What were the methods and findings of the study on attention and love Maner Rouby Gonzaga 2008 Think about a time you were happy vs in love How do we direct our attention Write essay about happy love Look at pictures of attractive and average members of both genders The results of the study confirmed the proposed hypothesis as it was discovered that individuals thinking about their romantic partner paid less attention to attractive alternatives at early stages of visual processing In fact instead of paying attention the participants thinking about their romantic partner seemed to be repelled by images of attractive members of opposite sex So emotions play a role in our perception of reality 10 How do we know that emotional expressions are universal and automatic Expressions are universal because Communication for survival e g strangers babies Expressions are functional e g disgust anger fear People are very good at identifying emotions usually Cross culturally Cross species 11 What factors affect how we perceive emotions What factors affect how we express emotions Perceptions Expectations Stereotypes Our own emotional states Fear can influence our perceptions of anger in others Maner et al 2005 Our own gender Women are quicker and better able at identifying other s emotions Expressions Cultural differences Power differences Gender differences 12 What are the gender differences in emotion if there are any There are no differences in the emotions we feel just the way that we display them Chapter 4 Attitudes 1 What are attitudes How are they different from beliefs Attitudes are A favorable or unfavorable evaluative reaction toward something or someone often rooted in one s beliefs and exhibited in one s feelings and intended behavior Beliefs are what you think to be true about a given thing and affect your attitude Beliefs along with Affect feelings and Behavior forms your attitude about a given thing 2 What were the sources of attitudes covered in class How does each source affect attitude formation Affect Cognition Behavior Others In relation to any given idea Affect determines how we feel about it Behavior affects what we do about it and Cognition determines what we think about it The other influences include social anxieties political movements situational context preexistent bias etc 3 What is the mere exposure effect and what were the methods and findings of the study on it that we discussed in class Mere Exposure Effect Favorability increases with with greater exposure Develop pleasant associations with stimulus Zajonc 1968 Chinese character study Subliminal exposure to novel characters Participants picked which character they liked most from the list They chose the one they had been exposed to subliminally 4 What is attitude polarization Know the studies methods and results from class about this concept Attitude Polarization attitudes become more extreme by convincing ourselves they are right LaPierce 1934 Traveled with Asian couple Expected anti Asian attitudes would produce discrimination yet the vast majority of hotels allowed them to stay Wrote hotels months later asking if they would accommodate Asians 90 said no Wicker 1969 meta analysis 5 When do attitudes affect behavior Know the studies that demonstrate that attitudes affect behaviors Attitudes affect behavior when these other influences on what we say and do are minimal when the attitude is specific to the behavior and when the attitude is potent Regan Fazio 1977 Housing crisis at Cornell Some students in permanent housing vs some in temporary housing Both groups had negative attitudes toward housing crisis Did they act
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