Learning Objectives Chapter 8 Social Influence and Persuasion Define social influence and describe the four major techniques of social influence o Reciprocity Feeling obligated to repay what others have done for you o Consistency and Commitment Feeling compelled to act in ways that are consistent with our previous choices o Scarcity Rare opportunities are more valuable than plentiful opportunities Limited number Technique Fast approaching deadline Technique o Capturing and Disrupting Attention Describe and give examples of some of the prominent strategies of social influence Also know what technique each strategy relies on o Door in the Face Technique Reciprocity Gaining compliance with a request by preceding it with a larger request one they are likely to turn down o That s Not All Technique Reciprocity Begins with request but prior to response adds in bonus o Foot in the Door Technique Consistency and commitment Gaining compliance with a request by first gaining compliance with a smaller request Initial commitment leads to subsequent consistent behavior o Low Ball Technique Consistency and commitment Requester gets a person to comply with a seemingly low cost request only to later reveal hidden additional costs o Bait and Switch Technique Consistency and commitment Draw people in with an attractive offer and switch them to a less attractive offer that is available Ex Car dealers advertisements in stores o Labeling Technique Consistency and commitment Assign a label to someone and then request favor that is consistent with that label Ex Potential voters o Pique technique Capturing and disrupting attention Making an unusual request that leads people to pay attention Ex Asked for 17 cents or for spare change o Disrupt Then Reframe Technique 1 1 Capturing and disrupting attention Make statement that goes off normal track of how person thinks Ex 3 vs 300 pennies Define obedience and know some factors that influence obedience o Obedience Deferring to people in positions of authority o Factors Influencing Obedience Proximity to Authority Figure Telephone vs In person Prestige Authority of Authority Figure Bridgeport Office vs Yale Describe some ways in which authority is communicated Professor vs Lecturer o Title o Clothes o Wealth Passersby followed orders of person dressed as security guard more often than when dressed in plain clothes or as milkman People waited longer to honk when behind luxury car at green light than Define conformity economy car o Conformity Following the crowd List and define two reasons why people conform o Motivation Normative influence Want to be accepted and included Informational influence Think others are right or have more knowledge so you conform Define persuasion attitudes or behaviors o Dual Process Models o Persuasion The process by which a message induces change in beliefs Compare and contrast the central and peripheral routes to persuasion Deep Processing thoughtfully Central Route Shallow Processing thoughtlessly Peripheral Route To consider information at a deep level need to have 1 Motivation 2 Ability Describe some factors that influence people s motivation and ability to persuade o What Factors Influence Motivation Personal Relevance Need for Cognition I like to think a lot o What Factors Influence Ability Mood Time 2 2 List the four elements of persuasion and describe the subsets of each element Messages can come quickly Do we have time to process them Mental Resources Our mental capacities are limited Do we have other things on our mind o Communicator Credibility of the message Expertise o Believability o Know a lot about something o Speaking confidently Trustworthiness o Eye contact o Act like you aren t trying o Argue against your own self interest o Talk fast Appearance of the speaker Physical appeal o Attractiveness helps Similarity o We like people that are more like us Credibility vs appearance Which is more important Matters of subjective preference o Similarity wins out over expertise Matters of fact o Expertise becomes more persuasive o Message Reason vs emotion Expertise and Trustworthiness are 2 things Exam question o Formed through emotion persuaded by emotion o Likewise with reason Depends on audience o Education level o Interested vs non interested Formation of initial opinion Good feelings are more persuasive o Snacks and music o Link feelings with message o Use peripheral cues Does fear in advertising work o Fear in advertising Vividly imagined threats seem more likely Examples U S surgeon general s warnings cigarette warnings 3 3 o Yes for Encouraging detection o Not so much for Prevention behaviors Things we see as pleasurable o Should include information on how to alleviate that fear o Method of Communication Personal vs media influence Face to face influence is more persuasive o Audience Age of audience Life cycle o Older adults show less change o May not always hold true Middle aged least change 40 60 yrs o Depends on atmosphere in which you grew up Generational Responses and thoughts Persuasion doesn t work when we think of counterarguments More easily persuaded when we are o Taken by surprise o Distracted o Uninvolved Describe some ways to resist persuasion o Strengthen personal commitment Challenging beliefs Developing counterarguments Attitude inoculation Studies you should know Burger et al 1999 Does Reciprocity always work o Final request work from 11 2 on Saturday Control no initial request Moderate initial request Work from 11 5 on Saturday Large initial request Work from 11 2 on Saturday Sunday Control Condition Moderate Initial Request Large Initial Request Door in the face only works if the initial larger Request seems reasonable Also request needs to be made by same person who made initial request 14 complied 23 complied 10 complied Freedman Fraser 1966 Foot in the Door technique Could researchers convince homeowners to put up huge billboard in their front yard Condition Compliance 4 4 Request Alone Smaller Prior Request Burger Cornelius 2003 17 76 Do Consistency techniques always work o Run a race for charity and get a free mug Control condition initial request Low Ball condition wait for response before saying the race is at 8 a m Interrupt condition do not wait for response before saying the race it at 8 a m o Control o Low Ball o Interrupt 15 7 complied 39 7 complied 14 5 complied Only works if you make an initial commitment Milgram 1963 Obedience Authority figure telling participant to press button to
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