Friday March 20 2015 Chapter 5 Social Cognition Social Cognition A movement in social psychology that began in the 1970 s that focused on thoughts about people and about social relationships Cognitive misers Reluctance to do much extra thinking People are lazy have limited resources Mental shortcuts Reliance on automatic system Automatic Thinking vs Deliberate Thinking Automatic Don t need to be aware of Not guided by intention Not deliberately controlled No effort required Very ef cient Fast Knowledge Structures Mental Mental groupings of info Used by automatic system Schemas Info about a concept its attributes 1 Friday March 20 2015 Activating a concepts in the mind so that related ideas are more accessible its relationships to other concepts Schemas about certain kinds of events Scripts Priming In uences thinking May trigger automatic processes Happens when you encounter stimuli Sights sounds etc Examples Pop quiz Primes anxiety alertness Some primes are subliminal or below the level of conscious awareness Holland Hendricks Aarts Some P s come into lab that smells of citrus scent of all purpose cleaner Some P s come into lab with no scent Given a pastry to eat Did they clean up crumbs 2 Framing Info presented as positive or negative Partially depends on amount of attention paid level of processing Ex Friday March 20 2015 People prefer to conserve effort by relying on automatic modes of thought when they can Automatic mind develops various shortcuts which give rough estimates or pretty Just 5 low payments of only 19 99 A cost of 100 Works perfectly 90 of the time Fails 10 of the time good answers Not very good at some kinds of thinking Logical reasoning Mathematics Attribution An explanation of why we or others engage in a certain behavior Two Dimensional attribution theory Internal disposition or mental state or External factors situation Stable or unstable factors Explaining Success Failure Ex Exam performance Self serving bias What kinds of attributions do we make Jones Harris 1967 3 P s read pro or anti Castro essay Some P s were told that students were assigned the position by a professor Some Ps told that student freely chose the position Friday March 20 2015 Participants estimated the students true attitude Fundamental Attribution Error Tendency to make dispositional attributions for others behavior even when plausible situational explanations exist Dispositional Related to personality internal traits Actor Observer Bias Tendency to make internal attributions for others behavior My neighbor didn t say hi to me because she s an Tendency to make external attributions for our own behaviors I did not say hi to my neighbor because I was distracted by a loud noise Heuristic mental shortcuts that provide quick estimates about the likelihood of Heuristic Mental Shortcuts events Representativeness Heuristic Judge likelihood by the extent it resemble the typical case Linda is 31 year old single outspoken and very bright She majored in philosophy in college As a student she was deeply concerned with discrimination and other social issues and she participated in antinuclear demonstrations Linda is a bank teller Linda is a bank teller and active in the feminist movement A series of 10 coin tosses TTHTHTHTHH TTTTTTTTTTT 4 Friday March 20 2015 Availability Heuristic to mind Tendency to estimate the likelihood of event by how easily instances of it come Fear of airplane crashes than car wrecks Easier to remember seeing hearing about seeing hearing about plane crashes Which is scarier What kills more people Airplane crashes or cigarettes Shark bites or coconuts Simulation Heuristic Imagine that you missed your ight to Munich by 2 hours Would you be more or less upset if you missed your ight by 4 minutes Tendency to judge the frequency or likelihood of an event by the ease with which you can imagine mentally simulate it If we change an exam answer then get it wrong Counterfactual thinking Thinking about alternative possibilities Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic Ef cient and often lead to correct answer Prone to predictable types of errors Tendency to be in uences by a starting point anchor when making decisions Starting from the anchor they adjust slightly think about if that values is in the range of possibility Jacowitz Kahneman 1995 than 1 500 What is the actual distance Is the distance between San Francisco to NYC in miles greater or lower 5 Friday March 20 2015 Is the distance between San Francisco to NYC in miles greater or lower than 6 000 What is the actual distance Your answers Actual answer approximately 3 000 miles Tendency to notice and search for information that con rmation that con rms Tendency to overestimate link between variables that are related only slightly or not Chapter 5 Social Cognition Part III Con rmation Bias beliefs ignore info that discon rms More attention paid to con rming evidence Illusory Correlation at all Rare events are more noticeable memorable Example Psychic link phone calls You are thinking of someone and they call you they don t call you You are not thinking of someone and they call you they don t call you Hamilton Gifford 1976 Participants read a series of sentences describing a desirable or undeniable behavior from a person belonging to group A or B Two thirds involved a member of Group A majority The ratio of desirable to undesirable behaviors was the same for both groups 6 Participants estimated the number of desirable and undesirable behaviors performed by members of each group Friday March 20 2015 Gambler s Fallacy and the Hot Hand Gambler s Fallacy Belief that a particular chance event is affected by precious events and that chance event will even out in the short run Tendency for gamblers on a lucky streak to think they have a hot hand and their Hot hand luck will continue False Consensus Effect Tendency to over estimate the number of other people who share one s opinions Everyone loves social psychology Ross Greene House 1976 Participants were asked whether they would walk around campus carrying a sign that said Eat at Joe s Estimated how many other people would agree to carry Why 7 Friday March 20 2015 Anchor and Adjustment Self Esteem Availability False Uniqueness Effect Underestimating number of others who share positiveness characteristics There s not many people who can do what I do Reason The false belief that once can in uence certain events especially random or Self Esteem Illusion of Control chance ones Perseverance of
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