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Prosocial Behavior Lecture Readings Textbook Chapter 9 Objectives 1 Define prosocial behavior a Any action intended to benefit another regardless of motive b For something to be prosocial it must be i Beneficial to someone else ii Intentional iii Motive doesn t matter c Several reasons why we might act prosocially i Inclusive fitness ii Cooperation and reciprocation iii Social status and social approval iv Mood management v Empathy altruism 2 Define inclusive fitness How does inclusive fitness encourage us to act prosocially What is Hamilton s rule a Inclusive Fitness benefiting biologically related kin promote genetic fitness b Our family shares some of our genes so we want our help save our genes i Sibling parents 0 5 ii Aunts Uncles Grandparents 0 25 iii Cousins 0 125 c Hamilton s Rule Cost Relatedness Benefit 3 Be able to describe the set up and results of the Burnstein Crandall Kitayama study help over others a The more serious the situation the more likely we are to choose family to 4 What is cooperation a When people work toward a common goal 5 What is the dilemma in a commons dilemma Be able to describe an example of a commons dilemma a Must decide between i Benefiting yourself in short term ii Benefiting everyone in the long term iii Example Public goods game 6 Be able to describe the Public Goods game a Public goods game i Everybody starts with the same amount of money ii Can keep put in common pot any amount iii Whatever is put in the pot is added up and evenly distributed iv If the pot reaches a preset minimum pot is doubled and still 7 What is reciprocation evenly distributed a Benefit another with expectation they will benefit you later i i e you scratch my back I will scratch yours b Should be sensitive to other person s i Ability to return benefits ii Willingness to return benefits iii i e look out for cheaters 8 Be able to describe the Prisoner s Dilemma game What did they find is the best strategy for this game Prisoner 2 Cooperates stay quiet Prisoner 2 Defects testify against you a Best strategy i Tit for tat You cooperate stay quiet You win 4 pts P2 wins 2 pts You lose 5 pts P2 wins 8 pts You Defect testify against prisoner 2 You win 8 pts P2 loses 5 pts You lose 2 pts P2 loses 2 pts Do whatever your partner does 1 If they cooperate you cooperate 2 If they defect you defect 3 If they go back to cooperative forgive and resume cooperating 9 Why is cheater detection important What are two things we should want to know about a person before cooperating reciprocating with them a Cheater detection is important because you want to benefit another with the expectation they will benefit you later b Should be sensitive to other person s i Ability to return benefits ii Willingness to return benefits 10 Be able to describe the Verplaetse Vanneste and Braeckman study a Pictures of people s face while playing PD i Taken before game ii Taken during practice round of PD iii Taken during real round b Ps looked at pictures and guessed who was a cheater i Ps accurately picked out cheaters but only if the picture was 11 How does social status and social approval motivate us to help others What taken during the real round is the helping norm a Helping others publicly b Social approval demonstrated high status i Helping norm a k a social responsibility norm 12 What are two ways in which we use helping to manage our moods 1 Unwritten rule that you should help others when you can a Avoid negative feelings i Negative state relief model 1 Seeing people suffer incites negative emotions 2 Help others to relieve those negative feelings b Feel better about oneself i Helping increases self esteem 1 Ex those who helped holocaust victims had elevated self esteem 50 years later 13 What is the empathy altruism hypothesis What is perspective taking a Empathy a cognitive and emotional reaction to another person s experiences b Empathy Altruism Hypothesis behave prosocially i Feeling a needy person s experience will encourage you to c Perspective Talking putting yourself in another s shoes 14 Who are we most likely to feel empathy for What does empathy promote a What causes empathy i Similarity ii Shared group membership iii Kinship iv Other close relationship v All of these promote a sense of oneness with the needy person 15 What is altruism a Altruism i Helping behavior that is motivated by a selfless concern for the 16 What is the story of Kitty Genovese Why did this story encourage welfare of others researchers to study emergency helping a Kitty Genovese i Attacker stabber her once then returned to assault and stab ii Attack lasted a total of 35 mins iii According to NY times 38 witnesses only one called police long after she was dead b The story encourages researchers to learn how to teach people to get help 17 According to Latane and Darley what are the five steps to helping What is in emergency situations one barrier to each step of helping a Emergency 1 Notice the emergency a Distracted Don t help 2 Interpret as Emergency a Pluralistic ignorance Don t help 3 Take Responsibility 4 Decide how to Help a Diffusion of responsibility Don t help 5 Help a Not competent Don t help a High costs Don t help 18 Be able to describe the smoke study What do the results tell us about the role of other people in noticing and interpreting emergencies a Smoke Study i Participants in room filling out questionnaires either alone or with two other participants ii Smoke begins pouring into room iii Noticed smoke 1 Alone 5 seconds 2 With others 20 seconds b Demonstrates pluralistic ignorance 19 What is pluralistic ignorance a Pluralistic ignorance they are looking to you collective misinformation looking to others on cues of how to behave while 20 What is diffusion of responsibility What is the seizure study and how does it demonstrate diffusion of responsibility reduction in feeling responsible when other a Diffusion of responsibility people are present b Seizure Study i Ps have discussion with others over intercom ii Either with 1 person or 5 other people iii Another participant begins to have seizure iv Bystander effect demonstrated in Seizure study 21 What is the bystander effect a Bystander effect more people around less likely to help 22 Be able to describe the Cramer et al 1988 study What were the results How does competence affect the bystander effect a Cramer et al 1988 i Working with others or along ii Ps were either registered nurses or general ed Students iii Man falls off ladder cries for help iv

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FSU SOP 3004 - Prosocial Behavior Lecture

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