Study Points Prejudice chapter 9 AS ALWAYS BE ABLE TO APPLY ALL OF THESE CONCEPTS TO YOUR LIFE 1 What are the definitions of prejudice stereotyping and discrimination How do they differ o Prejudice a generalized negative attitude toward members of a group o Stereotype a generalized belief about members of a group o Discrimination behaviors directed toward people on the basis of their group 2 Are stereotypes always negative Always wrong Always conscious o No not always negative women are nurturing and Asians are intelligent are membership positive o Not always conscious non conscious include looking at faces of black and white people that have no expression and still having racist towards them o Not always wrong because women are more nurturing than men but many stereotypes are wrong and are linked to negative prejudice 3 What is the difference between traditional and modern discrimination o Traditional is school segregation an voting rights o Modern are more subtle but just as damaging not hiring people because of their race and social interactions 4 What is aversive racism How does that relate to the Frey and Gartner 1986 study and when would we expect to see aversive racism o Alternating positive and negative responses to black people o Study examined willingness to help a partner working on a scrabble task white people were doing scrabble and they were seeing if they were asking the black people for help or just giving them the bad pieces that they did not want 5 What are benevolent and hostile sexism o Benevolent paternalism seeing women as virtuous and fragile o Hostile angry responses to feminism and female dominance 6 What are the social origins of prejudice How do they help perpetuate it From the text o Unequal status breeds prejudice masters view slaves as lazy irresponsible and having just those traits justify slavery o We respect the competence of those high in status and like those who agreeable accept a lower status african americans gay men and people with disabilities are less competent but liked for their emotional or spiritual qualities o Social dominance orientation view people in terms of hierarchies like their own social groups to be high status and they prefer to be on top 7 Know the 3 parts of Social Identity Theory How does SIT relate to prejudice o We want to feel good about ourselves o Our identity comes from groups to which we belong o Seeing our group as better than other groups raises elf esteem o Fsu students who really see themselves as Seminoles are more likely to dislike gators o When self esteem is threatened people derogate outgroup members after receiving poor grades majority students more likely to derogate minorities 8 What are the methods and findings of Tajfel Wilkes 1963 categorization study What does this tell us about how people perceive group differences think accentuation and outgroup homogeneity o Accentuation effect tendency to exaggerate differences between members of different categories o Outgroup tendency to perceive more similarity among members of groups we don t belong to than among members of our same group they all look the same 9 What is an illusory correlation o Perceiving a correlation where none exist or over estimating its magnitude o Negative behavior is more extinct 10 Be able to describe the methods and results of Hamilton Gifford s 1976 study on illusory correlations What do they tell us about how we perceive the behavior of others o Participants read 39 sentences of someone doing a behavior o They were asked how many positive and negative behaviors performed by each group Over estimated negative behaviors of group b Described b in more negative terms 11 What is the two stage activation model Devine 1989 o Activation is when the stereotypes come to mind and application is when we use the stereotypes o Activation is automatic and application is the controlled use of them 12 What are the methods and results from Wittenbrink et al 1997 and Gilbert Hixon 1991 both studies What does these studies tell us about the two stage activation model o Wittenbrink Whites were primed with black or white pos black were athletic and neg balck were criminals pos white were intelligent and neg white were boring o Not all stereotypes are activated activation is not universal because motivation is needed o Gilbert and Hixon participants either had a Asian or white card turner and they were distracted by remembering an 8 digit number or focused on completing the words cognitive busy no difference in number of words they completed if not busy distinct difference based off the race of the card turner Asian card turner completed more words with Asian stereotype Busy during card turning and during listening always busy Busy during card turning and not busy during listening early busy Not busy in card turning and busy during listening late busy Bot busy during either never busy 1 2 stereotype not activated 3 stereotype activated and applied 4 stereotype activated but not applied 13 What is the dual attitude approach o People have explicit and implicit attitudes towards social groups 14 What are the differences between implicit and explicit prejudice What do they predict o Explicit predict over bias policy attitudes o Implicit often more negative predict non verbal bias split second decisions how do I act with someone of a different race o Split second implicit biases have very real implications police mistaken someone for a suspect in a rape case and he went to reach for his id and they shot and killed him because they thought he was pulling out a gun 15 What are the potential implications of stereotypes that we discussed in class o Shoot don t shoot studies people are more likely to mistakenly shoot unarmed black man likely influenced by the stereotype that links black men and criminality o Stereotypes lead to biased interpretations of peoples behavior Judgng emotions of an infant Judging a defendant as guilty Judging the leader of a group 16 What was Jane Elliott s brown eyes blue eyes study What did it demonstrate about discrimination were better o Teacher separated the blue eyes and brown eyes kids o Said that the blue eyes kid were better o The blue eyes started to bully the brown eye kids because they were told that they 17 Know the methods and results of Snyder s 1979 study What are the implications of attributional ambiguity in discrimination o Participants were watching a movie with a wheel chair next to them or a regular chair next
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